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Posts posted by erngust

  1. 47 minutes ago, delightful said:

    OMG!!!!!  :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears: I'm in tears! I had to translate his wonderful words for his mom. 

    There is a small little woman, who fought against an evil cancer for over 9 years. This woman did everything to extend her own life… everything to stay with her only son for as long as she could. Even if she had to suffer deeply from all the side effects of the chemo treatments, she suffered greatly from having fluids removed from her lungs. That was the side effect of her cancer growing all over her body over and over. Often times I would see her sitting and crying by herself, and often times I would go over and embrace her and cry with her.. And every time she would say to me – she doesn’t know how long she could be with me..  when that day that she isn’t here anymore, she told me to be strong – finally, today I understand. When I am faced with great turmoil in life.. No matter how strong I am, I am not as strong as her.. A small little woman, she was stronger than anyone could ever imagine. The woman I call ‘Mom’.


    tried to put in some jiggy Singto to ease the heavy in the prior posts... now (re)reading this (this way)... damn! - can I have something real sweet pink milk? (just don't pass it by Arthit's as it might only get more bitterest)... :tears:

    13 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Who uploaded that little clip originally? The caption! OMG! Why do they keep reminding May that she was rejected? LOL! 'Nong May Paya Nok' ... we all know that she got rejected, it was already stated by Krist in his twitter post. 

    it's on Singto's IG story... doubt though that he's the original source as it's with 'professionally' laid-out caption...  this one's from his manager though...


    • Like 10
  2. 5 minutes ago, rainiroo said:

    Its 3:23 am and I can't sleep because I'm super sick and now this just got me super emotional. ITS OKAY SINGTO. I bet she's super proud of you.:tears:

    Okay. Well. I literally just stared at this for the longest because hes literally perfection. I'd claim him, but it seems like Krist has already beat me to it.:wub:^_^


    • Like 12
  3. 1 hour ago, rapuri said:

    I used google translator.... In that post He said.....

    A little girl who struggled with cancer over a period of nine years old girl is doing whatever it takes to hold their own life .. Everything to be with her only child as long as possible. Despite suffering from a serious side effect of chemotherapy. Despite the pain very troubling from penetrating the lungs to drain the water that flooded the lungs.This is a result of the cancer spreading throughout the body missteps | Often, I secretly saw her crying alone. Many times, I embraced her and cried .. And in all that time she told me - that she did not know how long to stay .. If one day without her. Let me be strong - until today that I barely understand. When faced with bad news that came to life ..That would give me a strong one. Would not she .. Little girl Stronger than one would imagine. Woman I called "Mom."


    I had stalked Singto's IG months back, and what had struck me was that all of his bad-boy wanna-be postings were being interspersed with pics of his mom and some quotes that could be quickly dismissed as him being just a drama-king. It was rather actually a very personal battlecry of deviance in dealing with the loss.

    One of his rather sad musings that still kinda affected me the most ...


    • Like 17
  4. 6 hours ago, Mio- said:


    EP. 8 with official subs is out! :phew:


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    Thanks for the update @Mio- ...

    Suggestions:  Can we sort of prioritize directing queries for subbed episodes to GMMTV's channel first?  It might be immaterial for us already blissfully provided with the quality fan-subs by the magnificent triumvirate -  @delightful, @jjong0525, and @baw74 - but biz-wise it will be beneficial to the SOTUS team if we extend our appreciation and support in their official channel as well.  View-counts will serve as the channel's tangible barometer on how 'hot' the show is, which in turn can encourage them to re-engage the people involved in it with preferential consideration, i.e. more opportunities for Krist, Singto, the rest of the cast, and the production team. 

    As an example,  per https://www.youtube.com/user/GMMTVSPOTLIKE/videos, Lil Boy2 is the hottest in their line-up right now. SL-LB2's teaser couple of weeks back is already at 1M views, while SOTUS Ep1 1/4 is still at 500k, UPrince Hawk teaser is at 815k, while SOTUS Ep12 teaser is only at 122k both released 11 days ago, and the BTS clip on Lil Boy2 released just 6 days back is now at 255k. Checking out the LB2's BTS clip, they showed snapshots of comments on youtube and the review page which only meant that support on those channels mattered that much to the management.

    Those of us on forum-mode, and with bandwidth to spare, can also load up the SOTUS' playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLszepnkojZI5tID5gmStSvLef-eKcZxO-) on playback in a separate tab for 'ambiance'. 


    • Like 8
  5. 1 hour ago, salz said:


    but hi5 for more love to M..i would be happy if he and Singto can work in another drama together they seem to get along well off screen and of course nice chemistry as bff in drama :wub:


    1 hour ago, salz said:

    i love M lol since first ep actually but im bad fan since i don't mention his handsome gorgeous face&great personality as much as he deserve since Kongpope and Arthit took majority of my mind :dissapointed_relieved:

    but he truly shine this ep12 from his talk to Kongpope and May he know the time to be good friend and also nice to confess without pressuring the girl it like extremely mature young people which kinda rare when i watch drama with really good main and supporting characters which no villain but everyone just being normal everyday people and dealing with problem in mature way..i like this drama and most of the characters so much :heart:

    am i the only one think whenever M and Kong in one screen they just such amazing visual pleasure since both just too gorgeous for my poor eyes

    Big ditto @salz!!!  I have to give this episode to Em as the character as well to Newwie for his affecting, nuanced portrayal.

    After watching the subbed EP (much thanks to the triumvirate: @delightful,  @jjong0525  and @baw74 ),  I would consider the conversation between May and Em as the most effective scene for everything there is into it:  the phrases used in the exchanges, the tactile heavy-heartedness of both without the histrionics, and bittersweet resolution of what could be... Again, Newwie had that beautiful pained looked in spades. He had me put him amongst my go-to angst princes.

    With my *delulu* mode on...


    Setting Singto+Newwie's bench convo scene as an stand-alone short-movie, i.e. removing Arthit and May in the implications of their conversation (apologies), every words/phrases can be painfully taken as them referring to each other as the secrets of their hearts.  Re-playing that scene again with that context, it actually is more painful and tantalizing than anything else. The theme-song (as well as the other 3 Thai songs I happened to discover because of SOTUS), were more aptly describing that unfortunate and vexatious situation. :tears:

    With that (self-prescribed) beautiful angst and the visual pleasure of them together in their gorgeous selves, I think that scene will be amongst (if not at the top of) the special ones for me. :wub:


    • Like 11
  6. some thoughts on the ep:

    I'm kind of more than happy for this EP highlighted the often-skimmed-through yet more enduring love, i.e. that is between friends. The leads' 'talkies' with their respective BFs is so heart-warming (even if I don't understand all of it as yet).  That despite of all their self-centered turmoils, at the end of it all, their friends are always there by their side. I undeniably envious of all the P'Nott's and Em's there is (well, aside from the fact of them being, you know, 'big' guys. :phew: Can't help but noticed New's big, er delectable, body frame in that bench scene with Singto :sweatingbullets:).    

    Aesthetically, the best scene for me is that bench scene. I can watch the winds' love-affair with Singto's hair, New's tentative TLC gazes, with their dandy white shirts,  overall nice view up front, over and over again.

    giphy.gif   Screen_Shot_2016_12_11_at_08_03_58_copy.


    • Like 18
  7. 18 minutes ago, dedededeva said:


    I'm sorry :confounded: I want to delete my shameful post now, but I don't know how to delete post from the forum. Do you knowhow to do it? Thank you @erngust :confounded:

    i don't know how to delete but you can always edit it... but really, nothing to be shamed about... aside from being overfilled with our fervent wishes for something more wonderful to go beyond the show, we can still allow ourselves to enjoy more so when the SOTUS bubble is still on. :)

     56minutes to go..

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  8. 31 minutes ago, dedededeva said:
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    I'm dying..  :dizzy:  Going to ignore the fact that Krist is taken bcs I wanna shout JUST BE A COUPLE ALREADY! :w00t:

    I'm gonna follow this forum non-stop tonight, gonna refresh it again and again bcs I love spoiler from friends in here who can watch without subs ❤




    but that was not Krist on the vids... :worried: but we'll still have 6 EPs to enjoy Kongpop+Arthit's love-dance :love:

    ... but we can contend with this instead.


    • Like 8
  9. 22 minutes ago, delightful said:

    My schedule for Friday-Saturday...

    Work for 10 hours. Starting in an hour.

    Sleep for 4 hours.

    Run errands/grocery shop for 1 hour.

    Translate SOTUS the series ep.12 for 1 hour.

    Nap/wait for HD link of ep.12 for 3-4 hours.

    Time the subs/QC for ep.12 for 2 hours.

    Send it to Baw to encode which will take 1 hour.

    THEN... Hopefully I can re-watch and make sure everything is fine with it, THEN I'll upload it... which will take 30minutes.

    My perfect Saturday.. Now, just wait for me to scratch all of it and just sit here with my eyes wide open waiting for SOTUS.. re-watching SOTUS... re-reading SOTUS... drink pink milk.. oh, btw! I've gained 5lbs since I started drinking pink milk again! WTF?! Darn you Arthit!!!!

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    About the novel translation, I'll let you all know what I decide next week. I can't think of it right now, I'm only focused on EP.12!!!!!!!!! The thing is.. it's NOT only that FB page that didn't do as I had asked. I guess my request/directions were too difficult to understand. But, don't be worried about me. I'm completely fine, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. I think most of you have read about my past experience about why I stopped subbing... No worries about subbing SOTUS the series though, I will finish this series! Even if I end up in the hospital because of a cold from this freaking -10F weather!! It's winter here and it sucks!


    *double-thumbs-up*  - thanks again and again.


    BTW, i'm stalking the Bangrak Soi 9/1 stuff, EP5 is quite 'stirring'... :) thanks as well for your works therein... While they do starkly looked different outside of their respective series, but I still find it difficult differentiating the lead with that guy in Summer Buddies. No complains though, as they're both babe'y hunks. :phew:


    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, delightful said:

    YOU GUYS and GALS!!!! I was editing my own translations and I HAD to share this!!!!!!!!! Sorry that it's been so LONG since I've posted a translation! This long special chapter is over 0062 pages long!!!!!!!!!! :P


         The harder you try the more stress you carry. And when the result isn’t what you were hoping for, it was only normal to be upset. P’Arthit was able to see it, even if he had hidden them. He was even helping to console him.

         … P’Arthit is always nice, he never changes.

       And before he knew it, Kongpope’s hands grabbed Arthit’s body and pulled him into an embrace. It was so tight that it made Arthit a bit startled, even if he was shocked with the sudden warmth around his body, but once he saw how tired Kongpope was he couldn’t help but to bring his own hands up to pat his back gently.


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  11. 20 minutes ago, Gilbert Gonzales said:

    @erngust It is somewhat confusing since when i search for Pop Pongkool, he then appears as one of the two guys on Calories Blah Blah duo.  I think he went solo as Pop P and made his own version as well.  When you listen to iTunes the version of Pop P. and CBB are totally different.  CBB starts off as an acapella.  The 3rd version i like was by Beau Sunita (also on iTunes).  There are about 3 more covers from different artists on iTunes but were not good in my opinion.

    wow... would love to check those out as well - more stuff to feed into my videoke attempts. SOTUS-wise, while I love to bits the lyrics of the OST by Gun'achi, perfect for the series indeed, but I just can't connect sustainably with its melody. I'm just so old-school. :sweatingbullets:

    31 minutes ago, deedeebr said:
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    Who is he? He is hot!


    i only refer to him as "theearthe" per his IG account... like me, Singto wanted know what his HOPE is all about... :phew: :wub: 


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  12. 51 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

    Ha Ha Ha I love the way P'Jane (Singto's manager) and Singto picking on each other on twitter. They are so funny.
    Many fanclubs call P'Jane as "Singto's Nanny" as well.


    But a fan said he/she thinks of the "Snowwhite" more than "Cinderella" and I agree :) 

    hahaha... for me it's more of Mr Cinderella with the magical birds sewing through his rugged clothes.

    btw... had to repost this (apologies to the original poster)...

    it must be tough to keep it up with the drama when you got to do it with such a cutie Mr. PINKie Prankster...


    • Like 15
  13. 15 minutes ago, Gilbert Gonzales said:

    I love this song as well.  Did you know there were 3 versions of this song apart from Calories Blah Blah?  I was able to track all three versions on iTunes!

    hmmm... per credit in the fmv, the artist was Pop Pongkool. Is it a different artist?  Courtesy of SOTUS angst, I've hoarded the songs of J.Jetrin, Labanoon, and now Calories Blah Blah :phew: though all via utube only, got no itunes account.  :(:vicx:

  14. 41 minutes ago, two5four3 said:

    Found it!!! http://deungdutjai.com/2012/11/09/yahkroodtaemaiyahktahmcaloriesblahblah/



    Laters and Goodnight my SOTUS FamBam!!! :heart:

    cool.... :D much, much, much thanks...

    so sucker of mushy ballad, this is the 3rd Thai song that get me 'synched' with the angst of Kongpop with an old-school melody  :tears:


    But I Don't Want To Ask

    Just to be close to your breath
    Just to be able to spend time together
    We’re just friends, but it’s too much to hold back
    Your feelings deep inside, what are you thinking?
    However much I love you, I’ve never said it

    I keep everything in my heart inside
    Just being happy like this is already great

    Will you have feelings for me?
    Have you ever looked at me?
    What are we?

    Will you have feelings for me?
    It’s the truth I want to know that’s stuck in my heart
    But I don’t want to ask

    I’m afraid you’ll change
    Not asking is better
    Because I know if I ask you
    I’m afraid of those words that might break my heart

    I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept it

    Will you have feelings for me?
    It’s the truth I want to know that’s stuck in my heart
    But I don’t want to ask

    I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept it

    again thanks :wub:

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