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Posts posted by erngust

  1. 8 minutes ago, Roses lillies said:

    I am so so disappointed with episode 11... There were so many fillers and I cOuld not completely feel the pain and love between them... Wish there was much to it... Episode 12 does not cover it entirely too... Looking at this pace the wedding and bridge scene seems to be very very far:(

    possibly with next week's recap, this EP can almost be as useless... 

    sorry for the rant.. just overly overcame with disappointment, hopefully when sub comes in, I hope to have a better appreciation of this EP, for all the still wonderful delivery of Singto and Krist and the cast regardless.

    • Like 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, salz said:

    i have been disappointed with editing since the beach scene they always ruin the scene everyone waited the most now make me fear how they gonna edit the bridge scene and kissing scene etc..ugh i think the person edited the ost and teaser using good scene is totally different from the one editing this drama

    ditto... best to drop any expectations for the snubbing and kissing scenes... the editor just sleep-walking through putting all the ep together, if not for the actual written story and Singto+Krist's delivery, everything else in this EP is a soul-less pastiche of what could've been...

    this OPV has more heart and soul that this almost thankless EP... :( 

    (with cc of the English sub,'to fill-in the delicious angst that had got lost in the EP)

    • Like 4
  3. half-way through already filled only with over-indulgent push-over non-essential materials - excepting the last last couple of minutes, best to skip the most of it :angry:

    damn! did they just rushed through that phone convo just like that? :angry: the editors seemed to 'hate' on Kongpope's crucial nuanced scenes they just shortened it and instead give us those useless unnecessary non-date scene? :angry:

    • Like 9
  4. 23 minutes ago, leno4218176 said:

    Hi guys/girls , honestly , I kinda don't want to watch ep 11 until ep 12 airs or the angst is ended , I can see the angst will be very heartbroken and I can't really watch Kongpope/ Arthit crying or Kongpope avoiding Arthit. I know there is nothing wrong with Arthit , he needs some time to figure out what does he feel for Kongpope. Maybe next week (ep12) they will  end the annoying angst(hope so) and  I can finish ep 11 before ep 12 airs. So that , I don't need to suffer a whole week !! But I don't think I can bear to not watch a new episode , it is my first time feeling like this way for a drama.      

    As said before, I sort of enjoying this kind of angst... at least it transpired just between the two. I will definitely be on same boat as you if a 3rd party will be involved and will make use of the situation (or worse use either one of the two) to their advantage. Given that the 'conflict' is confined just between them, I'm actually finding pleasure watching more of these lovebirds go through this motion of angsty foreplay. :vicx:

    • Like 5
  5. 36 minutes ago, delightful said:

    No, I meant Singto. Singto and Krist! ... faints.. yes, I'm known to mix those names up all the time. :P

    I think you're more 'right' the first time - Singto is so drawn to his fierce Arthit - hek he wasn't even able to hide his un-tears watching, re-living those moments last weekend.  

    On the other hand, as he just can't thaw enough Singto's introspective, frozen heart, it eventually spelt boredom to Krist's quirky self.

    • Like 3
  6. 30 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Really? I thought they were all joking with him? Most Thai fans know the storyline already so I'm surprised that they are being rude to him. 

    Anyways... you guys, you know how NOT surprised P'Nott is when Arthit tells him about his relationship with Kongpope in the special chapter? Well, that's because P'Nott already suspected that there was something going on between them! The part where Arthit is not 'normal' and not listening/paying attention to them in ep.10 and then disappearing when Kongpope shows up.. Then in the classroom when Kongpope shows up and P'Nott excuses himself.. he put them all together! What a great friend he is! I love him!! All the characters in here are so lovable! P'Dear, P'Nott, and then P'Tum.. all my faves! 

    Triggered maybe earlier as well when he, P'Not, get to see Arthit's composure/disposition get derailed on the supposedly trivial matter of Kongpop's not having Engineering as his first personal choice.

    • Like 13
  7. 55 minutes ago, germanknight said:

    Sawadela - Sabadiee tonsao from Laos today. Thanks for your effort. I simply did not like his face toward Eim honestly but at the end he gave him the homework maybe he could have been a bit more relaxed...

    hmmm... with me being a bit side-shipping Kongpop and Em could have been also triggered as well with the 'dislike' on Kongpop's nonchalance towards Eim, I was actually getting more impressed on how it was handled in retrospect. It established (maybe inadvertently) the truly brotherly dynamics between the two.  Kongpop unreservedly show his annoyance but still end up sharing his homework and with Eim still naively grateful inspite of the the 'shades'... were truly more realistic nuances between close friends.  Unless it had been established before that either of two had even a bit of hidden desires towards the other, big brother Kongpop need not be always be having TLC looks for fragile Em.

    What annoys me though is the 'decision' of the editors in not putting back in 'cut' pieces that we already know existed in the various teaser clips, e.g. Arhtit's banging his head at the door in his balcony, Kongpop's mixed expressions having Arthit's sleeping on his shoulder at the bus.  Another annoyance is the rushed beach rescue scene.  The post-confession's flashbacks should have been focused on Arthit's POV to establish his associating those moments as clues - the fruit giving and the balcony scene were a bit out-of-context as they're Kongpop's POVs which are unnecessarily redundant to the confession.  They could have put in the jealous Kongpop confronting Arthit before the 'drowning' scene instead. 

    It's worrying that that Kongpop's-passing-by-Arthit's and the kissing scenes might also suffer the same fate - all-hyped but delivered only with a blink-y whimper.  Putting in some slow-mo effect is not that all cinematically criminal to incorporate especially for those very fleeting yet special moments to somehow sustained if not extent it's impact a few seconds more to provide us the audience a breathing space to savor them full-on.


    • Like 11
  8. 5 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Hang in there... it'll eventually get better. Right now, all we can do is enjoy their good acting.

    Seriously though, if it was another writer then Arthit's character would of had been molested by Kongpope already! I'm not saying that should happen here, but I prayed that we would get that cliche waking up in the morning with Kongpope holing Arthit in his arms! You know ... they held each other while sleeping... ARGHHHHHHHH!!! Sad music and SOTUS makes me psycho.




    • Like 8
  9. 48 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's done faster by 2 hours thanks to @obespicious!!!!!!!!!! Credit to her/him for encoding for me!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY Everyone!!!!!!

    SOTUS the Series EP.10 [ENG SUB] : https://mega.nz/#!20lTQZLb!8CHY4K38lS7OxurH1FbV7Y9xpWhtqBbgJvwdgYQp63k

    Salamat!!!  (Filipino for "thanks")  :D  *thumps up* as well to @obespicious...

    • Like 4
  10. 17 minutes ago, delightful said:

    I'm so weird... well, we're all weird. We all KNOW what's going to happen and we're still this sad. How can we be this affected even though we all know?!?!?! Is it because Singto and Krist is acting it out? 

    The School Bus Show that's airing on Sunday in Thailand should be uploaded soon. When it does I'll try to sub it, unless someone else wants to do it. I don't know which one you guys want me to do. That show or finish the long special chapter? :confused:

    I might be so damn baddd... cause I'm not really 'sad' as I find an angsty Singto more delicious than pitiful.. :crazy:

    Take you're preferred stride ms @delightful - we'll gobble it all up whichever way... :D 

    But for my own selfish reasons, my preference would have been soc-med convo transcriptions => video subs => the ffs => then the novel translations.  I deliberately saved the best for last for my post-SOTUS TV therapy. :tears:

    • Like 6
  11. 4 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

    @dreadaeleonkvothe "Sotus The Series" has officially become a full BL series now since the showering scene :wub:

    Welcome @dwi02 :)

    @erngust I know eventually he's getting there but meanwhile let my imagination works and has gone wild a bit. LOL (before the next heavy drama ep coming)

    Hahaha, that bed-scene that's where that it became 'dated'.  Arthit's no longer 'safe' the moment he lay down there waiting for his Kongpop. You just don't do nothing with that squishy lump next to you.... :vicx:

    • Like 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

    I wish Kongphob would be more aggressive than what he did in the series LOL... Like hugging, kissing, and ... to P'Arthit LOL

    He'll get there... It's the journey that will make it worth, however bittersweet it may turn out to be. For now, I'm savoring the Kongpop angst, one Singto hurt-beat at a time... B)

    • Like 4
  13. 6 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

    P'Jane: Sing Sing... Do you always go into the blanket like you did in the EP10?

    SingTo: Same. When you want to get into the blanket, people do the same thing with me.

    P'Jane: You do that in the real life, but why do you have to put it into the series? 

    *** LOL P'Jane keeps picking on Singto about that scene since last night (Also on the twitter). LOL ***


    **delulu mode on** It could be Singto's just being protective of Arthit's modesty.  Anxious that he might inadvertently pull the blanket off all the way if he did otherwise, letting in the others with the view that should only be exclusively for him. :phew: **done**

    • Like 11
  14. 8 minutes ago, psyc123 said:


    this got me all the more curious to find out @delightful

    like-wise herein :)... 

    meanwhile,  have some leg-shaking exercise to start our day with Singto and Tumcial (?) - apologies if posted already...


    • Like 6
  15. 1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

    I know Singto is fluent in english, and he's always translating his Instagram posts, but I wanna hear him SPEAK english... Like, a live for international fans or something....


    here's a short clip of Singto's greeting to his Filipino fans:



    orig FB source (closed group): https://www.facebook.com/colosus.valdon/videos/531786553685416/


    • Like 14
  16. 1 hour ago, tsoon0708 said:

    Okay, so I rewatched the episode and I took soooooo many notes... I hope I won't bore anybody wit hthis, but I just have to let all my thoughts out. I apologize in advance!!! :flushed:

    Okay, first of all, thanks @delightful fort the explanation about the king’s death and the following mourning period at the beginning oft he ep. I think it’s really useful to any viewers who hadn’t been aware yet. And it will also explain why the recap is so long in this ep, for everybody who watches the show for the first time at some later point. That was so thoughtful of you!


    Alright, should I put this under a spoiler tag to save space? Yeah, I think I'll do that. Also because of the screencaps and all...


      Hide contents



    hm, I apologize for my dirty mind in advance but… Did Singto get waxed for this show??? I mean, we’ve all seen the behind the scenes video of the photoshooting where somebody aims the camera down on Sing’s legs and they are very hairy and he is very shy about it… Yet, on the show, his legs (*cough* and happy trail *cough*) are smooth like a baby's bottom. I mean… I shouldn’t be thinking about things like that, but it was kinda hard not to notice… But aaaaaanyway.


    Wow, I only just now realized that Kong has been sitting on that beach for over a month, thinking that Arthit left and doesn’t want to talk to him… Fate really picked a cruel moment for such a long hiatus...

    Okay, so Arthit’s back. And he’s so raw in their private conversation… I’m so glad he finally allows himself to open up a little. The fact that he admits, that hazing isn’t his thing. And to Kongpop of all people, the person he hazed the most, that’s huge, isn’t it? Not to mention, it also kind of feels like he’s secretly preparing Kong for his own future as a hazer. He’s putting it all out there, admitting that grabbing Kong’s shirt was a mistake and that it endangered Arthit’s position. And I love that Kong actually goes and says sorry, because he had provoked that moment, hadn’t he? And Arthit instantly forgives him, heee.


    Also, Kong’s a bit sneaky with his date request, isn’t he? First asking if Arthit is free, then saying he wants him to go shopping with Kong, and only when Arthit says yes and even mentions that it’s a small request for winning the bet, Kong then asks for the phone number, and you can’t help and think, “Oh, I get it. He's getting a lot more out if it.” Not to mention spending the day with Arthit is an amazing win, even if Arthit himself won’t see it that way. Kong's basically like, “You didn’t sign my book, but I’m gonna get your number instead!


    Ahhh, the infamous bracelet moment. Look how torn Arthit is between a smile and a grimace. Hehehe.bracelet_zpsv7viw8ap.jpg

    I love how brave Kong gets in this scene. It’s probably a mix of being overwhelmed and releaved that Arthit came back to him, as well as pure joy that everything in this conversation is going so well (he gets somewhat of an apology from Arthit for the hazing, Arthit agrees to go with him, gives him his number, notices the bracelet and doesn’t make any snarky comment about it…) No wonder Kong picks that moment to give him the gear. And when Arthit doesn’t get it right away, Kong is still so excited about everything that he doesn’t get offended, he just smiles and enjoys the moment and Arthit’s cluelessness. Look at that smile!!!





    The small convo between Aim and May at the beach was also really good. I love that they gave them a backstory that shows how they’re actually made for each other, what with their choice of major and how it’s MAY who points out them meeting is destiny. She’s onto something. ;) (And, on a personal level, I could relate really well to Aim, when he talked about having applied only toone university. I did the same, back when it was my time. Only one uni and only one major. It was insanely risky, but I really didn’t want   to study anywhere else or any other major…) It made me so happy for both Aim and May that they got their first choice!!!


    Oh, May’s little laugh when Aim suggests she should walk in the middle later, is sooooo cute. Like, she has no inhibitions with him. Never had, not even when they first met, remember? She’s so awesome.


    Ahaha, Dear’s reaction when Arthit asks about the gear's meaning is so hilarious. “Are you drunk?” It’s almost like, “Are you kidding me? Did you learn nothing from us, you little dimwhit??!!!” And Arthit rather admits to being drunk and getting teased for that than to explain why he was asking, lol.


    And just when I was wondering why Off is saying cheers with a water bottle, P’dear goes and calls it their richard simmons container! That cracked me up so much. Ahahaha. Also, notice how Gunsmile drinks… all tongue first. This is such a glorious scene…


    By the way, I STILL think that Bright actually suspects something between Arthit and Kong, when he calls him back to the senior table. He doesn’t actually walk up to the two of them, but calls from afar, even though he most certainly can see who Arthit is with… And I bet that suspicion was there right from the start of the school year too. Like, when they were sitting around the cafeteria tables after Prae had gotten her signature from Arthit, and Bright suggested Arthit check out Kong’s book as well. And later he called him “your 0062” or threw in little knowing glances when Arthit wanted to go to the star and moom competition and all those other little moments. Bright TOTALLY knows, I tell ya. (and that would actually make a beautiful parallel to Kong and Aim being best friends who just understand each other, too.) – I could even see Bright going to get Arthit, just so none of the other boys do it, to spare him curious questions. Heh, my personal headcanon is that he even knows what’s going on with the gear, based on having seen Kong give Arthit something and then hearing Arthit ask about it. But… yeah, that’s just in my head. XD


    The moment where Kong doesn’t like Durian (p.s. what IS that???) is also nice. It’s like May kind of gets a hint that maaaaaybe he’s not the right guy for her after all… Look at her expression:


    And look at Arthit. He’s soooooo confused about the whole gear thing. But at the same time he looks like he’s pining and wondering why Kong had to go and sit with one of the girls. Heee:





    Gotta love the teasing between Arthit and Bright on the bus. Was that in the novel or was it improvised? (and again, this is me with my personal headcanon: after they finish their conversation and Bright looks out the window, Arthit looks over to Kong again, and Bright notices, don't tell me otherwise!!!) Not to mention, every time I watched the episode, Off cracked me up with that snoring, as did Krist with his facial expressions… I wonder how many takes that scene took, lol.


    Hey, when Kong gets back on the bus after the bathroom break, you can see Bright already at the back of the bus… kinda makes me wonder if he did that intentionally (Bright did hear Kong ask if Arthit was getting off the bus, after all- you probably wanna slap me for all my wishful thinking at this point, I assume, lol). In any case… It took Kongpop only one second to glance around the bus and spot Bright at the back to immediately jump to “hey, gonna sit next to my baby then.”


    Man, all the parallels during Kong’s talk with Arthit make me grin so much. First the question about being sleepy, and Arthit’s reaction basically a 180° turn on his own dialoge with Bright before – and you can’t tell me that Kong hadn’t been listening in on that. And then the snack talk which is Kong going out of his way to find the perfect snack for Arthit (basically buys the shop empty, judging by the size of his bag), while he himself completely denied May’s Durian… And then Maprang with the whole gear talk, ahaha, BUSTED!


    Awww, and then Kong even waits until everybody has left the bus before he wakes Arthit, to give him the most sleep possible. He’s such a good guy… Just like Arthit who can’t help but stop Kongpop TWICE to say thanks (and we we all know what he really wanted to say was, “Bye bye, my baby, I’ll keep your heart safe, I promise. I can’t wait to see you again, I’ll miss you so much, honeypuff!” What? I t was totally there. Subtext. Mhmm. And Kong could read that subtext too, that’s why he smiled like a maniac, hehe) – Gotta say I love the way they filmed that scene, with Arthit looking after Kong and then Kong turning around just as Arthit had looked away. That was so beautifully done


    Mhh, the mall scene.

    Uhm, question: Arthit notices Kong’s outfit and starts saying something without finishing it… Is there anything in the novel that explains what he’s thinking? Like… is he impressed by how good Kong looks, or is he uncomfortable because he himself is underdressed? Or does he find it ridiculous? I would love to know more about this…


    Wow, Kongpop is so straightforward when suggesting Arthit should write him a love letter… And then Arthit goes and tell Namtarn he’s not over her, ouch. Right when Kong so desperately wanted to hear some little sign… anything from Arthit. Poor Kongpop. That scene literally made me cry. Singto’s acting is so intense here. You can basically see how Kong’s heart drops a little lower with every word, and he’s completely frozen and glued to the card stand. It’s so painful to watch him say, “She has a cute smile”, because you can tell by his eyes that he hates how pretty she is and he’s still too nice of a guy to talk badly about his love rival, because it’s not her fault. And then he’s a little bit of a masochist, when he flat out asks if Arthit still likes her. Kongpop looks SO BROKEN when he utters those words. It’s also not really a question. It’s like a statement, or a realization. And he still has to say it out loud, because it’s eating at him. Poor poor boy.


    And then the whole dialog about Kong understanding why Arthit kept his feelings to himself… It’s like a silent cry of, “That’s me! That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m so afraid to scare you off and lose you forever, that I’m not going to tell you how madly I’ve fallen in love with you. That’s ME!!!” Of course Kong doesn’t say that out loud, just “I understand why you weren’t brave enough to tell her.


    It’s so amazing how Arthit walks off and says “Nonsense.” Because it’s both a reaction to basically having been called a coward, as well as somewhat of a ,”No! I was stupid not to. Don’t make the same mistake.” Even if Arthit isn’t aware of it yet. The reply can be taken sooooo many ways. Kong probably hears a mix of “No, you couldn’t possibly understand.” and “I should have told her, because I still want her.” and “This is none of your business. Why would I talk to YOU about any of this?!” While Arthit probably means, “I made a mistake then, and mistakes are there to learn from.” and “you of all people don’t understand – you always say everything you think without any restrictions…” and “I have to end this conversation, because it scares me how much of myself I’m opening up to you.”


    I had to watch this scene SO MANY TIMES!!! It’s just so perfect. The way Kong is all smiley about the thought of a love letter, and then Namtarn shows up, and the smile just jumps to Arthit’s lips and literally disappears from Kong’s face. He does politely smile every now and then, but it never reaches his eyes. He looks as if he’s about to start crying. :bawling:And once Namtarn left, the first thing Kong has to do is take a deep breath, because he’d completely stopped breathing for the whole duration of that conversation. Has to brace himself before asking what he needs to know. As if he already knows that it’s going to hurt. And when Arthit just walks away, saying, “Nonsense”, Kongpop has to remain still and swallow and recollect himself. Their bodylanguage is off the roof. Singto is such a perfect, perfect, perfect actor. Wow. Look at the image… He’s all alone in a situation where he feels out of place, like somebody just went and… ripped Arthit out of the picture.

    And then, it’s so interesting to see how Arthit completely changes his whole attitude once Kongpop is more subdued. Arthit is so eager to talk to him and… just… be noticed by him. It’d be hilarious if it weren’t so heartachy.

    I love how, after Kong’s suggestion that Arthit should use P’ and Nong instead of Khun and Phom while buying the teddy bear, when Kong doesn’t react to “0062” later, Arthit full on goes to “Ai'Kongpop”. Within a second!  It’s like Arthit is verbally pulling Kong to himself and not letting go while simultaneously pushing him away physically (couldn't get rid of the physicality completely, huh?). Whoa.


    And, Kong pretends he’s moody because he’s hungry… What is it with those two, always blaming food for their jealousy?


    Then at the noodle restaurant, Arthit is soooooo curious to see Kong’s reaction to his favorite soup. He may say it’s Kongpop who eats “like a child”, but it’s Arthit who looks like one, showing off his favorite plaything, while looking at Kong and that bowl of soup. And Arthit also finally admits that he’s at least in some way interested in Kong, by stating he wanted to know what he would order and what he liked. The whole conversation is a back and forth play of, “tell me what you want and let me take care of you”. And that’s what finally brings the smile back onto Kong’s face. Whew. YAY :wub:


    And, finally, at the hairdresser’s… Ahaha, the way Arthit slows down as he walks towards Kongpop. He’s sooooo insecure. And even though Arthit hasn’t changed AT ALL, Kong looks like the sun just rose for the first time after a 50 year blackout. (Heh, the sun, pun totally not intended...)

    (God, I hope all the picture links work...)

    Since you've quite dissected deliciously the nuances of Singto+Krist's interactions, I would also like to point out that Singto's eyes is quite red-tinged on the edges, almost like being close to close-to-tears...


    indeed feeling the pain there Singto?


    singto_bittersweet.png  singto_pained.png


    while still loving the bus/uni scene, I can't help to feel that it turned out more fluff than angsty... and just like what  @taurean10 pointed out, it's unfortunate that they've cut out that elemental introspective bit on the bus scene.

    so to further feed my angsty-hunger, I sought refuge to commonguys OPV and capture these...



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