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Transformation from Mono-lids/Single Eyelids to Double Eyelids - Beauty Diary


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Hi, I am going to journal my "journey" from mono-lids (single eyelids) to double eyelids with nonsurgical methods everyday. I have relatively thin eyelid skin and not much fat. I have a little more excess skin/fat on my left eye but both of eyelids are quite easy to manipulate. My eyelids tend to crease at weird times. Sometimes my eyelids will crease the second I open my eyes after waking up in the morning. I can also make my eyelids crease by raising my eyebrows then bring them down in a certain manner. My eyelids also crease at weird times. This one time I "traced" my potential crease for 10-20 minutes and formed a crease in the inner corner of my right eye for 3-4 days. Bottom line is, I think my eyelids have potential to create permanent creases with time and patience. So, I am going to document the change in my eyelids each day. This is mainly for my own personal use but I decided to put it on Soompi because this may help some people or will be interesting for some to see how long it will take and what I will do! 

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Day 1
Procedures: Eyelid Glue for 5-10 minutesTraced eyelids for 20 minutes

Results: My eyelids are starting to recognize a crease line. There is a very faint line. This is no where near permanent. My right eye recognizes the crease line I am trying to create more than my left. My left eye has a little more excess skin so the line is even more faint.  
Pictures:  If a password is needed to see any of the photos, it is: wemoveon  

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Day 2
Procedures: Glue for 4 hoursTrace for 20- 30 minutes 
Results: The "wrinkle" or potential crease is always very strong after the glue but starts to fade an hour or so after. After it started fading, I traced for a bit and the crease was able to form a little better. I found that after looking down for quite a while, the crease would tend not the form though the line was there. 
Pictures: If a password is needed to see any of the photos, it is wemoveon 
Right after the glue was removed from wearing it for 4 hours:  Day_2a_zpsded7adc2.png

1-2 hours after the glue was removed:  Day_2b_zps44facd6e.png

3-4 hours after the glue, after tracing for 30 minutes: Day_2c_zpsbba85ca8.pngDay_2d_zps717ea385.pngDay_2e_zps24e3bf9e.png

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Day 3: 
Procedures: I was lazy and tired this day so I didn't do much.Instead of tracing (I am trying not to trace a lot unless I have some sort of cream or moisturizer on my eyelid skin to reduce friction), I did some "exercises". I opened my eyes wide in the crease position and pressed down (gently!) in the areas that had a weak connection. I didn't do this for very long. 
Pictures: If any of the pictures need passwords to view, it is wemoveon 
This is what my eyelids look like without doing anything to them. As you can see, one eye has a line there. The other eye has a very faint line very the crease will be. I do have a little leftover makeup on in the picture, but that doesn't interfere with the crease. image_zpsd37663da.jpg

This is me widening my eyes without poking them or anything to encourage it to go into the crease. The crease forms slightly! Yay! image1_zps00fd0742.jpg

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Day 4
Procedures: I've been working on mainly my right eye's crease because I've found it to be easier to focus on one eye than to do both at the same time.I've been doing a "holding the line" method that @kimchicecream showed me. (Thanks!) It's been the only thing I have been doing because I don't wear glue or tape at night. It's effective! I've found that my right crease (the eye I am focusing on for now) is able to shift into the crease with a lot more ease then before. But because I only do "exercises" on my eyes for at most 30 minutes a day, I don't normally have double eyelids. The crease is not strong enough for that, but my eyelid is recognizing where the fold should be! 
Pictures: If a password is needed to view any of the pictures, it is wemoveon 
Here is the eye I am "working on" 

Hereis the same eye with my eyes closed. Notice the slight crease line: day4b_zps4d771245.jpg

The other eye that I am not working on:day4c_zps994fe05b.jpg

The other eye I'm not working on with my eyes closed: day4d_zpse5a1834f.jpg

The eye that I'm not working on. What it looks like when I wake up..The quality of the photo is not great, but there is a super slight line above my eye where the crease would be. But it's nowhere deep enough...It's a start though: day4e_zps90063472.jpg

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Anna.indeed  (for some odd reason I can't seem to tag you...oh well)
Thank you! It makes me happy to know that there are some people that find this interesting. I know that they're somewhat thin because I can see some of my veins on my eyelids. The quality of my pictures are not that good because they're taken on my phone so you can't see them... Also, I don't have to apply a ton of eyeliner for it to show up. I do have to say though that my left eye has more "fat" since more skin hangs over the lashes more than my right eye, which has no skin overhang.  
I hope that explanation was clear...

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Day 5: 
Procedures:  "Traced" for a bit (maybe 10 minutes?) Made sort of an angry face so that the crease would be enunciated (haha I look really weird doing it but it works so whatever)  "Holding the Line" method
Pictures: Here is what it looks like after tracing and all of the procedures. This lasted about 4 hours? http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image6_zps33e859fb.jpg 

Same eye but with my eyes closed http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image5_zpsa6e77042.jpg 

So I am not "working on" my left eye at the moment but here's an update on it. This is how I want the left eye to look like, or something like ithttp://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image7_zpsca460b6b.jpg 
This is the left eye I'm not working on with my eyes have closed. You can see it kinda wants to form some sort of fold in the inner cornerhttp://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image8_zps8d72561f.jpg 
Butttt this is how it actually looks (very sad indeed):  image11_zps301fbf62.jpg   

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Day 6: 
Procedures: At around 3 or something I did the Holding the Line Method on my right eye. Surprisingly it held up really nicely all the way till 5-6 pmWhen the line starting fading a little I just held the crease there at both endsI also made sure to do the angry face thing. hehe
Pictures: Right after the Holding the Line method (really strong crease!)http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image2_zpsd11c5be3.jpg 

Right after the Holding the Line method with eyes half open

Right after the Holding the Line method with eyes closed http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image4_zpsee2d63b1.jpg 
After around 5 hours and holding the crease at both ends  (I have make up on, but nothing that will affect the crease in any way)http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image12_zps08bb55b6.jpg 
After around 5 hours and holding the crease at both ends  with eyes closed

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Day 7: 
Procedures: Holding the Line methodTraced 
Pictures: Right when I woke up. The crease on the eye I'm working on stayed put all night though I didn't put anything on at night!!! It's just not super deep in the outer half. 
After hmm maybe 11 hours? The crease stayed all day!!! WHOOOHOOOO This is before tracing. I don't have pictures of that but it just helped reinforce the crease to ensure the crease will stay in until tomorrow. http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/IMG_20141128_2346482_zpsd554cbb5.jpg 

Same eye but closedhttp://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/IMG_20141128_23465421_zpsff8b5940.jpg 

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Guest midnigh-t

Hello! This is really an interesting thread!I had super uneven lids and they are irritating!Mayy i know whats the tracing and holding line method?:)

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Day 8 
ProceduresWiden my eyes throughout the day so the crease would remember itself (I do this discreetly. I don't wear tape or glue during the day in public) When I got home at around 3, I used a mini stick type to reinforce the middle and ends of the right crease (not working on the left until the right is pretty much permanent)  Tracing Glue for 2 hours to help the ends crease with out me having to hold it there and keep checking it) More tracing before bed time 
PicturesRight when I woke up, my right eye creased (thank god) but it was only strong in the inner corner. Better than nothing though! image_zps14c6db8f.jpg

Same eye but closed:  image1_zps0ba714bf.jpg

I made sure to reinforce the crease so it would look something like this. This didn't stay as deep as it is in this picture at the end. I had to help it: 

Same eye but closed:  Hopefully the ends will last all night! Fingers crossed http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah7/wemoveon1/image3_zps0a7be7dd.jpg


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Day 9
Procedures Glue for 1.5 hoursRetracting EyelidsHolding the Line 
PicturesRight when I woke up  image5_zps29b4cf71.jpg

When I woke up with my eyes closed. I'm not sure why my skin looks so gross in this pic..oh well image4_zpsb1308693.jpg

I didn't do any retracting (the scary face thing..hehe) so the crease fell  image6_zps1bdc0df3.jpg

BUT it was really easy to revive the crease annnddd for some reason I can't find the pictures, but if you look back at my previous, it's just how it typically looks like 
I did a lot of tracing and holding the line to revive the crease and it turned out to be pretty much how it was the previous day

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