Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

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Posts posted by Azngel
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anybody on info on the hospital or doctor?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hahaahahahahaha this site is hilarious. i love making random racist comments.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im do not like chan thaan son .. but .. the pic write 2003-2007































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    in the pic mean that the photo is taken in 2007






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think that 2003-2007 means the copyright or time of the website. not when the time period of the pic.

































































































































    I know Anming photoshops, so I was expecting him to look fairly different in motion. I was kind of surprised that he pretty much still looks the same, just as girly. haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    dont forget how magibon turned out tho. everybody thought she had nothing to hide b/c she was in motion.

































































  6. hmm i really wonder how they're going to play out the YiJeong and GaEul love story.. cuz i don't remember anything like that from the taiwan drama..

    yes there was. remember xiao you (rainie yang) eventually has a crush on Xi Men (Ken Chu). she eventually offers her virginity to Xi Men who does not take it. but i dont think a relationship ever developed between them because xiao you family eventually moved to canada.

    i doubt the Korean version will go as far as anything sexual but im sure yijung will end up having feelings for Gaeul.

  7. dont u think this is what so great abt JP? even he's jealous head to toe to JH, still he contacts JH to find and comfort JD bcos he knows that JD and JH are in very good terms. i mean JP can just contact YJ or WB right? when JP was drag away from the cellphone contest, to macau, and now this, he always contacts JH bcos he knows that JD is more close to JH than the other 2. so he pushes away his jealousy for JD's sake...so sweet!!!!

    yeah, i think it shows that JP truly loves JD. hes able to overcome his own selfishness for her comfort... :blush:

    so heartbreaking yet so sweet.

  8. i have a question about jihoo's grandfather, he was the president of S. Korea?

    I thought he was only the president of some big company or something.

    and I remember in one of the episodes JD and GE's boss had a newspaper clip of him doing something chef-related?

    i'm confused.

    in the first episode, JD's bro is doing research on F4 and he says that Jihoo is the grandson of korea's ex-president.

    i think GE's boss at the porridge shop used to a master chef for the korean president and hes one of the few people who know the true identify of jihoo's grandfather.

  9. Wow, I can't believe it's at page 717!! I've tried to keep up but just can't. So, I'm hoping someone out there will take pity on me and help clarify something.

    In episode #5...JD doesn't have a cell phone. Her brother had to call her friend (GE) about the new furniture in their house.

    In episode #8...JD does have a cell phone. It was the phone call that interrupted the "near" kiss when they were watching the movie in his car.

    Now in both the Taiwan and Japanese version, there's a scene where JP gives JD a phone.

    So, is it me? Am I just completely blind and missed a whole scene in the Kversion? Or, maybe, I'm not crazy after all, and there was no such scene in this version?

    Please... someone out there, please put this poor soul out of it's misery.

    omg i notice that too!! and plot holes really bug me. didnt JP say during that couple contest that he was going to get her a cell? but i dont think JD would accept it b/c she said she wanted to get it on her own. argg its bugging me

  10. about the shoe price. they were at the Hugo Boss store and JD was looking at flats that are about $300USD (a very common price range for HB brand). just b/c they are in china does not mean there are only dinky vendor shops. whether the shoe was actual hugo boss or not, i dont know, i think the producers just bought some cheap flats and put it in the Hugo Boss store to make it HB brand so that they wouldnt have to worry about damage when JP and that girl was fighting over it.

    LOL i cant believe the details people notice.

  11. Honestly, I think that the staff/producers didnt think that thoroughly when scripting and such...

    I mean they're so busy making this drama, that they could just miss little things here and there...

    JP's mom had no idea that he was watching the video in the conference room.

    And why the heck would Jihoo have the clip in the first place? o_O

    A lot of BoF fans post up screen captures of mistakes in the drama.

    It's probably just one of the faults in the drama im guessing.. ^^

    JP mom thought he was in the conference room working the whole day. I think shes too busy to check on him constantly thats why she took the assistant's words when the assistant said JP was in the conference room. JH had the vid first b/c he was the person who prompted JD to make the vid. JH was the person who told JD he could get the vid to JP.

  12. I'm wondering how did he get the video? Logically it should JH that gave him the video maybe via mail? And if it's by mail then perhaps JP's mom purposely added the two clips together...test of his will and perhaps a reminder of where his obligations lies? But if the two clips one of Jandi and the other of his dad was not put together by his mom than that mean JH? If so....why? I can not imagine JH doing that to his friend.

    Edit: I <3 pInk, I LOVE it...every sad, tear jerking moments of it! I especially like the beginning and the end...it came full circle...thanks for sharing this sad, beautiful mv. Please continue to share more in the future!

    i thought it was a digital camcorder so the vid was emailed? oh wait i do remember JH telling JD that someone in the company was going to see JP and would give him the vid (epi 13). he could have just uploaded it hmself onto computer so its easy access anywhere he goes.

  13. one thing i didnt get about ep 14. so theres the scene where jandi has her bags packed and is saying bye to ji hoo and jihoo says something about going to the airport. then jihoo watches jandi walk away through the window. then all of a sudden jihoo is in her room waking her up in the middle of the night and then after that there's no mention of jandi leaving until the part where they meet Ming. i thought when jandi had her bags packed it meant she was on the way to the airport and when jihoo watches her through the window, hes watching her go back to korea, why the heck did the rest of the episode completely not continue from that point on and acted as if that "goodbye" scene never even happened? o.oa

  14. [] cartoon20frog.jpeg


    [] d201c.jpg


    jan di.

    forreal. :|

    and then she looks like a pig from side profile. u__u;

    that's all i thought when i saw the drama.

    drama is sooo good. *A*

    stayed up watching it.

    glad it's not exactly like hana yori.


    hahahaah yeah i really see where you get that from. i think she looks like a Furby. i cant help but notice the "pretty" girls all have awfully obvious surgery.

    i absolutely love the drama. its so addicting and i love the cloths they wear in them. its killing me to have to wait for the rest of the episodes.

































    are you jaime from http://jaimewearsblack.blogspot.com/? :huh:

    it's funny because you've got the same exact closet as she does but you have a different name and live in a different state lol































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hahahahhahaah i dont get the point of posing. in real life you still dont got it.
































































































































































































































































































































    maybe jaime has split personality :P

































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