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Posts posted by NaughtyDog

  1. Hey I'm Andrea, I'm an OG soompi user from around 2005 :sweatingbullets:

    I have a small Twitch channel and my viewers and I play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online every day at 9pmEST.

    I'm hosting a tournament soon too, so if you guys play MK8DX, check out my channel and join our races: http://www.twitch.tv/yooniebrow :)

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ReckLESS_ said:

    my ex came back to me and said he missed me i felt that it was weird because he was seeing a girl a few months before then broke up.
    Then he suddenly says hes leaving the country for work and wont be back for a year, and I found out he was lying.

    I was planning to go to his work and see how he reacts, he thinks I believe that hes actually leaving but hes also stringing along that ex.

    Should I act dumb when I see him? or say youre back from work already? or just stand there infront of him staring at him until he says something?

    Some of you may think this is childish but honestly I really want to do this...hahaha what do you guys think I should do?

    From your previous posts, I don't think you should do anything. Why are you wasting any more time/energy on this guy?

  3. my bf decided last night was a good time to have a talk.

    in short - he's saying that if i find someone better than him, i need to let him know and walk away. and he's saying this only because he cares. and that if i think i need time to date around before deciding on him, i can do it now. and he asked what dating/being in a relationship means to me - and at some point of time, we will get sick of each other and will find it a chore to go out together.

    WHY would anyone tell this to their gf, especially in the early stage of the relationship?? there's nothing wrong with us, it's been going on OKAY.

    He's probably really insecure or he is just using that as a litmus test to see if you want to date around and in turn, allow him to date around. Either way, those are some red flags, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm dealing with something difficult.

    There's a girl who I used to see a lot in the past. I had something nice going on with her, but I didn't ask her out when I had the chances. Because of it, we never became a thing. I think she dropped a hint to me one time but I was oblivious to it. She likely hasn't forgotten about me. I can tell I amaze her. But I'm afraid I'm going to become a distant memory to her. Would she be sad if she were to never see me again?

    Thanks to anyone that can help.

    I'm a bit confused as to what you're asking here. Do you like her? And if you do, why would you become a distant memory or why would she never see you again?

    Sounds like you're dramatizing things for no reason - just ask her out if you're sure she still has feelings for you. If not, then you'll probably come to the same crossroads if you see her again or will wonder what could have happened if you did ask her out.

    • Like 1
  5. What's your opinion on this:

    when a guy says, "you can sleep here (short pause) but you do not have your stuff (clothes etc) here".

    QUESTION - did he want me to stay? This subordinate clause bothers me so much. I spent the entire day with him and I got so confused. I decided to leave because I thought, if he had wanted me to stay there's no need to add a clause sentence.

    I think he definitely wanted you to stay and was just giving you the option to back out if you weren't comfortable or needed your things. 

  6. @odaesan @jennibear01

    Yea guys I made that s*** up

    jk, back in high school psychic blue was the term the fob koreans used for dyed hair that was a subtle blue where it only shows in light so you barely notice it. Without light the hair looks completely black.

    I guess this is the closest example, it needs to be more black with more subtle blue but it is pretty close (wish the photo looked more serious? lol)



    Also one time I took a 3 week break from my ex girlfriend. We met to talk about our relationship and I saw that she dyed her hair light brown. I immediately threw her on her bed and... watched some netflix :]


  7. I don't suggest going back on OKC for guy friends, that'll make your bf feel insecure.

    annoying for the guys on okc as well. its a dating site. find friends elsewhere please.


    I talked to a few guys on OKC before my bf, and after I rejected one of them. they are fine being my friends and we are still friends until this day

    Or he is just patiently waiting for you guys to break up so he can swoop you. 

  8. Bros of soompi, wouldn't you hate the girl who just disappeared into thin air on you for 8 months when you thought things were a-okay, not replying to about 20 text messages throughout that timespan? Or should I be wary of some revenge plot hidden behind this way-too-nice face? 

    I'm pretty sure guys would forgive any girl that did that to them if there was some sort of potential for physical interaction haha

  9. I notice that couple of issues with access from mobile devices have persisted in the new site. When I try to access it via Chrome on my S5 running Lollipop 5.0, I can't login because the dropdown login screen doesn't come up, either in the mobile or desktop mode. All that happens is the screen greys out, as in this screenshot:

    If I try using Dolphin browser, I can access the login mrnu, but when I try to login, I get this error message:

    The cloudflare issue in particular is a longstanding one. I can access the site through the stock Android browser, but thought that sharing the issues might be helpful. 


    I noticed the same thing on my phone. It's really only the soompi forum opening up a side bar on the right, so pinch your screen to zoom out and you should see the sign in functions on the right.


    I'm having an issue where I can't go and ediposttsed . I get an error saying "This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited."

    I get that on my phone and browser, regardless of how long ago I actually posted it.

    Also, if you look above at what I bolded, typing on mobile is terribleterrible. It keeps duplicating words and such and I constantly have to go back and remove these duplicate words.

    • Like 1
  10. @rekashin That kind of happened with my boyfriend and I. I wasn't really looking for a relationship and he knew it, so it took us months before we actually became 'official' and a few months for us to exchange I love you's. Since it was me that didn't want to become official, I was actually the one that essentially "asked him out". It was really a spur of the moment thing and I'm glad it wasn't super premeditated and over thought.

    I personally think that it's a bit of a jump to say that you love her without even establishing whether or not you're officially a couple, but maybe telling her that you love her means you don't have to ask her out lol Despite this, I do think it's important to become official, as silly as it is, just because dating can mean different things to different people, especially at this age.

    When it comes down to it, you know her best, and if she's the type of person who likes grand gestures, then maybe try to do something sweet for her, but if she isn't, just saying it spur of the moment should be fine IMO.

  11. I've tried it when I was single once and basically deleted my account a day or two after. The idea of having your pick between all these people you match with is intriguing, but when it came down to it, all the small talk was too taxing for me and these guys were too transparent in what they were looking for. It reminded me of Frosh week where you had to explain your major, where you're from, what your interests are to a bunch of people over and over and I'm just not social enough to talk to more than one person at a time seriously.

    Also, the pressure that guys put on girls is a bit much. I understand it's important to get a girl to meet up within the first week or whatever the 'rule' is, but being asked to meet up with strangers that I've only talked to for about 5 minutes over and over and get made out to be a prude or essentially be called a wuss if I'm hesitant is just annoying af.

    So, like @silent.dragon said, don't so it unless you're willing to meet up with people and I'd add don't do it unless you have the patience to talk to many guys at once. Some people do, but not everybody of course.

    Also side note: I find it way too weird and awkward getting messages from people I know (that changed after Tinder was made though). I've gotten messages from some of my friends and even one guy that I knew since kindergarten, but we hadn't talked in years and he didn't recognize me lol Awkward.

  12. Not a guy, but wanted to give my opinion.

    First off, I don't think your boyfriend knows what the word 'banter' really means. It basically means light jokes or comments, so him saying that a friend seeing you "uncovered" being banter in that context, doesn't really make sense. (Sorry, that was my inner grammar Nazi haha)

    As far as his comments go, maybe he says that because it's something he doesn't really take seriously and that you nor he should worry about it too much. Maybe he's the type of guy who likes to avoid conflict and confrontation, so he uses that to brush things off. Maybe he could possibly be dismissing your feelings by saying what he does (which would be a big issue). Or maybe it's a combination of all three? We can all speculate, but when it comes down to it, only he knows.

    Best thing to do would be to talk to your boyfriend about it. Ask him why he does that in particular and tell him that it bugs you that he always uses this as an excuse.

    Also, it's probably best to bring it up before it happens again and in a non-accusatory manner so he won't be on the defensive right away. He might not even be aware that he's doing it and fix it straight away -- I've had that happen to me a few times myself.

    Good luck and let us know what happens!

  13. @writerstale‌ @odaesan‌ @NaughtyDog‌ it's hard to move on when he's your first. Also, I found out he told his ex he's not sleeping with anyone else when he clearly is, why would he lie to her and keep me around??

    His ex girlfriend is the goal and you're just getting strung along for the hooking up. Why didn't he tell the girlfriend that you guys are hooking up? Because if he told her, his chances getting back with his ex would probably be very low or go out the window altogether.

    There's that saying that a monkey doesn't let go of a branch before grabbing onto another one, and it seems like he's doing that with you.

  14. Welcome to Jeopardy!

    No, no. That's not how you play. I give the answer and you ask the question.


    Like @writerstale‌ said, move on and go be with someone who wants you for more than a hookup. And please, for the love of Nancy, stop hooking up with him!

  15. To all the ladies that have boyfriends, or all the single ladies that have a love-interest: what would cause you to get a ride from another guy (that is NOT your boyfriend)? Be honest.

    1) I'm really lazy and I don't want to take the subway home.

    2) I don't want to pay for a cab home.

    3) I'm lazy.

    4) It's probably because I'm lazy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    showoff said: NaughtyDog said: showoff said:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One's experience is absolutely relevant in determining if their stance is worth considering.  If you have a person with 10 years experience at fishing telling you to use Bait X for catching freshwater trout, and another person with 2 years experience at fishing tells you to use Bait Y for catching freshwater trout, which person's advice will you follow?
































































































































































































































































































































    I find it difficult to take a teenager's romantic advice to heart.  Likewise, if I, as a 29 year old mid-manager, am trying to tell a 50 year old Fortune 500 CEO how to run a business, I'd understand if he laughs in my face.  I guarantee you that if you wrote down everything that you thought to important and thought to be true in 2013, you'd look at that notebook in 2023 and laugh at how silly you were when you were 17 years old.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    showoff said:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One's experience is absolutely relevant in determining if their stance is worth considering.  If you have a person with 10 years experience at fishing telling you to use Bait X for catching freshwater trout, and another person with 2 years experience at fishing tells you to use Bait Y for catching freshwater trout, which person's advice will you follow?
































































































































































































































































































































    I find it difficult to take a teenager's romantic advice to heart.  Likewise, if I, as a 29 year old mid-manager, am trying to tell a 50 year old Fortune 500 CEO how to run a business, I'd understand if he laughs in my face.  I guarantee you that if you wrote down everything that you thought to important and thought to be true in 2013, you'd look at that notebook in 2023 and laugh at how silly you were when you were 17 years old.

































  18. I feel like a year ago the L&R section used to be full of racial baiting/trolling threads (still is), but now it's just become a series of threads full of misogyny, female stereotypes, and males telling us we're wrong and in denial for believing what we believe in. If we share a story that does shed a differing light on a topic of discussion, we're called rare exceptions and dismissed because it's not the "majority".

    I think healthy discussion about topics are fine because these topics are very interesting to discuss since relationships and gender roles are things that are constantly evolving, but the "No, you're wrong for what you believe in because you're the minority of women." and the "Oh wow, finally an honest woman who backs up my argument. What a breath of fresh air." or "You're just an inexperienced girl who can't comprehend things." are pretty condescending and getting tiresome, if I'm being honest.

    Some of these members are just full out trolls, which to me is okay to an extent, but I wouldn't accept a troll who is throwing out racial slurs, so I won't tolerate this either. Some of these members seem to defend women on one issue and then proceed to perpetuate other female stereotypes and misogynistic views, picking and choosing what to defend and when to insult us females, on other issues. Finally, some members are just plain misogynists. Regardless of the type of member they are, it shouldn't be tolerated.

    Sometimes I do actually agree with the posters, but can I really agree when their comments are sometimes prefaced with misogynistic views?

    I'm not saying this with clean hands, as I am definitely a participant of heated discussions, but hopefully it's something that I can change in myself and something that we start to think about before trying to impose our beliefs on others, tell others that they're just flat out wrong for believing what they do, or perpetuate certain stereotypes.

    So I guess I'd just like to ask:
    Have you ever felt attacked/insulted for being a female on soompi? (Or male for that matter)
    Do you males feel like you're being at all stereotypical with some of the things you say about women? If not, can you explain why you don't feel that way?

    I didn't make this thread as a lecture or anything, I'd just like to discuss in a healthy and polite manner our points of views on these issues. Any type of bashing or racial/gender slurs will be reported and hopefully warnings would be handed out if it does occur.

  19. showoff said:

    The only rationale that I can think of is for the possibility of an ego boost.  Like, if the guy is in car full of his friends, then him yelling at a female walking on the sidewalk may give him a momentary ego boost as he's displaying his "masculinity" in front of his friends.  This actually goes into a deeper concept of misogyny, but I don't think women on this forum would understand/comprehend this concept.

  20. speedredefined said:
    I'm glad my posts pointing out Asian girl's double standard towards Asian guys struck a chord with you though and I'm glad to see you somewhat remember my posts.  Someone needed to have the balls to finally point it out.  I know you didn't like hearing it, but it had to be said.  And I understand fully it's rough to hear, if I were an Asian girl I wouldn't want to hear it too.  [Hypothetically (and I don't mean anyone here specifically, I mean purely hypothetically because I've had discussions with Lie about this and I'm saying this in pure hypothetical terms so no one flag this we're all adults here), I'd love the unequal dating power to date & dump an Asian guy then to date my Professor too. That status quo is nice.  But then what can I say?  I look out for nice guys.]

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