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50 Riddles

Guest isabellaaa

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Guest isabellaaa

These are insane...
Most of the questions are asking why, how, explain.

1. A man lives on the 50th floor of an apartment building. Each day he takes the elevator down to the 1st floor, and goes to work. When he comes home he takes the elevator to the 25th floor, and walks up the stairs the rest of the way, unless it's a rainy day, in which case he takes the elevator all the way to the 50th floor.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Workle go on a trip to Switzerland. While they're gone a man sees in a newspaper: "Mr. Workle Killed in Ski Accident." He immediately calls the police and says, "Arrest Mrs. Workle when she gets off the plane; she killed her husband."

3. A man and his daughter are traveling and stop to get rooms for the night. They both check in and go to their respective rooms to get a good night's sleep. The next morning, there is no trace of the daughter.

4. A man in Chicago receives a package. He opens it, smiles, and sends it to a woman in L.A. She opens it, smiles, and sends it to a woman in Miami, who opens it, smiles, and sends it to a man in Seattle. He opens it, smiles, and throws it out.

5. A man is walking down the street, and sees in a restaurant window, "Special Today: Albatross Soup." Excited, he runs in and orders a bowl. As soon as they bring it to him, he crams a spoonful into his mouth, swallows, runs home and shoots himself.

6. A man and his son get in a car accident. The father dies instantly, and the son is rushed to the hospital. A doctor sees the boy and says, "I can't operate on this child; he's my son."

7. A black car with no headlights stops just before hitting a black man in a black cloak.

8. A cabdriver goes right past a stop sign without stopping. A cop sees it but does not give the cabdriver a ticket.

9. A man jumps through a 99th floor window because he hates his job. He survives the jump.

10. A man is in his car with all the doors and windows closed, and he gets shot in the head, without any glass breaking.

11. An airplane is a mile above sea-level. The pilot sees a mountain straight ahead of the plane, but is not alarmed.

12. Richard is lying asleep on the couch and Jane is dead in a pool of water with broken glass around her.

13. Woman on island; no bridge, no boat.

14. A woman wakes up, picks up the phone, dials, listens to it ring twice, then hangs up, and goes back to sleep.

15. A woman pushes a wheelbarrow, then stops in front of a hotel and frowns.

16. A woman goes home, turns out the light, and goes to sleep. She wakes up, reads the newspaper, and kills herself.

17. A woman is driving to work, but then she drives off a cliff.

18. A woman walks into a bar, and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a gun. She says, "Thank you," and leaves.

19. A man kisses his wife one morning, leaves the apartment, pushes the elevator button, and thirty seconds later he realizes his wife is dead.

20. A man is running down a corridor with a piece of paper. Suddenly the lights flicker. He stops running, rips up the paper, turns around, and walks back.

21. A man is in a train. The train goes into a tunnel. The train comes out of the tunnel. The man is dead.

22. A house is burning, and there's a man in SCUBA gear inside.

23. A man is walking down the street; he sees a woman, pulls out a gun, and shoots her. He is arrested, but no charges are pressed.

24. Jury finds guilty; judge refuses to sentence.

25. Two people look exactly the same, but they're not twins.

26. Two people are dead in a cabin on the side of a mountain.

27. Two pieces of charcoal and a carrot lie in the middle of a field.

28. He's heading home, but he's stopped by a masked man.

29. Phone rings; man frowns; man dies.

30. Bell rings; man dies; bell rings.

31. The music stops and the lady dies.

32. She leaves on Wednesday, stays there for two days, and then returns on Wednesday.

33. Smooth chest, no hinges or lid, / But deep inside golden treasure is hid.

34. In the morning he walks on four legs, in the day he walks on two legs, and in the evening he walks on three legs.

35. The person who makes it doesn't use it; the person who buys it doesn't want it; the person who uses it doesn't know it.

36. It's better than the gods, it's worse than the devil. The dead eat it all the time, and the living who eat it die slow.

37. At a hardware store you can buy 1 for 25 cents, 12 for 50 cents, and 100 for 75 cents.

38. A man is hanging dead in an empty room which is bolted shut from the inside.

39. A man lies dead in a phone booth.

40. A man lies dead in the desert with a hole in his shoe.

41. A man lies dead in the desert with a pack on him.

42. A man lies dead in the forest with a pack on him.

43. A man lies dead in a room with 53 bicycles.

44. A man lies dead and naked on the beach, holding half a match.

45. A man lies dead in bed. On the window sill is a glass with a pink liquid in it.

46. A man lies dead by a pool of red with two sticks by his head.

47. A man lies dead near a stone.

48. A man lies dead near a pile of sawdust.

49. A man lies dead in a desk chair which faces a closed window. On the desk is nothing but a broken pencil.

50. A man lies dead in a net outside the eighth floor.

Sorry guys I don't have the answers. Me and my friend spent hours trying to figure these out :wacko: I'll post up the ones we answered soon!

If anyone gets the answers to these,.. well GOOD JOB :)

Solved ones:

1. The man is a midget. When it doesn't rain he doesn't have an umbrella and can't reach the 50th floor button (apparently labeled at the top) and when it does rain he has an umbrella to assist him.

2. The man was the travel agent. Mrs. Workle bought a round-trip ticket for herself but a one-way ticket for her husband knowing he wouldn't be coming back home.

5. The man was on a deserted island and someone else told him that he found albatross to eat. He was a bit suspicious of it. So when they got back home, he went to a restaurant to eat albatross. He then realized the "albatross" from before was really his wife, who had died. So he kills himself.

6. The doctor is his mom.

7. It's daytime.

10. The car is a convertible.

12. Richard is a cat and Jane is a goldfish.

16. The woman's home is a lighthouse. She turned off the light, causing a ship to crash and the passengers all died. She read about it in the newspaper and killed herself out of remorse.

18. She had hiccups and thanked the bartender for scaring her.

22. The man was scuba diving in a nearby lake. When the house caught on fire, the fire fighters used a huge pump to suck in the lake's water and put the fire out. The scuba diver was sucked in and ended up in the burning house.

26. An airplane crashed into the side of a mountain. Two people were in an airplane cabin and died (the pilot and co-pilot).

27. A snowman melted.

32. She left on a horse whose name is Wednesday.

34. A person; a baby walks on 4 legs, an adult on 2, and a senior walks with his 2 legs + 1 cane.

36. The answer is 'nothing.'

47. The man is Superman, the rock is kryptonite.

48. The man is a blind midget that works in a circus. Since he is blind, he uses a can to walk around. Another midget was jealous, so day by day he cuts of pieces of wood. The blind midget, thinking that he is growing taller everyday, kills himself because his only source of income if from working at the circus being a midget. (how sad is that?)

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Most of these (maybe all) require someone else to know the answer so you can ask yes or no questions.

Otherwise, I don't think you'll ever get the answer.

These riddles are called conundrums.

These are the answers that I know(highlight to view):

5. The man was on a deserted island and someone else told him that he found albatross to eat. He was a bit suspicious of it. So when they got back home, he went to a restaurant to eat albatross. He then realized the "albatross" from before was really his wife, who had died. So he kills himself.

^ That's why you need to ask yes or no questions because it involves a whole story that you won't get by simply staring at the riddle.

6. I think that the mom is the doctor.

26. An airplane crashed into the side of a mountain. Two people were in an airplane cabin and died.

48. The man is a blind midget that works in a circus. Since he is blind, he uses a can to walk around. Another midget was jealous, so day by day he cuts of pieces of wood. The blind midget, thinking that he is growing taller everyday, kills himself because his only source of income if from working at the circus being a midget.

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Guest whoisemily

6. A man and his son get in a car accident. The father dies instantly, and the son is rushed to the hospital. A doctor sees the boy and says, "I can't operate on this child; he's my son."

7. A black car with no headlights stops just before hitting a black man in a black cloak.

10. A man is in his car with all the doors and windows closed, and he gets shot in the head, without any glass breaking.

21. A man is in a train. The train goes into a tunnel. The train comes out of the tunnel. The man is dead.

34. In the morning he walks on four legs, in the day he walks on two legs, and in the evening he walks on three legs.

well i'll take my guess and comment on these

6. the doctor is a woman

7. its day time

10. um the shooter was inside the car

21. this reminds me of the first episode of detective conan... but i dont think its actually possible

34. um well its similar to another riddle about "when it is born it walks on four legs, when it is middle aged it walks on two legs, and when it is old it walks on three legs"

so i would assume the answer is a person - because as a baby you crawl on 4 legs, when ur older u walk on 2 and when ur elderly u use a cane (as the 3rd leg) but seeing as it is morning, day, and evening... im not so sure

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Guest Loyalist



10. I think the car is a convertible.

1. The man is a midget. When it doesn't rain he doesn't have an umbrella and can't reach the 50th floor button (apparently labeled at the top) and when it does rain he has an umbrella to assist him.

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Guest mystified

other than some of the ones that are already solved, these r all i kno

25. They're triplets, etc.

35. It's a coffin

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8. He was at an intersection and the stop sign was on the street perpendicular.

9. the window was between two rooms?

11. The airplane isn't off the ground or moving. It's at an airport that's 1 mile above sea level.

14. The woman's in a hotel, and she wakes up because of the person's loud snoring next door. She calls next door to wake him up and goes on back to sleeping.

19. The electricity is off, and he realized because the elevator's not moving. His wife lives on a machine that runs on electricity to keep her heart beating, hence when the electricity died, she died.

20. The man is delivering a pardon, and the flicker of the lights indicates that the person to be pardoned has just been electrocuted

21. The man has been blind all his life. He now comes walking out of the hospital after an operation that made him able to see. In the train back home, he needs to go to the toilet. The train goes into a tunnel, and everything becomes black. The man thinks he has lost his sight again, and couldn't stand it so he killed himself.

28. A baseball game is going on. The base-runner sees the catcher waiting at home plate with the ball, and so decides to stay at third base to avoid being tagged out.

30. A blind man has the habit of swimming in the sea. To find his way back to the shore a friend rings a bell to tell him the way. One day it is foggy, but this doesn’t matter to him so he still goes swimming. There is also a boat out in the fog, which rings its bell as a fog warning. He hears this bell, so he swims towards it and is run down by the boat and then the bell on the shore is rung.

31. The woman is a tightrope walker in a circus. Her act consists of walking the rope blindfolded, accompanied by music, without a net. The musician (organist, or calliopist, or pianist, or whatever) is supposed to stop playing when she reaches the end of the rope, telling her that it's safe to step off onto the platform. For unknown reasons (but with murderous intent), he stops the music early, and she steps off the rope to her death.

33. It's an egg.

38. He was standing on a block of ice.

39. He has been out fishing and has got a very large fish. In the telephone he excitedly stretches out his hand, saying -It was as large as this!

41. The guy had a parachute and it didn't open.

42. It's a wolf pack; they've killed and eaten (most of) the man.

43. The "bicycles" are Bicycle playing cards; the man was cheating at cards, and when the extra card was found, he was killed by the other players.

44. He was with several others in a hot air balloon crossing the desert. The balloon was punctured and they began to lose altitude. They tossed all their non-essentials overboard, then their clothing and food, but were still going to crash in the middle of the desert. Finally, they drew matches to see who would jump over the side and save the others; this man lost.

46. The man died from eating a poisoned popsicle.

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Guest may1430262455

33. Smooth chest, no hinges or lid, / But deep inside golden treasure is hid.

an egg :)

35. The person who makes it doesn't use it; the person who buys it doesn't want it; the person who uses it doesn't know it.


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Guest iDoof


some of these are really silly and have like 89000 plausible answers:

15. A woman pushes a wheelbarrow, then stops in front of a hotel and frowns.

- She was going to return the wheelbarrow to the wheelbarrow store, then realizes the store was torn down to make way for a hotel.

- She stole a wheelbarrow from the wheelbarrow store and realized what she did was wrong and frowns.

- She just bought a wheelbarrow and frowns when she sees that she could have gotten a cheaper one at the hotel, rather than wasting her money at the wheelbarrow store.

17. A woman is driving to work, but then she drives off a cliff.

- She was going to go to work, and is disappointed to realize she lives on a cliff, and decides to drive off it.

- Instead of winding down the mountain to her office, she decides it'd be quicker to just drive off the cliff.

- She was going to go to work, but realizes she hates her job as a wheelbarrow saleswoman/single mother and decides to drive off a cliff.

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Guest pseudobread

i think we need more information for some of these.

2. the newspaper report states that mrs. workle confessed to the killing of her husband. the man who reads the newspaper, thinking he is the first to find out, calls the police to notify them of his finding, but the police tell him that they have already detained mrs. workle. the guy feels embarrassed but the police thank him for his concern.

14. she wakes up from a nap and remembers she needs to call someone, but realizes that the person she needs to call lives in a different time zone and probably is sleeping. after hearing the phone ring twice, she remembers this fact and quickly hangs up so she doesn't wake up the recipient of her call. she resumes her nap.

21. someone shoots the man as the train goes through the tunnel.

26. someone shot them.

27. a group of people were playing with charcoal and carrots in the middle of a field and when they left, they made a smiley face on the ground using the charcoal as eyes and a carrot that was sort of curved as the smile.

31. a novelist writes a story about a famous female singer and the author uses the music stopping as a metaphor for the singer's death.

34. the man is part of an ambitious theatre troupe that puts on different plays in the morning, afternoon, and evening daily. in the morning play, which is popular with young children, he plays a dog and his costume makes him "walk on four legs". the afternoon play is fiddler on the roof and he plays tevye. in the evening play, a stage adaptation of war of the worlds, the man plays a three-legged alien.

36 and 37. the answer is nothing.

39. someone shoots the man.

40. someone drives through the desert and shoots the man in the foot then drives away. the man who was shot dies after weeks without food or water.

41 and 42. someone stabs the man to death then puts a pack on him.

43. someone, a cycling enthusiast, strangles the man and puts his dead body in his space at the local public storage facility which holds 53 bicycles. the "room" is the space at the public storage facility.

44. someone beats the man to death then puts half a match in the dead man's hand.

45. someone breaks into the house and suffocates the man in his sleep. the man put up quite a fight and the intruder was exhausted, so he poured himself a glass of pink lemonade and returned to the room to observe his work and look for things to steal.

47. in riddles 40-42, there happen to be stones where the man is killed.

48. the man lives in a forest and is making something out of wood that requires him to use a saw and he ends up with a large pile of sawdust. as he is sawing a piece of wood, someone carrying a pack comes out from behind a tree and shoots the man. the man drops dead near the pile of sawdust and the killer puts the pack he was wearing onto the man he shot.

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Guest charmainee

9: He jumped backwards? Fell onto a balcony?

25: They're triplets/mirror image.

28: It could be like in baseball, the person is heading for home base, but the ... masked person (I forgot the proper name) catches the ball?

Some of them are hard. o_O There's so little information. And some of them don't even make sense to me. o_O

I just realised I get really freaked out by the 'dead' riddles. I'm shuddering. T-T

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Guest shyangel2793

i know 4 of them..

3 of them are answered which are 1, 6 and 32

for 35.. the answer is the person who uses it is dead.. the person who makes it/buys it is making/buying the box thing where you put the dead person in it [sorry i forgot the word for it.. T.T] and the person who uses it doesnt know it because he is dead~

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Guest crazyxchink

i think dat for #9, itz dat da guy is a window washer n he was washin da windows on da outside. So wen he jumped, he jumped in2 da building

#23, da guy is a conjoined twin, so even if he was found guilty, he cant b put in jail since u cant put da other guy in jail since dat one is innocent

#31, da woman is a tight rope walker and she is blind folded. she listens 2 da music 2 no wen she is at da other side so wen da music stopped, she walked off da rope, but she wasnt fully across yet.

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Guest abstractmistress

20. A man is running down a corridor with a piece of paper. Suddenly the lights flicker. He stops running, rips up the paper, turns around, and walks back.

the man [lawyer or something?] is trying to save a man that's in an electric chair with some papers. but then the lights flicker, meaning the man was just electrocuted, so there isn't any use for the paper anymore &the man just walks away.

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Guest funk`chan

#43 They were playing poker when the man cheated using an extra card, so they killed him. The bicycles is a brand of cards and there are 52 cards in a standard deck.

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Guest LiveYourLife

38) he hung himself (because he is hanging dead so he must have bolted the door and killed himself) =D

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