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Status Replies posted by Wendy

  1. Why is there no thread for iKON?

    1. Wendy


      Oops..wrong clip for Dumb & Dumber, here's the correct encore ^^



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Why is there no thread for iKON?

    1. Wendy


      I couldn't find any thread for iKON too, so I post my few fancams from their Showtime Tour in Singapore on 24/7/2016 :

      "Rhythm Ta"


      Talk-time and thank you speech...


      "What You Doing"


      "Dumb and Dumber" encore...


      My first time to catch their full concert and they were very impressive ! I like B.I.'s and Bobby's rapping..awesome !

      Can someone please start a thread here for these 7 talented boys from YG Entertainment ? ^^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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