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    what about you?

































































































































  4. @HERMIT thanks for the response. My friends have

    gave me mixed responses, so I wanted to see what

    others would say. I just wanted clarifie that these

    actions are out of friendship. As for the medal, I think

    you can have other recipients beside your immediate family.

  5. Hey, first time posting here. I'm really confused about my guy friend. First some background info. I've known him for 7 years now. We use to talk a lot when we first met, but now we just chat moderatly. He has also told me about the problems he had with his ex. However recently he joined the army reserves and he put my name down as a recipient for this medal. ( sorry forgot what it's called) but the medal is only given out if he dies from military duty.

    So my first question is why would he put my name down

    for something so important?

    Another thing is that a few weeks ago us and our friends went to drink. We had a bit too much and he ended up driving us home. At this point he started to be tipsy, so he told me to hold his hand. Then I fell asleep in his car, so I ended up staying at his place because he didn't want to wake me up. Before I fell asleep he also told me he hasn't held a girls hand since his last ex. Which has been at least 2 years ago.

    So I guess what I'm trying to ask is he treats me like a sister and nothing else?

    Sorry it's so long and thank you.

    Also please excuse my grammar.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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