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Do your parents love or spoil your sibling more than you?


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Do you think there are parents that love a child more than another ?
My sister and I were always jealous of each other, thinking that our parents loved more one.
Let me ask the same question but in families that have step-siblings. Do you think the parent will love more his biological child ?Well, I have an answer for this one. I know only one family that one child didn't have the same mom. The step-mother married a man that she knew he already had a child. When she had her own child, she changed and had jealousy crisis that her husband loved more his first child (with his first wife) than hers. When her husband passed away, she said she didn't want to take care of his first child because she doesn't have enough money. So, the first child got adopted to his aunt. The first child was under 10 years old , and got separated to his step-sister because of that. They rarely see each other even now. She never said directly that she didn't love her husband's first child. However, under that circumstance, I just believe she doesn't.
Maybe it is possible in this world that there are people that love their child equally, even if they are adopted, biological or not. I just haven't met them yet. 

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I'm the spoiled child. It doesn't mean my parents don't love my brother though, they just treat me like this because I'm a girl and they think I'm to inadequate to take care of myself. 

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A lot of variables contribute to loving a child.
Some step parents think they should love their step child more and overcompensates, in result their own child may feel neglected.Some individuals just does not have the capabilities to love anyone else. These individuals may be a parent or step-parent, whatever their role may be, they can't provide their child the love a child deserves.Sometimes some people click. We all have people we love more then others, and no matter what we do, we just can't build the rapport we want.This goes with families, friends or significant others. At the end of the day, blood relations can only mean so much.
So I guess what I am trying to say is that is life. If the situation can not be changed, and one drills on it too much, it will only drive one insane.Best to count your blessings and not focus on what is missing. Life would be much more easier that way.

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I will say that my sisters and I were somehow spoiled in our own ways.
I was a little spoiled when I was younger, but as I grew older, things changed.
But my parents tended to spoil my little sister because she's the baby of the family (funny, she's not spoil or act spoil at all ^^).

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Guest motherducker

Man, my brother is so spoiled. I guess I shouldn't blame him too much though, he has a lot on his plate school-wise so I think that's why my parents don't bother him much with general things doing chores, running errands and such.

But when it comes to "adult" stuff like depositing a check or calling someone for inquires, he will come running to me because my parents will be all like "aiyah, suju_lovee, halp yer brotha lah. he jus a babeh. he yer brotha, you only haf one lah."


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  • 1 month later...
Guest ohh_mika_stv

Ohmigosh, my little brother is SUPER spoiled. He gets away with A LOT more than I ever did at his age. When I was around 4-5 and figured out how to turn on the TV by myself, my dad would slap the crap out of me, telling me not to touch his things. When my brother did the same at that age, my parents praised him on how smart he was, lol. He can freely "talk back" and scream at my parents and they would quietly turn away. I used to get hit across the head for just trying to defend myself against their harsh and often wrongful accusations. When I was scared of spiders as a child, my dad would grab me and push my face towards the spider and tell me to suck it up. When my brother saw a spider, screamed and ran away, my parents went to go kill it for him, lol. My parents used to force me to walk the dog around the neighborhood but when my mom suggested having my brother do it now that he's so darn big (he's bigger than me now), my dad was immediately against it, saying that he didn't want my brother to get kidnapped or get hit by cars. Like seriously, my dad actually thinks a huge teenage boy doesn't know how to navigate the streets or use the crosswalks and that male kidnappers and sex offenders are MORE tempted to kidnap a fat teenage boy as opposed to a smaller girl like me, lol. The logic my parents have sometimes is hilarious.

In any case, my parents, especially my dad, is EXTREMELY conservative and patriarchal. They follow the tradition that boys are automatically superior to girls and thus, will be treated as such.

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  • 1 year later...

My youngest step brother gets more love from my mom than me and my other step brother. My youngest step brother also gets very jealous when I hug my mom or even sit next to her, he even told my mom that he would kill me and my other step brother and probably his dad, but not her. He's 10 and I know you're all thinking "he's just a kid" but he loathes his brother and me kinda. But he gets special treatment and gets spoiled all the time when its just him. When his brother was at summer camp he stayed the week at our house, my mom took him to the movies and bought him a lot of junk food when he was over but we never go out when his brother is also with us. One time I asked my mom that we should have a mother daughter camp out and she told me no because she didn't want to get all the stuff but when my youngest step brother ask it's a definite yes. Also every time my other step brother asks if he can play on my moms tablet or the Xbox he always gets a no, but when my youngest step brother asks its always a yes from her and he gets to play it hours on end. My mom also complains to me that I don't give her the affection that my step brother gives her but every time I hug her or tell her I love her its always a "what do you want" or I get an annoyed look from her but when my step brother does it he gets a big hug and a "I love you bunches" I just get sad that I don't get the love I use to get from my mom.

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@Meranda Mutchler I guess the main question is why does your mom act like that towards you? Forget about your step brother for a second. Although her behaviour towards him is different from you, it shouldn't be your focus. Indeed, he's only 10 (I guess you're a bit older, like 16 or something?). Eventhough he can be a little pest, he's the youngest and therefor her favorite. He's still innocent in her eyes while you've already outgrown that stage. There's not much you can do about that, so let that one rest for a while.

Like I said, the question is why your mom treats you the way she does. Most of the time, parents act a certain way towards their children because behaviour from the past has forced them to treat their kids in a certain way. Certain behaviour is either not allowed or not wanted (like whining, yelling, fighting, etc.).
For your mom to think you have a hidden agenda whenever you hug her or tell her you love her, it's most likely a thing you did in the past. Perhaps even still do it without knowing it. You'll have to do a bit of soulsearching to get to the bottom of this and yes, that might be confrontational, embarrassing or even hurting. But if you really want to know, you've got to ask yourself "Why does my mom react the way she does, even when I try to do something nice? ". Be honest to yourself.

If you want to show your mom that you really love her, do something for her. Telling her you love her is easy. Showing it is much more difficult. Offer to do some chores for her like clean the living room (not your own room, that should be mandatory for a kid :) ). Or tell her it's "Treat-Your-Mom"-day and take her out somewhere nice. Buy a couple of movie tickets and/or get a reservation at a nice restaurant. Preferably for just the two of you so you get some alone time. If you don't have the money for something like that, create something thoughfull for her, like a bracelet or a necklace. Mom's love getting sweet little things from their kids. Remember, it's the thought that counts. The thought that she's in your thoughts too. But Beware! Do NOT ask for or expect something in return! Otherwise that thought about a hidden agenda will pop up again.

Showing love is difficult. It takes time and energy, sometimes money. In all cases, it needs to come from the heart so do something nice for your mom on occasion. You don't have to do something like that every day or even every week. Just surprise her once every month or so and she'll know that you truly love her. If you're not a bad kid, the love will return tenfold, guaranteed. 

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