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Posts posted by pinsc




    maxresdefault.jpg CI5kMm4UMAAFCrQ.jpg

    Have you guys noticed that she is always wearing this type of bracelet? Is that her lucky item? Or does she really love that kind of hippie bracelet? I think if I had the chance, I would give one like this to her <3
    Ah, I don't know if anyone has posted this here, you can send gifts to her by mail:


    14 minutes ago, songjihyofan said:

    So Yoo Jae Seok was also present at the wedding? Nice to know that. :) 

    Ji Hyo is so pretty!

    yeah, he was the host ^_^

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, coffeecoffee said:

    I personally think the latest ep is decent. Not good.  But not bad either. However, I am ok with the rating. The members or the guests do not deserve it this week (I found 3 guests OK -not overbearing), but SBS does deserve this.

    The bad rating of this ep is the truthful answer of Korean towards new addition news. Not Naver comments that people have been quoting ("Oh Korean love new additions").

    I am sick of people bashing SJH fans. Ok those who bash new members unreasonably are wrong. But those who raise their voices should not be chastised. With the new girl people have been quoting her 2 appearance and compare with JH work in 7 years. It is 7 years of hard work, physical pain. And they dont get why JH fan is upset?

    And people think international fans should not have a say because they cant control the rating? Hell, many promotion contracts (through RM) that come to SBS due to strong International Fan Base. They are not the only source of income, yes, but they are the ones keep RM alive when Korean gave up.

    I think we all hold different opinions towards RM now. Some still support, some stops , some half way (like me) Maybe we just try to keep the harmony and focus on JH from now on. I will still partially support Rm for the love of the original members. But I will stop discussing it after this post. Will focus on JH news only



    Yes, the comments on reddit makes me sad, and I don't really understand, I think it's a matter of taste, because I didn't find funny anything that the new girl did, and all the scenes that I like are what Ji Hyo is in. But lately she seems sad, laughing in a half-false way, without sound. It's sad to see to me :/

    And I really think the Koreans liked the addition, by the comments ... maybe this bad rating is the answer for the last two horrible episodes,
    soon as they changed the timeslot... I think next week is sure increase.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, mary-ann said:


    I feel the same i don't know them and can't support and love people i don't know or like, and I have to admit their admission to RM was not something i was happy about either, i'm only watching RM because of Song Ji Hyo, and i for a very long time have said i wish she would just leave the show and do more dramas and movies, even attending other variety shows like dating shows would make me happier, i know that i will miss seeing the cast together and miss seeing kwangmong moments, but right now i feel like SJH is wasting her incredible talent and beauty on this meaningles and ungrateful show!

    yeah, I know that Ji Hyo isn't much a talker, but I really wanted to see her being invited to a talk show again, I miss her interviews like that. Running man is a show where she just needs to stay in one character all the time, not so good for fans who want to know more / see more about her.
    I'm very envious of fans of the casts of Infinite Challenge too for example, they do and talk about the most varied things, I wanted so badly to see ji hyo doing different things. that's why I loved We are in love, and I would be happy if she was on a show like that again ahaha, but I think that she maybe would receive criticism. edit: And I think that she maybe has a boyfriend now..

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, songjihyofan said:

    Let's give love and support to all members.

    Sorry, I don't even know anything about them to give love and support, and I don't want to and neither I will know, I stopped watching, there's no hope for this show unless they change the PDs. I understand fans of the other members who don't want the show to end, but by the way it's unfolding, it's getting sadder and more painful for me to watch it. I will stay just with Ji hyo cut's on instagram. My boyfriend, who is not a fan of any member, just enjoyed watching the show, already stopped watching with me, because its so boring lately, I just keep looking forward and watching it because of Ji hyo, but I will not support a show where she is treated poorly.

    • Like 3
  5. 17 hours ago, mary-ann said:

    i'm really surprised that we still haven't gotten any pictures of clips from her new movie wind wind wind, usually there are always updates during her filming but not this time :(

    yeah >< Moreover that it is a movie that has a famous director and famous actors ...

    • Like 3
  6. hahaha I also laughed when I saw the news
    But I don't feel guilty, they only saw what they wanted to, it's their own fault if they're so sad right now. They ignored when their ship was proven wrong, so often, and they pointed out small things they interpreted as they wanted, to prove it was right.

    Now I'm just annoyed with these people worrying about how Ji hyo is feeling :expressionless:

    • Like 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, cleo47012 said:

    I know Netflix do it with arrested development that 6 years after  Fox cancellation of the serie they produce a new season to respond to the fans request and the same with the 4 special episodes of Gilmore Girls

    Terrace house could be a case more similar, it's a japanese reality show from Fuji Tv that was cancelled but netflix started a new season as a netflix original, its really funny, but the new show is a Netflix and Fuji co-production, which is also broadcast on Fuji Television in Japan.[1]

    I would prefer if running man stay just in the hands of netflix, but even if it was both, I think it would improve a lot, because netflix could finance and maybe bring back the good pds and writers who are in China or other shows ... money to make better Races would also be useful. And as running man can gets 1 million views a week on pirate sites, I think it would worth for both sides, it would bring even more fans to the show, fans who know nothing about kdramas and kvariety. I think they would like it, I started to watch running man without knowing much of any of it and I loved... Running man is the right show for that. But unfortunately it's far from going that way, now with two new members...

    • Like 3
  8. 18 minutes ago, cleo47012 said:

    I honestly don't have anything against  Jeon So Min I like her acting in 1% of Something and her cameo in Drinking Solo. My problem is with Running Man production that manipulate all the situation to end doing what they was planing from the beginning without hearing the FANS and accepting the problem is the inefficient writers and production staff they have now. For me now Running man end is just a time Mather as you can see all Fans are just hopping better projects for the member and they are actually engaging in new adventures out of Running Man.  I will love that an international company as Sony, Netflix or Viki that produce shows realize the important of the Running Man Original Member Chemistry and propose to the members a new show with all of them this will be the prefect punishment for SBS

    Regarding JH I just want to see her in a drama as sadly her movies are unavailable in my region 

    I'm really hoping for that too, netflix did this with terrace house isn't?

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, coffeecoffee said:

      JSJ is my 2nd fave as well. Now I have more reasons to not care about RM.

    The reactions of Korean enraged me. It is ok to have different opinions, but they called international fans childish for boycotting the new girl. The addition is to please the local fans, and we are expected to be happy with it? Despite the fact that SBS has never done anything for the international fans? Despite all the unfair treatments towards SJH -KJK (international fan fave) ? 

    I didn't know that Korean fans are saying that... but I have to admit that those fans who still believe in the concept 7012 are a little childish indeed. And if they are hating her on her ig or something, I hope not, I agree with them...

    2 hours ago, theboxman said:

    I don't like the idea of adding new cast members because that really only tells me that the production and/or PDs think the problem with RM is the cast and the only solution is to add/change members. That is clearly and obviously not the issue, and it annoys me that they can't seem to admit/acknowledge that even now.

    yeah..  I wish they could bring back the originals pds :(

    • Like 3
  10. Comedians Kim Yong Man, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Soo Yong, and Park Soo Hong become fixed on 'Happy Together'

    By beansss   51 minutes ago   9,704   356   5
    'Happy Together 3' will be undergoing a big change! 


    KBS2 told news outlets on April 4, "Kim Yong Man, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Soo Yong, and Park Soo Hong will be joining 'Happy Together' as new family. They will be fixed cast members during the 2nd half of 'Happy Together with MC Yoo Jae Suk." 


    'Happy Together 3' will begin anew by dividing up into 2 segments. The first part of the show will still consist of the same talk show format with the current members Yoo Jae Suk, Park Myung Soo, Jun Hyun Moo, Jo Se Ho, and Uhm Hyun Kyung, while in the second half, the four new comedian cast members will be carrying out a new segment. 


    Kim Yong Man, Ji Suk Jin, Kim Soo Yong, and Park Soo Hong are good friends and colleagues of Yoo Jae Suk, and appeared on a previous 'Happy Together' episode together as 'Club Jo'. The production staff is still discussing what format the second segment will take on.


    You can watch the new 'Happy Together 3' starting sometime in May.

    source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2017/04/comedians-kim-yong-man-ji-suk-jin-kim-soo-yong-and-park-soo-hong-become-fixed-on-happy-together

    Wow, what an unexpected and great news for our dear Suk Jin, he is one of my favorites, maybe the second, and he really deserves. :wub:

    • Like 4
  11. @mary-ann

    I agree with everything, but I think it's too unreal to think that it was the production who commented this things, sorry, but it's true, we have to know how to accept people's opinions sometimes. And if the production are that way lol another reason. And its even worse.

    But seriously, this:

    "When Yang Se Chan and Jeon So Min were guests on the show, Running Man had a sharp increase in ratings according to the representative." The representative said the show had high hopes for the future of the show with the new additional members."

    They are so dumb to judge like this, many of the best episodes may have had low rating because the previous one was so bad they gave up watching next week, or because the Koreans didn't anticipate how good it would be.


    "When they starred in our show as guests, they had good chemistry with the original members. ... "

    ? I didn't see it? What is he talking about? Are you talking about a MEMBER Lee kwang soo? Should have put she had a good chemistry with Lee kwang soo . The guy I still don't remember him.
    They should go to work on WGM, sincerely, but WGM already have better people, the new couple is very funny ^^
      Jae suk should also have had an opinion on that choice too, since he is so important, and he really only cares about Kwang soo these days. He said several times in episode 343, "I'm looking forward for this couple, I really liked it".

    And the production only care about the two.

    And if many people are really curious about the “womance” they will be showing viewers.

    I'm not expecting much from this.. Thinking about that, I would prefer thousand times Oh Yeon Seo, she had chemistry with all members, she was funny without trying to get attention all the time, and she respected ji hyo, even chose ji hyo as leader or something like that. You guys remember?

    about the mates thing, gapiplus said that:

    gapiplus @sherminachua SBS did a smartass move claiming they are not permanent/semi-permanent members but "mates" Actually it's no difference what SBS want is to reduce condemnatiom against them and no, they won't just shoot for 1 ep..

    • Like 4
  12. There are many reasons why I would like to see Ji hyo leaving

    1 I don't think the show is funny now and I don't even expect to get better with these pds
    2 I would even continue to support the show, if ji hyo had not been so badly treated, she already suffered enough
    3 I even could forgive, but many of the fans of this show are already criticizing ji hyo saying things like "if only sbs had done it right" "she is not the same anymore" etc If the only problem they see in this %#$@ is that Ji hyo has changed, so I've changed too, because I think it's all bad now. From the opening to the end. So, that's why I don't care about the show, if will continue or not, new members or mates or whatever, I just want her to leave.
    I no longer have this united vision of them as a happy family.

    And now, see Ji hyo being scorned and left aside because they always will choose the new girl, just because she's new, for a long time, in every episode, I can't stand it either.


    Sports Chosun via Naver: Yang Se Chan and Jeon So Min to join Running Man... '6+2' system

    1. [+4,207, -176] First of all, Jeon So Min and Ji Hyo's chemistry is gonna be goodㅋㅋㅋ

    2. [+4,365, -419] Welcome Jeon So Min-ssi. Show him that you can be successful, I wish you luck

      Who? YHM Yoon Hyun Min

    3. [+3,507, -142] I knew it the moment Jeon So Min betrayed Kwangsoo that her talent for variety is exceptionalㅎㅎ

    4. [+2,835, -185] There's suddenly too many of them but I approve of Jeon So Min-ssi as a member

    5. [+3,329, -373] Jeon So Min-ssi, do well~~

    6. [+1,020, -33] Then I guess Yoon Hyun Min and Baek Jin Hee will never go on Running Man ㅋㅋㅋ

    7. [+837, -25] The Yang Brothers are now both on board the Yoo line


    And how can they think like that? The girl is clearly a attention seeker and has nothing to do with ji hyo.
    jessi, these girls



    I don't know, park bo young, many others... I could understand. But I'm happy that the koreans fans are thinking about ji hyo, many international fans are happy that will have a new monday couple lol and hoping that ji hyo leaves, not because they are fans of her, but because they want to see the show without her.

    • Like 3
  13. I saw the girl in happy together and I thought she was very funny, but when I saw her on RM, I thought she tried too hard to get attention, and I didn't think she was funny in any moment, maybe because I was already annoyed by that  episode.
    And I would love a new female member if she had chemistry with ji hyo, but they didn't even talked. And she doesn't seem like the type who relates well with girls, since she wants so much attention, she will pay more attention to men. She interacts with people without too many reservations. She was like that with park myung soo, I'm sure she'll form a new loveline with kwang soo, since they are both single.
    The guy I don't remember to have watched anything with him, I must have, but I don't remember, but as I don't remember I can already see how it will be.. if he was good on the program and with the members why he was not invited more times?

    I just hope ji hyo leaves the show soon 
    :( I'm stopping watching here. I don't liked the new episode too...

    • Like 4
  14. @coffeecoffee


    Disclaimer : Everything below is biased because : 1. I ship JH with many people: KJK, CBL, LDW, even JIS and SJK. 2. I do not ship JH with Gary (used to, but stopped because of many reasons). Will not discuss here again, but don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, just don't ship him and JH.

    And I also ship Ji Hyo with many others, but not with Gary ... So sorry if I offended anyone here..

    But I'm going to accept anyone she chooses, it's her life, and we don't even know her personally, or the other part, to give opinion on that, and we can't blame her for not liking who we think would be perfect with her, or who (we IMAGINE) that feels something for her, because what is important is what she feels, she is not forced to stay with someone because that person likes her, as a comment that I had posted before, seemed depreciate her for not loving Gary. I stopped shipping kwangmong after seeing how much Ji hyo denied the idea and how much she really didn't seem to like kwang soo romantically, I always thought that kwang soo might have felt something for her. But now I don't believe on this that much either. And even if I still believed that kwang soo or gary felt some unrequited love for her (because a funny thing of monday couple, when they are not so forced, was his unrequited love for her, but still its just a show, we can't even believe that he really felt it or for that long, because I know they kept it up for the show at some point) I wouldn't blame her for not loving them, it doesn't make sense, It's her choice and her feelings, her life...


    Another thing: I don't like the fact people began to tag JH official IG in all of their shipper picture. I get that you ship them, but give the girl her own identity for heaven sake. Now it is like a battle, yesterday and today morning it was flooded with MC, then OJ, JH-EXO (wth) , then Spartace. She deserved to be known as her own image-SJH, not just in a shipping thing like this. (On the other hand, I was glad that there are many shippers group, otherwise JH IG would be flooded with MC solely and many ancient pictures of them together, and that was annoying as hell because neutral fans would start to have wrong ideas).

    I completely agree with this.

    yeah, at least it will have variety, that's good, but I wanted it to have a little more variety (without increasing the quantity), and it is really annoying that she don't receives more attention for being herself (this incredible person that she is) but for relationships, some that don't even exist. x.x


    P.S : the IG with 8888 is Gary official IG. If you saw a "blue v" symbol next to someone's IG, that means IG already verified it . (It may involve celebrity/agency submit their official ID for verification, just like with FB).

    I know that! I was just noticing that some of his fans copied this 8888 part to use too.


    Also, I don't get why MC is happy that Gary liked JH pictures with another man. If anything, that just means that he was trying to prove there was nothing between them. (A bad way to prove it anyways)

    I agree, it was a really really really bad way to prove it. He should answer one comment from some annoying fan who was saying: your wife ji hyo is very beautiful, or something like that, with  "she is not my wife and will never be, we are just friends, get over it ok? I know you can" haha


    sorry for the long and with bad english post

    ps: I'm so sad that there's no post yet on ji hyo ig, @mycompany_official is playing with my feelings ;-; I'm refreshing the page so many times. Even the increase of followers stagnated T T

    • Like 5
  15. 7 hours ago, dynamo14 said:

    I get upset too when I lurk around instagram to see any new news of Jihyo and there I see immature fans trying to dictate her life according to their delusions. Jihyo probably doesn't need all these drama and I guess it is a good thing that her instagram account is handled by her agency. I was thinking maybe, and hopefully her account will be handled in a similar way as her buddy's - Lee Dong Wook official instagram account. It may seem impersonal/distant at times (but the professional photos released are gorgeous! :lol:) but Jihyo unnie may still post personal messages to us fans on instagram once in a while. :)


    It would be cool, but I'm beginning to fear that he's just going to post photos of her activities, like he did in his own instagram acc before, her boss :(
    But that would be sad, it was not very frequent ...
    And also was not professional

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