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Posts posted by nicasama

  1. 10 hours ago, Ayame said:

    Oh my god. I can't believe I just spent 2 hours translating this, but I just did lol. I just translated Part 1 of KRW's SBS interview. There are 2 articles of the interview, Part 1 and Part 2 since the interview was really long. I'll try to get up Part 2 by tomorrow or something. Also, this is translated from the Japanese translation, so I'm hoping it's okay... because the grammar was really hard to translate at some points lol. Well enjoy. Japanese text credit to momotaro32343866 at ameblo.

    Kim Rae Won, SBS Interview Part 1 [Translation]

    Q: Your previous drama ‘Punch’ was quite different, it’s been a really long time since you’ve come back with a romantic comedy.

    KRW: I wasn’t trying to stay away from the romantic comedy genre. I did receive offers for romantic-comedy movies and dramas, but I didn’t really feel the charm in those roles (that I was offered). Since I only do genres that greatly interests me, my filmography just seems to accumulate that way.

    Q: Was there a reason you chose ‘Doctors’?

    KRW: The medical genre is a job I hadn’t tried yet, so I thought it would be interesting. Shin Hye was cast earlier and I heard that Shin Hye said, “It would be interesting to work with Rae Won-sunbae.” At the time, I was filming my movie, so when I joined ‘Doctors’, they had already filmed for 1 month and a half. Once I finished filming my movie, 2 weeks before the 1st broadcast I had to film right away, and that caused a lot of worries.

    Q: But the outcome of that turned out well.

    KRW: The filming went as successfully as I imagined it would. It’s been a long time since I’ve done the romantic comedy genre, but I wasn’t worried at all. If the production is good, then I’ll join it, but I think I currently don’t have any plans to join any other productions. Since I have 2 movie premieres coming up. (laughs)

    Q: Truthfully, for Kim Rae Won the actor, isn’t it a mix of even if you try to be separate from the romantic comedy genre, you can’t truly be separated from that genre?

    KRW: It’s exactly like that. A lot of people have come to know me through my works related to the romantic comedy genre, and I think I personally have the most confidence in that. It’s not arrogance, but I thought it was a genre that only I could do. It’s something that I personally realized. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I just want to make use of only that. As I grew into an adult, I had to do more important things. However, looking at the good response to ‘Doctors’ recently, I’m happy. If I did the same things as before, then I wouldn’t have said such things before, but I had the desire to do romantic comedies again. I’m really happy.

    Q: Your ‘Doctors’ character Hong Ji Hong had the characteristic of saying things shamelessly. The secret to creating that character?

    KRW: I wasn’t thinking of anything. (laughs) The lines itself had many difficult parts, but there were really a lot of lines that gives goosebumps. There were lines that really gave me goosebumps, so I was worried and thought if I said it this way, how would it be, and tried using such expressions. Later on, the director requested that I use such expressions, so at the time I was okay with it. The viewers like it, so I didn’t want to use those expressions all the time.

    Q: As an actor, having physical strength seems to be a big issue. Did you not have any regrettable moments while filming?

    KRW: Following the middle part, there was an experience that I didn’t make good use of. No matter what production I’m a part of, it’s unavoidable that there isn’t enough time, but I was really regretful of that. Even though I always look at the script a lot, I look at it not only from my standpoint, but from the director’s standpoint as well. Secondly, I had to be worried about whether I understood the intention, or what was it that we were conveying to the viewers, but there wasn’t enough time to do that efficiently. Therefore, in the later half, there were parts where my acting wasn’t as much as I wanted. I’m disappointed that (the viewers) can’t see the real story.

    Q: What parts were you anxious about?

    KRW: Looking at it carefully, from a certain episode, I began to be a little slow/heavy. I look at the drama as a really long movie. If the episodes in a drama changed, and the atmosphere jumped a bit, more than comparing it to a movie, the viewers see it in a carefree manner, so they can’t be aware of it, but I didn’t think of such things. Things like that were not really necessary, but in the parts where there’s conversations with Hye Jung, her circumstances were heavy, I carried it out in a very heavy atmosphere. In actuality, that wasn’t really needed, but the good scenes were where I’m gazing at and laughing with Hye Jung was. Looking back at the script, I understood everything that had to be explained. Therefore, if I did previous parts in a more cheerful way, it should have been more interesting, but there were parts I was unsatisfied with.

    Q: Then, what parts did you think went well?

    KRW: When (Ji Hong’s) father died, when Ji Hong was sobbing and the difficult time passed by for him. The next one was when arranging everything for my (Ji Hong’s) father, after spending 3 weeks in America and returning to Korea, that time passed like a sandglass. That used up a lot of sadness. I think that sequence was made use of really well. In the later part of the drama, when we see Ji Hong in his 20’s as an intern, we only saw for a little bit, but I was pleased with that.

    Q: What the viewers seem to have been the most crazy about is Ji Hong’s lines. “Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? That’s good, then.” Did you expect those lines to be such a big hit?

    KRW: Actually, there’s a secret about those lines. I changed the order sequence of those lines, and changed the way I processed those lines. So, it became an issue, but the writer’s original intention wasn’t like that. You know, generally, in dramas, even though a character like Ji Hong is one that understands and protects, looking at that scene, he is an extreme ‘manly-type of man’. Actually, in the script, Ji Hong was supposed to say his lines in a very nervous and anxious way, but I wanted to do those lines in a manly type of way. I think I successfully changed it. (laughs) Do I seem too prideful? I shouldn’t say such things, but... (everyone laughs)

    Q: As you’re acting, your character becomes your own creation. Do you have any other anecdotes?

    KRW: During the fishing parts, the writer wondered whether Ji Hong should be good at fishing or not. However, I said showing how Ji Hong didn’t like fishing would be interesting.

    Q: You have presence, so there seems to be possibility. Do you think there’s a difference between acting in romantic comedies in the past versus doing so now?

    KRW: At the time, for the sake of making it interesting, for the sake of being seen, I put in a lot of effort. Therefore, not being aware of what my individual skills were, I did it without knowing the situation. It’s already been 13 years. I thought that if it’s ‘Doctors’, then it would be a risk. When Ji Hong’s father passed away, even though he should have protected Hye Jung, if I laughed too much, the character would have the problem of seeming double-layered. Therefore, I talked it over with the director. I wanted to have the freedom with the Hong Ji Hong character, but if I was too excessive, I wanted the director to tell me. In the end, we were able to finish it well. Ah, I put a lot of effort in appearing younger. I changed my hairstyle, I managed my complexion without fail. (laughs)

    (Interview to be continued in Part 2)


    Thank you Thank you @Ayame we all appreciated your efforts!!! 

    • Like 10
  2. 29 minutes ago, thao_2512 said:


    Like I said I think it's either KRW or LYA, just depends on how LYA's drama will do. But to her it's more about her performance than how well her drama does

    I don't see any other actor are winning it besides them right now (not LJK,LMH etc and JJH already won it), but we still don't know how the 2nd half dramas will do yet

    It's not about privacy. Shinhye is super super private when it comes to personal life but it doesn't stop her as it's part of her job

    Some people just don't like those ceremonies and why would he go if he know he isn't winning.

    He went to Baeksang award last year remember? That's when he met Shinhye.

    I believe he will go if he is winning :)


    Let us hope that he will go this time, I want to see in this year's drama awards. 

    10 minutes ago, ash011 said:

    Who is LYA?


    I think it is Lee young ae. 

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, thao_2512 said:


    Shinhye is my bias but I'm a fair person.

    She has always been good but she never tried to push herself hard. This is only the beginning for me . She needs a real break-through as the role of her career to deserve that award. 

    She has a long way to go. Winning the biggest award will not help her gaining the motivation to challenging herself more right now

    And most people would think she doesn't deserve it which lead to more hate. She doesn't need anymore of that


    Besides most young actors went through a big slump after winning a Daeksang as well (Besides KSH)... I don't want Shinhye to experience it yet... Maybe years later... 

    Just my personal thought. You don't have to agree 


    I agree at your opinion. Shin hye has still a long way to go. And I think Kim Rae Won needs to win this Daesang Award. Shin Hye is a talented actress, I watch her dramas and I am impressed by it. Her time of winning the Daesang will come since she is good at choosing her projects. Her projects were all a success considering Doctors which is popular and high in ratings, 

    • Like 8
  4. I really want Kim Rae Won to win Daesang this year. He is such a talented actor. But it seems that SBS will only give the Daesang award to those who attended the Drama Awards and we rarely see Kim Rae Won attending those Drama Awards since he is a private person. Let's hope that we can see him in this year's SBS Drama Awards and be awarded for the award he deserved. It's such a pity that his role in Punch was not that really recognized and was only given the PD Award. I hope the Doctors' cast win big time since we are the witnesses of their hardwork and dedication for us viewers to be satisfied, We know how tired they are but still were able to film and they really lack of sleep.

    • Like 17
  5. On 8/14/2016 at 6:32 AM, NongpeeP said:

    I like this clip because ParkShinHye did action scene professionally and KimRaeWon made these action scenes with casual mood to ParkShinHye, we can feel JiHong&HyeJung's reunion with amazing chemistry.


    Another BTS released this morning, ParkShinHye massaged and poked KimRaeWon's cheek, Cute Sunbae and HooBae.




    The first bts here shows how great Shin Hye is. She is shooting those kind of scenes without a double. We Can see how persistent she is. The way Kim Rae Won reacts is really funny. HAHAHA. The second one is Shin Hye massaging KRW. Omygosh!!! It looks like she unconsciously doing the massage. They are really sweet when they are with each other. I can really say that I am a RaeShin Shipper


    On 8/14/2016 at 11:29 AM, Tiggie2 said:


    cr: as tagged


    This scene shows how persistent the Doctors staff just to satisfy us viewers for the drama. The casts barely sleep and film everyday. We can see how tired they were when we are watching the drama. Let us support the drama in exchange for their hardwork. No matter how they rate the drama bad and its like getting boring or whatsoever as long as we're here supporting the drama, let us be happy. 

    don't quote images, gifs, videos


    • Like 17
  6. On 8/13/2016 at 8:55 PM, MAROSA_JIN said:

      The way they look each other:heart::heart:

    Ep.17 Still Cut HD







    Hope that there will be a kiss scene not just a back hug. 

    On 8/13/2016 at 9:12 PM, lclarakl said:


    Eagle Eyes @Kasmic, you bring up some very good and interesting questions. Maybe Ji Hong becomes a high ranking stockholder due to stocks he inherited from his father.  

    @USAFarmgirl, This is one drama that I think could have easily been made into a 36 to 50 episode drama. Just the scene of young teenage Ji Hong being beaten up, makes me want to know more about his youth; the same goes for Hye Jung.  I also want to see a little more of what went on during the 13 years they were separated. 


    I think it will be good if it is a 36-50 drama but it looks like it was confirmed that it was just a 20 episode drama.

    On 8/14/2016 at 2:55 AM, clevercookie said:


    No direct links

    don't quote images, gifs, videos


    • Like 19
  7. On 8/11/2016 at 8:37 PM, maria1983 said:

     omg , they are so cute !!!



    Seeing their face swaps makes me laugh really hard. How come that is the result??

    On 8/11/2016 at 7:04 PM, Rin90 said:



    2. 김래원

    - 사진=연합뉴스지난 2012년 영화 ‘마이 리틀 히어로’를 찍고 난 후의 김래원의 모습은 팬들에게 적잖은 충격을 안겼습니다. 지금까지 볼 수 없었던 후덕해진 모습 때문인데요. 당시 김래원은 SBS 힐링캠프에 출연해 “미국에서 마지막 촬영을 했다. 그곳에서 살이 15kg쪘다. 햄버거를 많이 먹어서 그랬나 보다”고 고백했습니다. 이후 김래원은 영화 ‘강남 1970’을 찍기 위해 혹독하게 살을 뺐는데요. 유하 감독은 김래원에게 15kg을 뺄 것을 권했고, 김래원은 한 달 만에 15kg감량에 성공해 다시 날렵해진 모습을 되찾았습니다.


    Kim Rae Won really lose 15 kilos for a movie and a drama. In Punch his role is a dying man who has six months to live. He is really a persistent actor. He shed those 15 kilos while others are having a hard time losing those weight. I am so proud of him. 

    19 hours ago, parmma said:



    "irrigation,elevator, drill" 


    These two apparently have their own little world :lol::wub:



    Can they just be real? The moments in this BTS are really sweet. I am literally screaming in my room right now!!! They are really my OTP!!!

    18 hours ago, Ubi chan said:

    The BTS clip is gold!

    It's the longest with 4 minutes where there's so much going on!

    But what I litterally loved were the last parts where we can see KRW helping PSH to fix her surgical mask, PSH explaing things to KRW and him listening with attention, PSH resting her hands on KRW's shoulder and poking his jaw jokingly, PSH massaging gently KRW's shoulder with her elbow, KRW bending to put his face in front of PSH's face to meet her gaze, KRW laughing and looking at PSH who laughed at the same time.... The last 30 seconds are gold! And seriously, they are like budies now, leaning on each other. They are so comfortable with each other... When in the drama, there's still this slite akwardness for JH and HJ to look in each other's eyes.... Young love I guess. They need to reach the next level!!

    Still 4 episodes to go! Let's enjoy it while we can and hope to meet them again in some cover magazine, advert photoshooting, brand campaign and SBS award ceremony. A movie together after this drama would be a winning combo.... but we'll have to wait the release next year and it's too far away...

    Carpe diem!


    I agree. Many moments of the Raeshin Couple are shown. The way he stares at her is real!!! omygoshh

    52 minutes ago, Onur_dem said:



    The long wait is over!! episode 17 is now here. Gonna wait again the long preview on monday!!

    • Like 21
  8. On 8/6/2016 at 4:03 AM, yongpal said:


    Me too. I had observed that he look at his phone when they are rehearsing. He is not an old school type ha. 

    On 8/7/2016 at 2:45 AM, ash011 said:

    CONFESSION : Let me share something!

    I haven't watched KRW dramas or movies at all except little bride..That to it was long time ago, i watched that without knowing it was KRW who acted in it..And to be frank i was not a super fan of him! I thought he was not my type.(But i'm a huge fan of PSH)

    In the mean while i heard last year that there is a sex scene in GB..i was following the movie because of LMH and also because of PSH since she attended the premier so i wanted to know about the movie. Then later i saw the sex scene which was played by KRW( was to hot). I was like okay he's hot!( still wasn't his fan)

    When i heard PSH was pairing with KRW for a drama . I was like " why why why, noo please some other actor not him" , the reason was i didn't wanted her to be paired with someone who has done such things. I admit i was immature !! I wasn't happy about the pairing , but i was looking forward to it with less interest! 

    Then slowly i started falling for JH which was portrayed by KRW without knowing! I like the way he treats HJ, i like how he respects her decision, i like how he supports her from behind, i like how he is always there for her, i like how he sometimes is angry with her and forgives her easily, i can keep on telling why i like him hahah..His character JH is something which touched my heart maybe because i am girl . Maybe because i need a guy whom i want to be like him ,so when i saw his character i totally fell in love with him. I am totally happy now that KRW and PSH was paired together, thankgod! 

    Now once the drama ends i don't know if i will follow him because he wont be JH anymore..I know i'm crazy !! I have to admit that first time i fell in love with the character than a actor!! So i really don't know if i am fan of KRW or JH hahah..


    Me too when I saw the news, I was like what no way there are many Korean actors that may match well with Park Shin Hye since I am viewer of her drama for years. But when I watched the first teaser, I was like.. Oh my gosh I am gonna wait for this drama. My addiction gets worse when I saw the whole highlight trailer. As I watch the drama,I can't help but to be amazed by Hong Ji Hong's character. All of it. I became a fan of Kim Rae Won. I am attracted by his face and most especially his veins. This is the first time I ship Park Shin Hye into someone and it is Kim Rae Won. When I watched their behind the scenes moments, my heart is screaming, Even by just the little way that KRW fixes PSH hair. 

    7 hours ago, akhenaten said:

    Gyahh!!! THis is the first time in my entire life that I'm watching a livestreaming raw!  This series has driven me over the edge, I think.  :crazy:

    Me too. It is the first time I livestreamed actually. And it is all because of Doctors. I am totally addicted into this drama right now,

    • Like 16
  9. 22 hours ago, Raquel Bastian said:

    huhu poor internet connection (cause I'm back to the Philippines I guess LOL)

    I am relying to your recaps chingus!

    Philippines has really slow internet connection. i can totally relate. Let's just wait for our chingus updates here. 

    • Like 12
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