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Posts posted by buMbOLe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Quick question..so no one knows except kangin's mom that junsu died?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What covers do you guys recommend for the macbook? I'm not looking for the skin designs but more for protection.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those jaejoong fans..this was from last year's HB

































































































































































































































































































































  4. i must have watched this video over & over again and even converted it into mp4 file (poor quality though) so i could load it into my iPod. oh well, everytime i watch it, i feel like my sanity just flies out of the window... :lol: and the screencaps from Guerilla date, oh well i want to see more of him smiling like that.

    honestly, i do follow BOF religiously but im glad it's ending soon so KHJ could finally rest. AND i hope DSP will let him do so because he obviously needs it. The airport vid, even with his heart-stopping smile, I still can't help but notice his drastic weight loss.

    I know! He looks so exhausted and tired! I just want to fed him! haha but yeah I can't stop looking at that clip either, it made my day! haha just seeing him genuinely smiling like that makes me like him even more! It's so cute because he's like a combination of being shy,cute, and sexy! Like others said he might have been happy to see fans there but at the same time after all these years and he's still happy at the sight of fans just makes me even more love-able! haha
































































































































































































































































































































































    opps nevermind! cant wait for the concert either!



































    Hey I've been to the HB and where like

    exactly in the HB are we gonna meet?










    Do you want us to like.. spot for your sign?










    I'm actually going to the HB with soompiers so yeah...










    I cant wait!!!



















    I was reading on Khype that the booths dont open until around 4 to 5..so maybe before that you guys should grab a bite to eat or something, which can be more fun to socialize with fellow soompierss..the meet does sound like fun, but too bad i cant make it..
















    Selling Terrace SeatS!

















































    3 and 4!






























    Both for $250!










    pm if you are interested..






























    hey guys... if yall didn't know already forever 21 opened another store called heritage 1981 and it has some of these fob style fashion with a little added vintage/urban wear..it's a little more expensive than forever 21 but the material is sooo much better than f21 and the clothes fit better too! here's the website but it haven't opened yet.. http://heritage1981.com/
































    damn sws and his good lookS! meishsh0rt! i think someone else is using that cyworld of his and his other one is taken too! darn it! i was soo excited to see his pics because i thought he quit being a ulijjang and was tired of it..but i guess not! YAY! ahhahah
































    hey guys! may i make a request?! i want the pic of mikki and ji hoo when they were at the cafe then ji hoo was putting the leopard print scarf over his face and he had that mask with him...there were a lot of pics compiled into that one...okay that's it! thanks! :D
































    does anyone have Sul Woo Suk's cyworld? can i have it pleASEEEE! THANKS A BUNCH! :D




















    i looked on the 3rd page of this topic..then they had it but i guess he doesn't keep it anymore! unless he got it but it's not that i know of! AHHHH!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    congrats to him!!! he looks soo happY! hope they have a wonderful life together!

































































































































































































































































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