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Posts posted by Petrova

  1. 19 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

    It happened too fast so I think it was more of subconscious gesture than planned act. Furthermore, BLY always hesitant to show his affection to GH so actually it was out of character for him (ZZ) to reach and pat his (JY's) head. :D 

    I think, both JY and ZZ were kind of mixing their personalities and their characters' during the filming. If you are interested in my rambling about the development of their relationship, check the spoiler! ;) 

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    - first impression. JY at least thought "this guy is alright" while actually ZZ thought JY as "detached and quiet".

    - initial awkwardness. Strangers are awkward with each other because we need to "map" the other party's position. Is he/she my competitor? Is he/she dangerous for me? Is he/she shared same interest with me? Do I need to invest my time/energy/attention for him/her? Etc.

    JY-ZZ were very awkward with each other during photo shot, you can see it clearly in BTS. There was a time when after JY took pictures that ZZ asked "Are you alright?" and JY just kind of ignored him XD

    - building shared experiences. The awkwardness would dissipate with time and interactions. People who are stuck at this stage for one or another reasons are the ones we call as "acquaintances". I know him/her, he's/she's okay but I do not trust him/her enough. People who pass go to the next level in our social circle.

    Now, this is the most important stage and the most mysterious one. We do not know what had happened during this time, only small bits (CJD forced them to share a room). But something (or many things) had happened during this stage which bonded JY-ZZ and brought them to the next stage. I really want to know what had happened, please release Addicted the reality show, CJD!

    - friendship. As the result of their shared experiences, they had become friends. At the same time, they kept on collecting shared experiences, making their friendship even stronger. Many "regular" friendships usually stop here. At this stage, usually people would consider the other party as someone they know, have good relationship and trust to certain extent.

    - intimate. However, in some cases, friendship evolves into something more: a deeper, stronger bond. It involves intimacy, as in "I open my heart for you, you open yours for me". It usually involve deep emotional but non-sexual attachment. Indeed, usually sexual relationship is branched out differently from the friendship stage. So, if you are already at intimate level without sexual contact, you have been eternally "friend-zoned"  

    On the case of JY-ZZ, their friendship grew intimate because of something we (also!) do not know. We can only see the signs of their deep relationship on the BTS: how these boys were very comfortable near each other, horsing around, even (quoting JY in his interview) their minds got "synchronised".

    - sexual. The other branch of "advanced friendship". I believe you can go to acquaintances -> sexual or friendship -> sexual. But, usually not intimate -> sexual. As I have said, usually people have to choose the "intimate route" to be BFF or the "sexual route" of lovers.

    On JY-ZZ's case, however, I believe they developed both intimacy and sexual relationships thanks to the nature of GH-BLY's relationship. So, in other words, if JY-ZZ were playing other roles, they would end up as great friends but might on totally platonic relationship (like Clooney-Pitt). BUT since they were playing GH-BLY and had to be in (limited) sexual contacts, they also unwittingly developed sexual attractions to each other. From BTS videos, we can see that this sexual tension was very overwhelming to the point of they were losing themselves when acting the bed scenes. JY even openly admitted than once he pounced on ZZ, he forgot the lines.

    This rare combination of intimate/sexual relationship between JY-ZZ translated into "chemistry" we see between them, where simple gestures show multitude of meanings: comfort, care, friendship, sexual desire etc.

    Now, applying the above to the circumstances in China gives us (and the boys) further complication:

    - at first period (promoting Addicted until the fan meeting): JY-ZZ could act as they wished, the more they expressed the deep bond between them, the better because BL fans would interpret that as sexual tensions. That is why we see them were very touchy-feely even used suggestive remarks, like ZZ said "Guess?" when the interviewer at NetEase asked about his sexuality. It was the period when their personal relationship and fan service went along just fine.

    - at second period (after the fan meeting until Franco-Sino party): because of the uncertainty and hostile environment, I think, they were actively trying to suppress any meaningful interactions between them. The last time they were being carefree was at Femina. After that? Zip. Nil. No display of affections at all. Even on an interview (forgot which), when ZZ was holding the mic, JY at first reached out to hold the mic as well. But when he touched ZZ's fingers, he hastily let the mic go. Very much in contrast with previous interviews, when he casually held ZZ's fingers and the mic.

    I personally saw JY closing himself more than ZZ. Interestingly, at this period, JY was visibly looked very stressed to the point of losing weight, glum expression, etc. ZZ? He sang Ten Years. That was the expression of his stress, in my opinion. If you take a look, the song's lyrics really reflect their circumstances: they had been strangers, then grew close, then the reason for their closeness (Addicted) was gone. ZZ, you broke my heart by singing that song! :tears:

    - at third period (Franco-Sino party until Now*?)

    Anyway, the separation as in Ten Years did not happen. Instead, JY-ZZ were actively working together in various projects. Of course, none were requiring them to be as sexual as in Addicted but in my opinion, this is where their intimacy shine! 

    Considering the circumstances in China, the safest bet for JY and ZZ at most is to portray themselves as friends. More than that is suicide. They did try (are still trying?) to do that but at times, we saw bursts of (subconscious) gestures of affections from both of them. These gestures of affections were less frequent than during the first period and maybe less sexual (no suggestive/ambiguous remark**) but for me, as intimate as ever. We have discussed these gestures here, starting from how they look at each other, how their spines curved inward, how they leaned to each other, shoulders brushing each other, etc.

    My two personal favourite: Men's UNO QA and ELLEMEN promo vid.

    While Men's UNO promotional videos are hot to the max, I personally value the interview more because the boys' reactions there are more natural. For example, when ZZ was explaining about a gamer he likes in LOL, JY snapped his head so fast from reading a question card to looking at ZZ and he even said, "What is that, I don't understand!" but his expression was not of curiosity which somehow made ZZ looked sheepish and quickly diverted JY's attention to the next question. See the vid (2:17). I'd say that JY was upset/jealous? :P 

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    On ELLEMEN promo vid, there is that three-seconds of affection, where JY pulled ZZ in a hug and suddenly, JY subconsciously smiled. Yeah, no more than friends ;) 

    *Although sensing that Johnny sang the sad song as important in JY's personal life and his relationship with ZZ but I am still not completely sure whether we can use it as another periodic milestone (so the third period end with that song and the fourth began after). Let us wait and see for more interactions. Really hoping for the Happy Camp, Thailand fan meeting and Amazing Race, here! God, please make JY-ZZ pairs in Amazing Race!

    **at this period, both JY and ZZ repeatedly being asked about their sexuality and type of ideal woman/girl. They, unlike at the first period, confirm their straight orientation and provide more structured answers on type of ideal woman/girl. Before, they -especially ZZ, were being ambiguous and their ideal types were different from one interview to another. I still believe that these are more of fan service/protecting themselves, though. The only ambiguous/suggestive behaviour is Johnny's posting the bent pipe photo, which interestingly is not deleted from ZZ's weibo?

    What is next?

    Honestly, I do not know. With the pressures, schemes and all, anything could happen. The FB scandal and JY-ZZ's exchanges at weibo yesterday just part of surprises known to us. Who know what is happening behind the screen, on their real life? But what does not kill you, makes you stronger. So, as always, I am hoping for the best to JY and ZZ, may they found the true happiness and may they always cherish the rare bond that they have.


    OMG this anylysis is gold!!

    LET ME LOVE YOUU!!! :heart:


    • Like 11
  2. Well, we got the wedding planner guys!! Just remember  @joycemay to install cameras to all the rooms in the house.

    Just in case they're not doing "it" at the bridal chamber. Remember to put the cameras on the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room and even the balcony :w00t::w00t::w00t:

    Because we can't lose their 'wild wedding night', we need to documented all of it for 'research' purpose!!

    After that we just can sit and wait until the morning comes to collect the footage and upload it to this forum as soon as possible.


    • Like 16
  3. 9 hours ago, tea4two said:

    Lol, you guys should probably get on weibo....another comment by Johnny....(I think they're flirting!)


    OMG!!! WHAT DID HE SAY??? 



    8 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

    What did Johnny say? Is it time to thow the party!? I'll call the bakery for wedding cake!



    • Like 18
  4. 4 minutes ago, hellolive said:


    Just got back to dorm from campus, got a calming-down news.

    So, practically he said that song was good. OKAY! :wub:

    After that FB controvercy, and fans keep thinking hard what JY chose between his long time friend and with his new sweet colleague, and now he just gave an ANSWER to that question throuhg comment that his new colleague song was GOOD. With a simple conclusion that he still more on ZZ side. Doesn't mean he didn't appreciate FB, because FB is the FIRST who didn't appreciate him and started the fire. It's reasonable if JY would CHOOSE ZZ comfort ZZ and the fans by posting that comment, proved that he still in a good relationship friendship phase with ZZ.

    The ship won't easily sunk. We just started.

    I wish ZZ would replied something to him, too. So far it's only JY who gave feedback to ZZ-related posts, like the comment "won't do anything, just gave an upvote to support ZZ to the #1" on his first release, that "bent metal" comment, and THIS. But sadly ZZ didn't able to respond him back. But I believe ZZ were are happy with JY support.

    And about instagram thing, I believe he will follow JY if they will definitely work together again. Like when started shooting for Addicted S2, they will take some pics again and maybe posted it on IG (if they're really in "good friends" term, I mean supposedly NOT in a secret-romantic terms, they absolutely will take a selfie together later).

    But if they won't follow each other, they must be really something GOING ON with their relationship. You know what I mean. :phew: THIS SHIP WON'T SINK, just because the didn't follow each other. But just wait till the Happy Camp, or when they start the S2.

    Ow, wait... before they do friends on IG...
    Are they even FRIENDS on Weibo? I didn't exactly know they added each other as friends or not.


    @Soohee ssi Hey, fellow Larrie! How could you be here? hahahaa~
    Same, I had through the goddamn dramas for 5 to 6 years. So I didn't feel bothered with all this. Yet the ship's still strong.
    Everything will be okay. We got a strong heart :D



    Actually, he did replied to JingYu's comment...

    here some update




    He replied mean something like "HMMM..HMMM"

    but I still trying to find his post.....

    • Like 10
  5. 54 minutes ago, ryokise said:

    So the place in this BTS is the home/company dorm that Zhouzhou is staying at?(I think it was mentioned in one of CJD's interview that he stays at the company dorm,JY also lived at there before) Also is that the Same plushie? So zhouzhou's "someone owe me million dollars" face was because he wanted the plushie in JY's hands and really got what he wanted?? LOL

    Just like I said,wifey always get what he want from his hubby :heart:

    or maybe, just maybe JingYu leave his plushie for ZhouZho so when ZhouZhou miss him, he can hug the plushie and pretend that it's JingYu beside him :w00t::w00t: #YuZhouconspiracy


    • Like 16
  6. 25 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


    I love what you wrote there mate...:bawling:

    I've been listening to Johnny singing that sad song... (it keeps on playing by itself and I keep on listening to it somehow). Johnny is really special... You could feel his emotion just from his voice (even though we didn't see his facial expression). I think that's just raw talent. Just like his acting... His acting might not be as good as Zhouzhou but for a first timer, the talent is there. He's like a rough diamond waiting to be polished..

    I agree with you about the feels are different when Zhouzhou & Johnny smiles.. Zhouzhou is always smiling. Maybe he didn't show it if he had any upsets, we don't know. Zhouzhou emanates this bright positive vibe when he smiles, I just wanna squeeze his cheeks. But Johnny, even when he smiles, there's this hidden melancholy vibe emanating from him, I just wanna hug him.

    Yes!! I want to hug him and never let him go again. 

    The song, the emotion, the voice is just perfect to describe what he's feeling now...


    Sitting at the familiar airport, Waiting to take off to another place.

    We're remember how many times he flight from one place to another. Even two flight in just one day...


    Changed my bed once again and turned off the light. Why can't I fall asleep at night.

    Sometimes you just can't sleep when you're so tired. You'll just laying there and don't know what to do.


    A man who dreams the most is considered as most busy. When he can't dream, he starts to panic.

    From the interviews, his dream is so simple. To live the life how he want it. He even doesn't care about money. He want to be lifeguard, open a shop, bartender. But now, all he want is just some good and long sleep,


    The more I receive the greater the torture. This is not the life I had wanted.

    Just like I said before, this sudden fame thing is not what he wanted


    The sky is still dark and I'm very sad. Holding up my phone but I'm not sure who I should call.

    This is what happened when you can't sleep and your mind wandering around.Make you feel you're lonely and sad


    I have received so much more, Yet I am getting more and more lonely than before.

    He's more famous now, all high company want him. He do photoshoot, interviews, filming almost everyday but that's what all he's doing. He can't freely doing what he want to do now...

    • Like 14
  7. Since listening to Johnny's cover this morning, my day is just dark and gloomy. My heart break every time I replayed the song but I can helped myself to keep replaying.

     It makes me love Johnny's more than ever. At first I really love Johnny because of his role as GuHai and this last few day I starting to like ZhouZhou more than Johnny just because when I saw ZhouZhou's photos, he's always look happy and full of smile contrast with Johnny's photos that look like he's so tired sometimes he's smile too but I don't know it's just different from what I feel.

    And now after listening Johnny singing that song and how he put his feeling to sing the song make me want to hug him and say everything is okay that he's not alone. I am here and always support him whatever he think right for him. If he want to travel around the world, well let's travel together and make it's just the two of us against the world...

     I don't know but it seems like I have a thing for people that lonely or broken . It makes me want to fix them, want to nurture them, want to say to them that I will be there.  Even based on my experience, these people are not good for relationship, they'll gone when the found another happiness and you will feel like everything you do is nothing. I know I can't blame them because they didn't ask me to fix them, it's me the one who always want to makes them happy again. However, I keep on falling to these people that I called 'broken angel", because when you fix their wing they will fly again and leaving you.....

    Sorry guys, it's just me shared my feeling because Johnny reminds me of some people in my past.


    The smile that hide a deep loneliness :dissapointed_relieved:

    • Like 22
  8. 2 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

    Following the excellent scholarship and dedication to research showed by my esteemed colleagues on this forum research group, I would like to present a new supporting case for #YuZhouConspiracy as follow:

    (Men's UNO Interview BTS)

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    Based on my non-judgemental and neutral observation of the above material, I highlighted several interesting points as follow:

    1) There are a lot of mutual and corresponding gesture of affections, such as but not limited to: looking at each other, leaning to each other, brushing their shoulders/skins, etc. This shows a high degree of comfortability between them.

    2) A more specific case of looking, known as the #glareoflove also shown on the material. The #glareoflove can be recognised by these following symptoms: intense gaze, longer duration (more than 1 second), inevitably causing blush, nervousness or subconscious smile on one or both of them.

    3) subject J showed a sudden act of aggression toward subject Z, which interestingly, was well received by subject Z (he laughs, instead of being angry or upset). A small gesture of affection later by subject J shows that the earlier aggression was just a casual act, which might have been occurred before.

    Considering the points above, I preliminary draw a conclusion that: #YuZhou ship is still sailing by itself and we do not suffer from mental delusion as a certain someone beliefs. Further academic observation is necessary to improve this research, thus I invite fellow scholars to contribute on this issue.

    I'm supporter of this #YuZhouConspiracy !!

    Here are the proof











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  9. 2 hours ago, bromeliad said:

    It's reported that Johny will join the cast of China Amazing Race. It's not yet disclosed who would be his partner though.

    If this is true I hope his partner is Timmy.


    1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

    The Colors of Life is updated! Interested in knowing Johnny's reaction to ELLEMEN's video? Check this! ;)

    The Auburn of Determination



    Early update because I already miss them so :( Hoping for them to meet again on Happy Camp, then on Amazing Race. If Johnny's partner is not decided yet for Amazing Race, it has to be Zhouzhou! It has to! What kind of offerings should we burn in order this to happen? XD


    1 hour ago, looperstar said:

    We should have our own Amazing Race and whoever wins shall choose which one of us shall be sacrificed. For the survival of the ship, one should be sacrificed.


    The reward for the sacrificial lamb is an eternal heaven with YuZhou and ZhouYu merchandise and shiptease


    38 minutes ago, _Nao_ said:

    Do you guys have any information about the Amazing Race?

    I know JingYu is confirmed to join, but what about his partner? He can choose his partner or the program decides for him?

    I hope his partner is ZhouZhou. I'll pray for it now :bawling:


    17 minutes ago, aeislaeigh said:

    I'm gonna definitely pray for this... :D

    Weeeee!!! Second part of the Elle Men photoshoot is out!!! :D



    8 minutes ago, jeffreyphoenixiii said:


    Depends on the schedule of Timmy. But first, I Hope our Johnny :wub: will choose our Timmy:wub: and the latter can squeez-in this activity to his schedule.;)

    Finger's crossed. 


    Dear God, we're all here want to ask You to unite our Jing Yu and Zhou Zhou together in this reality show called Amazing Race. Guide them so they always find their way to be together. Amen.....


    • Like 19
  10. 2 hours ago, mctmy8 said:

    Guys can you please send me the GIF where Zhou pretended to be a Pole and Johnny to be a Pole dancer? Thank you! Hahahaha!


    I made one for you from estreline's video ...it show that Johnny always want to undress Zhouzhou :wub:



    1 hour ago, tea4two said:


    Sorry MOD, I have to quote the above picture to make a point......ZZ was touching his ear when he's answering the question about his sexuality.  Touching your ear is one of the common body language that indicates someone is lying or withholding something.  He's not telling the whole truth, ZZ's a naughty boy!



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  11. Just woke up in my peaceful morning 


    until I see this post.......

    8 hours ago, ayasdai said:

    OH MY GOD. THIS!!!! THIS!!!! THIS!!!



    I tried to keep calm...


    Then I strolling around try to find any update....

    and I found this.....



    so Johnny even googled the bent metal pole picture until page 8, just to give clear picture without watermark and from what we saw is perfectly described him and ZhouZhou.....:wub:


    and this





    NOW I CAN'T CALM MY richard simmons!!!!!









    Bonus for you guysss!!! THE MAJESTIC CREATURE!!!




    I think this is result of the voting...


    • Like 18
  12. 10 minutes ago, bromeliad said:

    Someone remarked that the picture Johny posted has two metal bars. Besides teasing Zhou zhou, what other message was he trying to convey? :D



    1 minute ago, elppa said:


    Bombing million fangirls hearts into pieces. :heart::heart: :blush:




    Hey, everybody! Open your eyes. THERE ARE TWO BENT METAL. A Couple! 


    Wait, I'm trying to open my eyes 



    after seeing what happened 



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  13. 18 minutes ago, pureblade said:

    OOOOO are we having some cryptic messaging going on here :rolleyes:? Give it time give it time.... we shall see :phew:

    #YuZhouYu Conspiracy 

    On a side note: Are we still conspiring or has the ship left the dock. I still have not felt comfortable enough to bring out the confetti.

    Oh honey....the ship has sailed, don't you see..




    • Like 12
  14. 2 hours ago, elppa said:

    Johnny is not only playing like 04 years old child. Here is his work at the playground.  *advice: hold on your chair, or desk, or stay firmly on any surface.* :grin:


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    I think his age is now at two-year-old. Don't worry, Johnny. As long as you're JingYu -handsome and having tiger teeth, you are still the only one could bend our Zhou's pipe :wub: and these work are all be masterpieces.

    I want to say once again, Johnny and Jimmy are so puurfect to each other. They complete each other, and having the same and harmony  taste =)) 

    You are still in doubt?



    I've heard that you can tell someone's personality from his drawing. Can you guys tell Jing Yu's personality from his drawing? From the way he drew the house, the clouds, etc

    I don't understand what you talking about, but to be able looking at you so closely it's enough for me. It's like you and me having a video call at night talking about our day.*delulu*that-sweet-smile_98.gif

    and when you said "bye bye " at the end........


    • Like 8
  15. Why I can't edit my post?? It won't load everytime i clicked save :angry:

    Jing Yu's quick Q&A with Sogou



    Q: how many times fell in love
    A: 2 times

    Q: restaurant that you like to go most?
    A: dont have

    Q: do you like to cry?
    A: dont like

    Q: the most embarrassing moment in life?
    A: when junior high school when i was rushing to grab basketball, my pants fell down, whole school around few thousand people saw it

    Q: if you could do plastic surgery, who would you like to turn into?
    A: dont want (plastic surgery). i think im the best already
    Q: what do you wish for birthday this year?
    A: dont want to go through birthday (maybe he mean dont want to get older
    Q: regardless of the salary, what do you want to do the most?
    A: (thinking for a long time) bartender at beachside, or diving instructor

    Q: right now do you have someone you like in your heart?
    A: of course i have. if you dont have even someone you like in your heart, what are you living for?

    Q:right now are you still single?
    A: single.

    cr: estreline


    Who's in your heart babe, please do tell. Don't make us wonder....


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