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Posts posted by fragglerock

  1. Really hoping someone who watches korean daily drama's can help with the name of this revenge drama.


    Plotline;  He comes back as an adult after years of being away to find his father after reading his mothers words in her diary.  His mother tried to tell him he had a son as she was dying of cancer but he thought she just wanted money and brought her off.  So she didnt tell him about his son, which further makes her son angry.  His father doesnt realise its his son and makes his life miserable so they end up going against each other and the tension esculates he has to take his father down.  He cant be friends with his step brother even if he wanted to, as he doesnt know he is is brother nor that he going to attack his father.  It gets very ugly.  Till eventually the brother injures his leg and ends up needed surgery at the end.  He tries to get the girl or tries to get sympathy but she knows what is going on and is helping his brother, she ends up being romantically linked to the older brother.  The father finally realises its his son but way way to late....

    • Blob 3
  2. I understand the story and plot line but sorry I am not into loveless marriages, no matter the reason.  It is cheating the characters.  I understand shey all did it for love of another person.  But he could at least be somewhat redeemable, sure he sacrificed knowing she was in love with another but his arrogance all the way through the drama destroyed any support for this marriage.


    The only redeeming thing about this drama is it brought everyone together at the end which is what he wanted.  They should of ended it with her knew husband either annuling the marriage or giving her space and going overseas for a few years to give her some time or at least something more.......


    I judge a drama by if i was willing to watch it again, as some of these long dramas I do rewatch the revenge plots again and again, this is one thankfully i skipped most of the parts, paid attention to tid bits of the plot line, didnt miss much and wont miss anything now that its ended thankfull.......now i can find something worthwhile to watch.....

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  3. @maribella  Actually I saw the suicide part coming admittingly, she was so caught up on revenge and not wanting her family to know even if they hated her, it was better than them knowing the horrible truth.  The problem is with revenge its a double edge sword you have to push everyone away from you so they dont influence you.  By the end she has got her revenge but also hurt everyone around her, if anything it was Bo MI I think it was who did the most damage.  She tried so hard to get her to turn back but eventually the words "Don't ever go back to being EJ" rang true to her I think, she knew it was hurting and pushing those around her further away, so in the end she threw herself off as well.


    But the ending itself was weird, it didnt really overly fit the revenge plot line, especially being in bed and seeing hara etc, I understand what they were trying to do but the way it came together just didnt fit.

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  4. I am torn I feel like the whole drama was a waiste in some way, sure there love transended being married and he brought the family back together with his death and sure she appears to getting married as he wished even if it was to HIM.


    I would like to say I am selfish here because I cant say he didnt sacrifice it appears the way this is going to end he will marry her anyhow even if she doesnt love him.  He did sacrifice as he knew she wasnt in love with him but he did it anyhow, but I would of preferred him to stand up walk away and say no marry her to the last minute and I will stand by her as her friend.  But that doesnt appear how this will go down.


    I hate feeling resentful of any drama but I think she has married him and it leaves an extremely bitter taste in my mouth as there was nothing redeaming about him through the whole series.....


    Based on the clip him sitting down smiling up he wasnt the one that married her damn it......looks like he was in the photos at the end which makes no sense except for lasting memories......*shrugs* who knows now......still dont like this series.....

  5. I am hoping here, and very very faintly hoping since he was so obsessed with her, he doesnt like getting married to her as a result of a request.  He made that clear very snidely that she only agreed because he requested it as a final wish.


    So I am hoping after episode to episode of selfishness, that at the last minute he decided not to do this and thinks its not right.........surely they will not make him a selfish jerk all the way through.  She will not be happily married to him her heart will always be elsewhere.   If and and i mean a big IF he walks away they do a time jump with him finally gone and reunited she could be smiling happy to see him again as a friend but i hope there is no wedding........pfft

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  6. The bridge is making me suspect its going to come full circle, HR finally looses everyone around her as EJ plans.  The gun is set as part of the script or her attempt to shoot EJ.  There ends up being a wrestling match and this him HR goes over in an attempt to frame EJ for it.  That would be my guess......I doubt EJ will be hurt this close to the finally but then again I dont think she will care at this point she is way to obsessed with revenge and dying anyhow......

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  7. I am so proud of this drama, this one and vincenzo revenge goes to its extreme.  They dont sugar coat it and use the word forgiveness so easily or repent and your forgiven easily.  It usually happens in dramas the victim goes through with revenge to a point then pleads for them to stop or forgives once repents.  They dont go as far as she has, even her ex watches on totally helpless that he cant do anything to help her.


    There is only a few ways this can go, either takes them out and confesses her part does time and he is waiting for her with open arms.  Takes them down and then takes her own life as well as she felt she went too far to go back.   Regardless what she does her family will want her to come back, but she has really gone to far to turn back into innocent EJ now, I am not sure she knows how to go back at this point.......


    My only comfort is that her ex is there, even if he cant do much, he sees her pain, he knows he cant do much to stop her but he is still there for her and will go back to her the moment she stops.....

    • Like 7
  8. Chairmans son hasnt woken up at all, he is trying to put out fires all over the place, he has evil incarnate with father, step mother and HR, then he has grandmother trying to say stop it, its my fault.  Then he has EJ on the other side vowing revenge and he wavers in the middle of it all, then still turns to EJ hoping she will stop and I am like if she stops she will be killed they wont stop until she is gone wake up.......pfft......

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  9. I would support this marriage a tiny bit if they hadnt of made him so much obsessed with her.  He is getting his bad karma right now especially when he said you can do it for him cant you and walked off.  He is not liking this situation at all and frankly I still dont like him one bit.  I resent him being pushed on her just because he is dying storyline.


    It annoys me they try to find the human side in the evil/bad person after a while.  At what point do the story writers think we would accept them being forced to be married and EVENTUALLY liking or respecting each other.  I dont like tragic endings but I will take a romeo and juliet storyline over these two getting married.  I am not sure how long this drama has to go, my understanding another 4 episodes I think.  Sheesh please let this end and let me find something else to watch....

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  10. @TRAN I agree I feel sad for the plot line and I really hate it when the character is planning to die by the end of the show.  But in this one I had the way the pyscho had been persistantly following her and being pushy with her all the way along and now what the solution is to give him to her as a farewell support gift because "oh Im dying, she will need you".


    Please tell me the writers have something else in mind here, if she ends up with this guy I will not watch the end of this drama nor rewatch it like I have done others either...


    The common theme in kdramas is you dont like me but i have the right to stalk you like crazy until you come around to my way of thinking.  It seems in some of these dramas the girls are so timid they dont say anything to his and the guys run around love struck and appear arrogant by the end of dramas.  Its annoying when they dont stand up to them and tell them to stop doing it.  This maybe different only in the context that the one she cares about is dying, but you still dont push her onto pyscho, heis persistance is that annoying that now he doesnt have a redeemable bone in his body......


    YO KS obsessed with someone and loving someone is two totally different things....

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  11. I am personally glad the CEO's son is on that hit list, sorry folks but I am tired of the dramas that have them waver during the whole series "Attempt" to help but then again waver "your my family please repent" but totally achieving nothing through the whole drama, so he needs to go down with them.


    There is a hint of humanity when she deals with her ex.  If he still plays his cards right he can still be at her side just at a distance, she hasnt rejected him like she has everyone including her family.  Her grief and anger are right over the edge right now she is emotionally pushed off a cliff.


    So be very interesting the next few episodes.......she has a lot of cards to set off in the background, it is only a matter of time before she sets each one of those off and watch everything fall apart for them........

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  12. I really hope they are not pushing towards killing off the main character due to cancer so she marries the fall back guy.  He is to obsessed and I have to like his acting as I really want to reach through the screen and slap him and yet I am anti violence myself.  He is that annoying....


    These dramas are all about forgiveness way too quickly, if she ends up marrying someone she doesnt love like HIM or ends up with HIM as a fall back guy after the other one has passed away this will really be a waiste of a drama.  The fact that the father who knew what his son was doing brought him to the house made me loose all respect for him.  But will wait for the subtitles.

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  13. If I am correct now is the time that SH will push EJ away, between fake mom loosing it and SH walking away I think she will slowly come back to being EJ again.


    He will feel the safest place for her is away from him, he will use the premise that he was used for revenge and that she deserves to be loved, which he would mean in some way.  But he would feel responsible for everything,  psycho is after EJ and wont let him alone, psycho is also the mother of hoon which we know in these dramas causes strange rationality with partners.  He also knows that everything happened as a result of him, all of this would of been smoother if the president had told SH the truth, the premise that he wanted to protect him was a joke really, he knew damn well that he would be hurt the moment he did that and also knew while part of it was revenge I think in some small way he did like her as well.


    They wont end up together because despite this presidents stupidity, he knows that EJ's heart will always lie with SH.


    But now is the time for Ej to suffer abit, I hope SH remains cold to her for a while at least to remind her of what damage she caused him as well.  As his pain has not yet been covered in these episodes all the plotting has.


    But yes I really want to know what the conversation was that went down between them was, but will have to wait for the subtitles.....

    • Like 6
  14. What I like about this drama episode is everyone is where they deserve because of the revenge, no one is happy right now and it serves them right.  If you are going to revenge you dont take down innocents with you and the moment Bo Mi and her brother are involved then all bets are off.


    Everyone is feeling cornered and trapped, the trouble is now he knows who she really is he will be the one to upset the balance and cause the house of cards to tumble down now.  If that dumb president wasnt so worried about daddy, he would, walk out of this fake engagement and take her ex by the hand and both of them put all of them back in their places.


    The worst mistake he made was thinking he was protecting him and yet hurting and betraying him even more.  He deserves his stress and punishment as well for that lot. Its not as thou the ex is going to stand by and watch all this revenge go down and not interfere in some way..........

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  15. There is a common theme to some of these revenge drama's, firstly when you cant think of anything original, have them run off to the airport and stopped at the last minute, or even threaten to leave the country and that spurs everyone in action to stop the situation.


    The second issue is what everyone is facing right now, I actually expected EJ to get a slap across the face really.  For someone you claim to love and almost marry to do that to, especially since its part of your revenge plot on the wife is harsh.  


    But that leads me to the next area or revenge plots that is revenge turns you bitter, the characters you admire for getting revenge turns ugly as revenge itself is a bitter thing to do.  I mean look at EJ has it all worked out but everyone around her is falling apart or in revenge mode.  Her twit of a fiance, claims to have his best interests at heart and doesnt want EJ hurting him yet does it himself, while the look on his face show the hint of remorse for his friend, is it enough to stop him OMG NO, not likely does he find another way instead of it, NOPE, so no respect for him at all.


    After slapping her across the face I half expected her to run back and tell him who she was but then again she wouldnt of done that as it would of hurt him more and also have him involved.  She probably thought him forgetting all about her is the best thing, cant say I blame her at this point on that.


    My calculations i they have the next 10 episodes to drag out the plot then the lasts 10 to slowly rap things up.....

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  16. What I dont get is he originally proposed the fake marriage because he wanted to stay as president and had sort of blackmail hanging over his head.  Despite the fact there was paperwork to help support that he still was hesitant.  Then he has a go at her for using her ex as part of the revenge and doesnt want him hurt so enforces the fake marriage only to hurt him even more, yet he still doesnt get it.  I was gutted to see him so devistated and yet the others still more concerned about there plotting.  The only justification I was happy with was she got slapped across the face.


    She cant stay or return as EJ as she has lost apart of herself with both, despite her thirst for revenge, everyone around her is also using her emotions to push the revenge agenda.  I hope they push her too far and realise what they are doing is wrong and realise she wont back down as the only person who loved her, got pushed away.....


    I did miss parts but thats from my memory anyhow, this is the only drama where I despise her revenge and her because she is hurting someone she loved very much as a result.  Worst case is he will either find out or forgive her and they will live happily ever after, I want him to turn his back on her for a while and be angry as her for all this for a while, so she can see the damage she has done to someone she claimed to care about.........

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  17. Actually after rewatching I realised I was wrong, they killed his family so he will kill theirs, so i thought he might go for the brother but now no, i dont think so.


    I think its going to be her, she killed the lawyers father and now arranged for his mother to go.  I think he ends up on the run after killing her in front of them.


    The italian mob has been mentioned a few times now and they are still quiet, so i suspect we will see them on the move soon to, to korea.  I think that Paolo will want or be called in to help do away with Vincenzo.....

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  18. Now things are going to esculate big time, if he took her out then vincenzo isnt able to leave an empty threat back, he will have to match it.  My guess here is



    the brother will be taken out, regardless if he has spoken to vincenzo before or not, eye for eye, family for family.  The other two dont have any relevance or importance to this guy.  Even thou he may not like his brother much, he would be pretty peaved if he was taken out......


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  19. I am confused by the fact there is talk on the novel and series admittingly, but that doesnt bother me thou.  What this drama reminds me of plot line wise is "School 2017" the boys really disliked each other over their friends death for different reasons.  One resented his father for using his influence to hide his sons involvement the other his guilt over not being there for him before he died and thinking he hid behind his father.


    This one is similar from my research so far, the boys both loved their friend and are grieving for the loss but for different reasons.  But they are both misunderstanding the situation.


    I hope at the end she ends up with CEW character as that is where the chemistry is and bad boy also appears to be aware of it.....

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  20. I need to go back and watch this through I think now as I am a fan of Seon ho and caught the last few episodes.


    @EK8  I think some of the dislike comes from people who like Seon Ho as an actor, others of it might come from his maturity in this role and the male leads immaturity.  But I am guessing here.


    As they say you cant help who you fall in love with and emotionally that's the male lead.  She connects with him emotionally but its Seon Ho's character that I feel drives her maturely.   Given he could of been more sympathetic to the death but on the counter side he is an investor they talk in terms of risks and assessments.  But he was asked point blank of a cold assessment and told her,   You didn't read the contract and you are going to loose your job as a result.


    That is the cold hard fact, she cant cry over it, they didn't check it, no point in getting angry or casting blame its going to happen now as a result.  So she did the only thing she could do, is sit him down and ask him, he would know what her options are and what direction to head.  So he told her.  She is dealing with things maturely as he would.  Which in that sense they make a great couple.  But if its enough for them to be together or not is another story, as her emotional connection was already established elsewhere.


    The difference is whether it will unravel or not as a result of the lies already told.  That can cause it to go both ways dramatically.

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  21. Thankfully a reasonable ending, I would of been disappointed if she ended up with crybaby, I would of understoond but been disappointed.  I mean she said while TI was in hospital she didnt want him to be alone anymore so why would they even bother to put that in the script if she was to remain married.


    So yeah at least somewhat satisfying ending, i mean he was by her side digging up the trueth all the way and been her strength and courage as well...

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  22. I feel extremely conflicted here and want to walk away from the drama even before it gets to the end.  I feel ED will play the sympathy card and say well i agreed to marry you, we should make this work.  Which will leave TI hanging and me extremely peeved to be honest.  


    My prediction will be either one of these two situations;


    1. Sacrifices to be with him and goes to china and decides she doesnt hate him and can grow to love him and they leave.


    2.  Sacrifices herself to go with him, however he turns the tables and leaves without her making a sacrifice so she can be with TI.


    It looked like TI was so devestated when they were talking at the funeral place,  I dont understand the writers in these style drama putting so much chemistry on the other characters and little to no chemistry on what appears to look like the main characters.


    I know TI did it to help and because he is loyal and loves her, he doesnt expect anything in return only for her to be happy, but he always has this love lorn, lost puppy dog look on his face that screams for her to go and rescue him and be with him.  But she is hardly standing her ground now, she is straddling both bridges no making a firm decision and that is my number 1 pet peeve in these style drama's.  Lead characters who dont know wha tthey want and drag out 20 - 40 episodes un necessarily.......pfft

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