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Amy Phan

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  1. 4aBijex.jpg

    Everything got chosen for a reason...


    Our Lady's Tears -- Lily of the Valley 


    This little flower is considered pretty by just about everyone who sees it. It seems fragile and pure and has been said to have come to life from the tears that have fallen from the Virgin Mary’s eyes upon the death of her son, Jesus, on the cross. There are a number of additional religious connotations to the meaning of the flower but in general, it symbolizes humility, chastity, sweetness, purity and is said to bring luck in love. It also means "the return of happiness"  and actually suggests to people that they are incomplete without the person that is being handed the flower.

    1. thepixies


      Unfortunately, Hongkong's Apple media (which Singapore's media subsequently used as a source) reported that the bouquet alone cost an exorbitant amount, even more than the wedding band. #fakenews

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