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Short guys equivalent of obese girls = undateable


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It doesn't matter how great the guy is, if he's short, it's going to be an uphill battle for him to find a girlfriend.

All that PUA stuff doesn't work such as treating girls with indifference, adopting a bad boy persona, etc. When you're a short guy, you're not even on the radar to most girls as they won't even think about dating you. You're not even a candidate.

It's the equivalent of how most guys wouldn't consider an obese girl dateable even if she's totally got it together in other aspects of her life. It's the same with a short guy. He could be kind, charismatic, great career, lots of friends, exciting life but he'll lose out to the tall six foot guy who can barely hold a job, flirts with other girls even though he's in a serious relationship and all the more painful, the girls will actually fawn and get heartbroken over the tall dude but totally ignore the short guy who besides his short stature actually has all the qualities she is looking for.

I'm not blaming this on women. It's a genetic impulse due to our evolutionary history. Girls want guys who tower over them because they don't want short offspring and also, a taller guy had the advantage in hunting.

So you might think, ok if a guy is short, then all he needs to do is find a short girl. Say a girl is 5 feet tall, you'd think she'd be fine with a shorter guy but no, why date a shorter guy when you can get a much taller one? Even if he totally towers over you to the point where it's awkward to kiss him.

So any short guy who has the hope that he can find a short girl doesn't even have that. She can easily find a much taller guy and most tall guys don't mind dating a much shorter girl.

Girls, why do you hate us short guys so much? It's not our fault we were born this way. We have other qualities that you might like but why do you always fall for the taller guy?

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I know a lot of short guys with girlfriends. Some of the girls are even taller than them. I've also had crushes on short guys in the past.

I don't know, it just sounds like you're the one with the problem here.

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Guest Velstadt

Girls are just as visual as guys when it comes who they date. The difference is that guys will admit it and girls won't. I will even say that a man's appearance plays a significant role in whether a girl will date you more than what most women will admit (and what all those girly magazines will tell you with their bullcrap).

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livingforhistory said: It doesn't matter how great the guy is, if he's short, it's going to be an uphill battle for him to find a girlfriend.

All that PUA stuff doesn't work such as treating girls with indifference, adopting a bad boy persona, etc. When you're a short guy, you're not even on the radar to most girls as they won't even think about dating you. You're not even a candidate.

It's the equivalent of how most guys wouldn't consider an obese girl dateable even if she's totally got it together in other aspects of her life. It's the same with a short guy. He could be kind, charismatic, great career, lots of friends, exciting life but he'll lose out to the tall six foot guy who can barely hold a job, flirts with other girls even though he's in a serious relationship and all the more painful, the girls will actually fawn and get heartbroken over the tall dude but totally ignore the short guy who besides his short stature actually has all the qualities she is looking for.

I'm not blaming this on women. It's a genetic impulse due to our evolutionary history. Girls want guys who tower over them because they don't want short offspring and also, a taller guy had the advantage in hunting.

So you might think, ok if a guy is short, then all he needs to do is find a short girl. Say a girl is 5 feet tall, you'd think she'd be fine with a shorter guy but no, why date a shorter guy when you can get a much taller one? Even if he totally towers over you to the point where it's awkward to kiss him.

So any short guy who has the hope that he can find a short girl doesn't even have that. She can easily find a much taller guy and most tall guys don't mind dating a much shorter girl.

Girls, why do you hate us short guys so much? It's not our fault we were born this way. We have other qualities that you might like but why do you always fall for the taller guy?

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Guest luxbunni

If you are short and you know you are at a disadvantage the worst thing you can do is complain and be insecure about it.
I know a short guy with a very pretty girlfriend. Their relationship is also a very long one... 5 or 6+ years by now. Recently I saw several obese girls on youtube (example, her SO looks like Channing Tatum imo!) with above average to very good looking boyfriends! I think there is something very attractive about people with so much confidence and positivity. Although I think this way I would probably still go for someone that is physically attractive to me, but there are some people out there with a different view...and if you happen to capture the heart of one of the few I think it will be a much more meaningful relationship compared to what most people have nowadays.

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The issue isn't about being negative or insecure about it. I'm saying none of that matters. Why? Because most girls won't even consider a guy dateable if he's short. It doesn't matter how great he is. He isn't even given the chance to show her who he is. And even if she got to know him, she won't be able to get past the fact that he's short even if he's a great guy. Being short is a dealbreaker for a guy. Period.


I didn't say 100% of all girls, did I? Obviously there are exceptions to every rule. But the vast majority of girls won't date a short guy. Even if he's still taller than her.

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Guest luxbunni

Ok so what exactly is the issue here? Or rather what is your issue here?
Because I was getting a sense of ... HEY THIS IS UNFAIR. WHY?????
To which I replied with a solution.
Edit: also decided to reply to these too.
Because most girls won't even consider a guy dateable if he's short. True. Does not mean you have no hope. If you give up, that is your fault.
It doesn't matter how great he is. He isn't even given the chance to show her who he is.This does not apply to ALL girls. You still have a chance, short guys.
And even if she got to know him, she won't be able to get past the fact that he's short even if he's a great guy. 
Some girls will be able to get past the fact that her boyfriend is wonderful and he's short. 
Being short is a dealbreaker for a guy. Period. 
Not true.

Is this suppose to be a topic to give short guys no hope? LOL.

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You can say that being short is not good in terms of dateability but you acknowledge there are exceptions.  Why not keep trying and look for those exceptions instead of focusing your energy into a thread where you slander a woman's right to choose her mate?   There is this concept called free will and I really do enjoy minimizing all external restrictions in the choices I make including choosing a mate, a job, my car, etc.  Who are you to impose a restriction?  If on the other hand, you made the thread looking for advice, its different.  But you pretty much come off in a way that you make a statement that is not open for discussion unless the replies are in agreement with you.

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It's a matter of pride. After so many rejections, it's harder and harder to open yourself up to more of the same punishment. What did short guys ever do to deserve that kind of treatment? For being born short? I don't believe girls can ever truly understand the pain of rejection. Even unattractive girls can stay back and let a guy approach her even if she's not happy with the quality of the guys approaching her. As for the attractive girls, she can keep rejecting until one who meets her standards approaches her.

You will never know how painful it is to go out there and show interest in a girl and think, "maybe this time...." only for her to be attracted to some guy whose not as smart as you, not as kind as you, not as knowledgeable/worldy/cultured as you but he's taller and so all his shortcomings are justifiable.

Is this topic supposed to give short guys no hope? Absolutely. I'm trying to expose a FACT here and that short guys don't need to take this kind of shaming and punishment from women. It's time to go their own way. A lonely life doesn't have to be a sad life. The problem is, most of the guys who adopt this kind of mentality still do so in hopes that once he focuses on other things in his life that a girl who can accept his short stature will appear and that's not true. I want to DESTROY ALL hope. Only by accepting this can the path to a dignified life be opened.


Read the above.

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Attraction isn't a choice. What's ironic though, is that if your mom didn't go for a short guy, you might be taller. And that's the harsh reality, a lot of women, well people in general have to think about their off-springs, and give him/her the best fighting chance possibly. 
It's Survival of the Fittest in modern times. The Weak don't die per se, but their genes get weeded out. You can take solace in knowing women go through the same trials and tribulations as you. She must be young, fertile, vibrant, facially pleasing, and sexually exclusive. 
But just because you aren't attractive to most women, doesn't mean you won't be attractive to all women. You have to try a little harder to get her, but I think you also appreciate her that much more when you do. 

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Not true. The reason for a guy being short isn't necessarily due to the father. It could be due to her mother's genes. Like I said before, short girls still prefer guys who are much taller than her. For example, a girl can be 5'0 but marry a guy who is 6'0. But their son could be short because the mother's genes were more dominant.

You're saying short guys are "weak" and somehow genetically disposable? So just because a guy is short in stature, it also means he can't be healthy, physically strong and intelligent?

Yah there is pressure on women too but there's a difference. A girl can be short but that doesn't stop her from being attractive to the opposite sex. As I said earlier, for a girl it's more about her weight which is more controllable than a guy's height. It's not like short guys can eat more and work out more in order to gain a few inches in height.

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I fee like this thread is to justify why YOU'RE rejected by women, rather than short guys barely get the girl. 

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That gives all the more reason to short girls wanting even taller guys, to offset their own shortcoming. That's the thinking anyways I'm not sure if there's any biological basis for it. 
I didn't say short guys couldn't be any of that but perception becomes reality. Short guys are seen as weak and not manly. Not strong enough to take on the role of the protector. Every girl wants to feel safe in the arms of a guy. Short guys don't give them that feeling. Is it fair? Well no but that's reality. 
Girls don't have to worry about height but if their face was unaesthetically pleasing they'd have similar sex appeal. And you can say fat girls can lose their weight but how often does that happen? It's like saying a shy guy can stop being awkward and shy and be confident and charismatic. That you can change but it isn't easy. Both sexes have their own obstacles to overcome. 
If you know you have a shortcoming in one area, then YES you HAVE to be THAT much better, smarter, funnier, charismatic to make up for it. How is that different from any other aspect of life? 

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What's easier? Working out and eating right to lose weight or to grow taller?

Also, you have to keep in mind girl's looks are highly malleable. If her face isn't pretty but she's in good shape, she can get a hair style, makeup, and clothes that can highly influence her looks.

For a guy, sure, we can workout, eat right, get a cool hair style, clothes but none of that helps that much if you're short. If you're short, you're just short.

Funny how short guys are seen as weak and unmanly. Paratroopers and fighter pilots are actually below average in height because being shorter actually helps in those professions. And these people are probably the strongest and/or intelligent in the world. Not to mention brave. What can be more masculine than that? But no, girls would rather date that pot-bellied semi-drunk who can barely hold down a job. Why? Oh because he's taller.

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Guest alphaone

Unlike my other posts, I’m going to give you a reply here on a personal level.  I can clearly see that the mentality of your posts is the reason why you are being rejected all the time.  Men with negativity tend to repel people in general.  Please refer to my thread on misconceptions for guys. It seems to me that you’re not here to learn or ask for help, but to complain about how hard your life is. And you’re just putting all the blame on external factors that you have no control over.  You’re seeking for approval and sympathy (or even pity) here, and nothing else.

You think that short guys get no chances?  That is a big misconception (refer to our misconception thread #1).  A few seconds is all it takes to create an attraction.  I am a guy with height of 5’4 and I have absolutely no problems with girls.  In fact my current girlfriend is 5’7. Let me give you some further information about myself.  The truth is, I wasn’t like this a few years ago.  I used to be a hardcore gamer (I still play games) and watch anime and drama all day long (up to 20 hours on a daily basis).  I couldn’t make friends due to my insecurities, and definitely stood no chance of getting a girlfriend.  I couldn’t even talk to guys because I was too shy!  I even failed university because I was addicted to games and I wasn’t motivated to study.  I couldn’t seek help either because I had no friends in my program.

Sure, nobody likes failures. But after a failure, it should not discourage you, but should rather motivate you to learn something from it and get better.  Believe it or not, everyone fails at some point.  If you can’t change your height, then why not work on something you can change? (There are cosmetic surgeries that can actually change what’s on the surface, but people who undergo those because of insecurities are not solving the problem, because there can be tons of flaws that they are insecure about, but it is what’s inside that is causing them to keep failing.) It is about becoming the best version of yourself, and being comfortable in your own skin.

There is a Chinese saying: “Don’t try to move the mountain, go around it”.  Basically, don’t go against nature and stop trying to blame something you have no control over, but work around it. Right now, you may say “But there’s no way around it! For me, it is like an indestructible wall with infinite length and height!” The truth is, nothing in life is like a wall with infinite length and height. You just haven’t found the way yet. So instead of wasting time complaining about how tall, wide, and indestructible the wall is, spend time thinking about how to get around it. And trust me, from what you have been posting, I can tell you that there are a lot of things you can still do. To succeed, you need to stop lying to yourself and making yourself temporarily feel better by thinking “oh it’s not my fault, I’ve done my ‘best’ and it is the things that I have no control over that is limiting me.” The truth is, the biggest thing that’s preventing you from becoming a better version of yourself is your own poor mentality. Height is definitely not the thing you need to worry about. And the thing is, you don’t have to admit to anybody if it is your fault or not. Because at the end of the day, if you fail at it, it will affect nobody but yourself, and that is the cold truth. You are responsible for your own life and feeling sorry for yourself will not do it. Life is not fair only when you don’t try to make it fair for yourself. If it makes it better for you to know, you are not the only guy with that kind of mentality. But this is exactly what separates those who succeed and those who fail.

Because I have been there, I know exactly how guys who just can’t seem to succeed with dating feel and what it is like to be insecure. I know how frustrating it is, and sometimes you just can’t see a way around this, but I believe that sharing our knowledge could potentially help a lot of people.  This is why I am working with @alphaoxytocin to give out helpful information that we have developed over numerous years.  If a guy like myself can do it, why can’t you?
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Guest Velstadt

It's scientifically proven that women tend to hook up with tall guys. I'm not saying short men have no chance but their probability of getting a woman to fall in love with them is significantly less than a tall guy (all things being equal).
I get bothered when women say "Girls probably reject you because you're an ego maniac, a jerk, a creep, etc." when the reality is that women reject men primarily because of his undesirable looks. Women will shame men by looking to the man's character or behavior as the cause of his constant rejections when the basic reason is that the guy is short, fat, or ugly (or a combination of these).
If women would just drop their dubious hypocrisy and be honest with themselves and others they will realize that the package is much more important to a woman than the gift inside the package.

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Guest luxbunni

I honestly hope you are not a short guy. That's just a sad life with your kind of mentality right now.
The way you put it...as if  ALL girls SHOULD accept short guys. NO. This will never happen and should never happen. Maybe you can raise awareness for MORE girls to accept short guys and be attracted to them. Just like how gay people are more accepted now than before. But you will NEVER make EVERYONE agree with you. 
@velstadtTrue and this obviously also applies to men.   :-\" :-\" :-\"
If women would just drop their dubious hypocrisy and be honest with themselves and others they will realize that the package is much more important to a woman than the gift inside the package.Nah inside and out and how that gift functions all matters.

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I still don't know what you and @alphaoxytocin get out of what you're doing. I know there are people out there on the internet who try to give false hope to unattractive guys and/or girls for monetary reasons but it seems like you guys are doing it for free for no benefit to your own. Or maybe this is just the beginning. You're using this forum as a platform to build up your social media presence. Or I could be totally wrong and you could be truly doing this out of the purity of your own hearts and want to genuinely help out others. I really don't know and don't want to jump to any conclusions.

Your saying of going around the mountain. I guess what you're really saying is, lower your standards and stop going for pretty girls. Here's the thing people love to assume, especially fellow soompi-ers. Don't know if it's the East Asian culture or the whole K-drama thing but yah, here's the thing: I gave up on  pretty girls long time ago. And then I gave up on just getting any girls, whether she's average looking or not. If anything, from my experience, it's the pretty girls who let you down more gently. If I'm going to get rejected anyway, I'd rather be let down gently. Some average looking girls actually get offended that you express any sort of interest in them because it's like a reminder of their own insecurities in their looks.

The idea that an average looking girl might not reject you is just as false as assuming a short girl will more likely date a short guy. It doesn't happen. If anything, an average looking girl wants to produce better looking offspring and might be further motivated to date a tall, handsome guy.


Girls can justify just about anything. If she's physically attracted to a man, he can get away with a whole laundry list of unattractive behaviors including even physical or verbal violence. And she will be able to use any logic to justify it. "Oh, he's just stressed." "He's going through a difficult period right now." "He's so kind and generous to his friends and family." The list goes on.

The moment an unattractive guy makes the slightest mistake, he's done. He's like a soldier stuck in field full of landmines. And she will use the slightest flaw in his character and blow it out of proportion to justify her decision to dump him.

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Wow, the vibes i'm getting from this type of post is your negativity. Lots and lots of negativity.  Not sure if you are like this in real life, but if you are, most likely that is one of the main reasons why girls are rejecting you.  Yeah, you can blame it on your height, and yes there will be that superficial small percentage of girls that have rejected you based on your short height status. But majority of girls, if they had loved your character and personality would have given you a chance, no matter your height, especially if you were taller then them, even if it was just slightly.

Also I don't know what you consider 'short'. The guys I know who are between 5'4 - 5'8, are either in long term relationships, engaged or married.  And their partners are either average or above average (i.e. 'punching above their weight').

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