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Posts posted by awdark














    is this the right thread to ask some problems about my itouch ?








































    okay so like, every time i plug my itouch into my desktop computer, it ALWAYS freezes,



























    so it ends up not charging at all, and i end up restarting the computer.



























    i tried to uninstall & install itunes over & over again, but it would still do the same thing.



























    it totally richard simmons me off already, but the thing is, when i plug in my itouch into my laptop,



























    it DOES charge, but i cant really put music in it, or photos & stuff like that because my laptop



























    won't let me download itunes -__-;;










































    does anybody know how to solve this problem ?



























    thanks in advance (:



























    Have you tried to download the newest version of itunes and updating to that?




















    I thought you guys said WAW was no good... or at least just good for multiplayer?














    I don't know why I got live gold..














    I paid to get pwn-ed online... >_<"





    that is a WRONG information, they have already stated that they will NOT RECALL PSP-3000. Please provide information to prove me other wise. I have PSP-3000 and i've noticed it too when someone told me, but to be honest it doesn't bother me. I didn't even noticed until someone mentioned it, i believe in high quality devices that sony has produced for last few decades, but i also believe that even for superior technologies have flaws.




























    HAHAHA I gave up on it on like the first mission... I couldn't get them to go down stairs. It wasn't even a ladder I think they might have gotten clipped into the hand rails but either way it was like omg this is horrible! :crazy: *delete*




















    Since 2.0 and up the touch has support for many foreign languages including chinese, japanese, and korean but I don't know if its what you are looking for since I can't read or write it...





    ym or msn compatible to i-touch?

    can we install them in it?
















    what other browser can we use? mozilla and IE can?
















    thx alot































    You can go on like Meebo and use web messengers.
















    You can't install any other browsers on it. Jailbreak and app stores add a bit of programs but not extra browsers.



  6. Sad if you just use it for music... Like you can buy a Ipod classic with a TON of more space for less or other options... and its easier to get to the music (I think) on a normal ipod compared to the touch.

    I pretty much just use it for internet and music.. sometimes at the same time then I go T.T as I run out of batteries haha




























    Got invisible shield replacement paid $3.95 for "shipping and handling" I guess they had to handle it a lot or something. Whatever, at least I have a new cover... and I was really surprised about how it got so discolored and scratched so quickly (got it in january)





    You know what's worst than extended warranties? Buying warranties from Squaretrade. Biggest ripoff website ever and I don't know how they're still in business. I filed a claim with the warranty Dec of last year. I have never gotten a response back since. Worst $35 I've ever paid.










    Wow, nice to know. I saw that option on the Woot site when they were selling those refurbished drives and I was wondering if that warranty was worth anything. Apparently it isn't :crazy:










    I wonder if theres a break down on those warranties about which ones are worth it and which arent... things like the 360 where the probability of failure feels greater than the probability of no failures make them tempting.






























    Im not sure it would be able to actually do anything because I plugged a apple formatted ipod into my desktop (PC) before and it kept trying to format it. :lol: so I don't think it can actually read or change anything which makes your problem that much more strange. Perhaps you can make a backup of your library (the database not all your music) and see if you can delete the itunes profile folder (I think "my music" has a itunes folder) I have several files called "iTunes Library.itl" and even "previous itunes library" folder which may have your old play lists or have a new one which is giving you issues. Blah I am even confusing myself. Look into those files, maybe just rename that iTunes folder to itunes.backup and reopen itunes and see if it helped (you will work from scratch but its fine, you rename just incase you bought music from itunes because its stored there).





    ^ actually they say that its here. check out iphone fire.

    if you have the 2.2 firmware you can apparently do it.












    P.S. do you know how to find the file on an XP? I tried everything and I still can't find it.























    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\












    And look for.. probably Apple.. hard to miss the folder should be pretty big if you hover over and look at the folder size.

    hey guys...i need help...

    i jus jailbroke my itouch....and the version is 1.1.5....












    but i cannot use summerboard or any apps...












    when i install summerboard...its said that u need a version of 1.1.3 or higher....












    and when i try to get to custom wallpapers according to this vid























    it's said that error package fail....












    thx a lot for any help























    Do they have a 1.1.5 version? Its possible that they said 1.1.3 or higher (as in 1.1.4) or 2.0 was offered and its just not compatible with yours





    Me too. I'm trying to find the ipsw file so I can jailbreak with quickpwn. And I can't find it.










    Try searching for *.ipsw










    It should be under C:\Users\awdark\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\










    In one of those folders, otherwise try Local\Apple Computer\










    I delete it when I do the stuff so I can't find it right now.










    And the person above makes absolutely no sense because they are using linux/osx type commands which actually have no meaningful value. CD to your directory changes the directory to "your directory" which doesn't provide any insight. CP is for copy but its still meaningless...



















    if you mean by streaming videos, a dedicated video card is not needed for that.

    with your budget you have a range of options but for best battery life, small size, and sturdiness
































































































    I suggest either a Lenovo T400 or X301. They may look very conservative but they will give you very good battery life (one of the best out of the new models this year) and one of the best keyboards for a notebook.
































































































    the Dell Latitude E series will also be a good choice.
































































































    These are business notebooks so they tend to look conservative, but tend to be much better built than regular consumer notebooks (which is also alot cheaper, but you get what you pay for).































































































































































































































































































    :mellow: the T400 is disgusting. Horrible... I wish I never saw it. :( because I want it now.
































































































    Its amazing to see it, in terms of graphics card that blows the 8400m I have away. The build quality and design remind me of my T20 which I thought was designed very well... those laptops don't have a row of blue media buttons shining all the time.
































































































    Speaking of blowing away... my fan is on 24/7... on a flat metal surface the warmest spot on the bottom of my laptop is always about 110F and the fan is on trying to cool the worthless GPU (was bios update for inevitable burn out of the nvidia 8000 cards) my hard drive is always hot under my palm rest. I have a feeling my desktop is quieter now. (I clean out the vents weekly, I don't have a dusty fan)
































































































    In terms of wear I had this DV2700 since February 08, one week after I got it, the F key and space bar got shiny. Now, about half of the keys are shiny (but letters are still there) and my left click of my touchpad is now wearing away, under the silver paint is a black button.
































































































    But the battery life is simply amazing. About 8 hours that's beyond madness. With a 6 cell... screen on lowest, cpu on power save 50%, wifi on power save... I got little over two hours. With the 12 cell which sticks out ugly, over 4 hours. And shockingly the reason is obvious, they didn't invent better batteries but 10.2 watts idle?! This laptop does 23 watts with the screen off, wifi off, and who knows what else off... but averages 28 watts just sitting there with everything on low.
































































































    Now I remember why I don't enjoy reading reviews of new computers and laptops!
































































































    :( I guess the stupid computer is quite expensive still... the configuration I came up with its at least $1400 and I didn't even go nuts with the options!
































































































    One day, I will get a job... and unlike those people who say they will get a car, I will get a laptop.

















































    Honestly, I don't realistically think anyone with a 20GB hard drive will be able to use this feature much.

    I mean, if I tried like hell, I could clear out maybe 4GB.
































































































































































    I think since they gave out discounted 20GB drives to Arcade owners, it's only fair that they now give us 20GB owners discounted 60GB ones ;)































































































































































































































































































































    http://cgi.ebay.com/MICROSOFT-XBOX-360-60-...%3A1|240%3A1308 its not THAT expensive I guess... How can we go about transferring our files over?
































































































































































    :rolleyes: Need that cable bundled with the 120gb right?
































































































































































    Looks like new $150 bundle is only real choice.. the 60gb bundle doesn't come with the cable and the cable goes for about $30 on ebay and doesn't guarantee it will work with the 60gb..
































































































































































    UH hello Microsoft?!

































































    I already don't like the NXE.

    Avatars are like half-assed Miis.
































































































































































    And it sucks that I don't even have the disk space to try streaming games from the hard drive. :P































































































































































































































































































































    :tears: same here! I deleted a bunch of my demos to get like 5.3gb, but thats still not enough to install GTA4 :(
































































































































































































































































    I thought I made a post.. now I wonder where I posted it.. :mellow:
































































































































































    Any advice about buying new batteries?
































































































































































    I was looking at the ones on Ebay and the prices are like $40-50 for the 6 cell for the HP DV2000 series but most are generic and I question the quality and capacity of the cells.
































































































































































































































































    My most recent is the VM shuttle (the red one in front)

































































































































































































































    im thinking about getting an ipod touch

    this may sound like a stupid question,
































































































































































    but can you jsut upload music from your library onto your ipod
































































































































































    or does it have to be through itunes































































































































































































































































































































    As far as I know there is no easy way of doing it. Like the common one http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/home/ doesn't really like the ipod touch.
































































































































































    So you pretty much need to use itunes... especially for installing those programs.
































































































































































































































































    Normally on psp fat
































































































































































    You plug in the psp, go to the menu, click USB.
































































































































































    It shows up in my computer like a flash drive.
































































































































































    Go to folders and find what you need.
































































































































































    If the memory stick is new, you can format (will clear it) it in the psp and it should make you the folders you need like /PSP/Save or /PSP/music etc
































































































































































































































































    Excellent.. better go dl
































































































































































    lol and I had the beta key and stuff ready too!
































































































































































    Oh well Buy.com hasn't shipped yet! How disappointing!
































































































































































    I also ordered Virtua Figher 5 on ebay for $16... I enjoyed it on the dreamcast so I hope it will be fun on the 360... I bet no one plays online with that game anymore.
































































































































































































































































    ^_^ I bought the buy.com pack.. with PGR4, chatpad, and a year of xbl
































































































































































    I don't plan to get GOW2... the first GOW was okay, was fine to finish but i didn't really find it all that fun and the online aspect of it was really disappointing for me.
































































































































































    Guess COD5 might not be bad (will check if they have online demo later)
































































































































































































































































    Ahh so ill need winterboard for that I have seen themes and was never quite sure what else I needed and didn't want to just try. Not quite a matter of kiddish, but often a matter of the icons look different from what I am used to seeing so I would bounce through the pages looking for a specific icon x_x
































































































































































































































































    Its not that bad, you use a bit of the liquid they give (probably soap water) and you can align it perfectly before making it stick.
































































































































































    Yeah it does have a warranty, I think I have to pay $4 or something for "shipping" then send them the old one. Too lazy though. Yeah... I had some fingerprints and went nuts scrubbing at it and then I looked at it and was like oh poo... ._.
































































































































































    So I put on some alcohol (usually use 70% but this time was 90%) and that seemed to have caused the "smearing" probably ate away the shine.
































































































































































    Which things did you install to get a theme like that? Been wanting to theme it but too lazy to experiment... and I don't want those custom icons.. just the backgrounds

































































    ohh seriouslyyyy, i want something that will last awhile cause i got a sony mp3 about like a year and a half ago and it lasts a day, soemtimes if im lucky more? but other than thatt its slowly dying thats why i needed something better ahaha thanks i might till the price drops than and try to push another year with my mp3 ahaha.
































































































































































    If you turn off the wireless I know I could get much better battery life... the thing is I use it mostly like for soompi and meebo for AIM/msn so the battery goes POOF I know its at least 4 hours with wireless on and I have had it for a year
































































































































    Thanks for the troubleshooting site. ^_^''































































































































































































































































































    But I can't even do any of those because when I plug my Ipod in, it doesn't show my Ipod songs and videos.































































































































































































































































































































    Example: Like when I plugg it in, on the left side it says Kathy's Ipod then videos,music, etc is listed. T__T'' <-- if you didn't get what I was saying.































































































































































































































































































































    I think my Ipod is dead now. :tears:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There has to be be a way of bringing it back.
































































































































































    Which ipod is it? You might be able to put it into disk mode depending on the model ( google it I don't know what ipod you have) and you might be able to try different recovery modes. For the ipod touch, we have a DFU mode (device firmware upgrade mode) and thats like the emergency emergency backup to recover... once you're in that mode you have to load something in (so your files are gone..) but it certainly works even when I try something crazy.
































































































































    is there a way to disable the auto screen rotation for the itouch 2 generation?































































































































































































































































































    it gets really annoying <_<





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As far as I know there isn't a way to do that... I don't recall seeing that for the gen 1 touch where we could jailbreak and hack the files so the second gen ones definitely wont have that chance.

































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