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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest ashleesimpson

OMG, I have just finished ep 1

I must say Chae Rim was great.

I love her new image as a bodayguard,

wow women these days look so strong, I mean we don't need guys to protect us anymore.

this drama is so good





*Ental* | *SHiNHWA*

Main Translator: ai*

Spot Translators: hjkomo, saturn

Timer: Victory

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

wow thank you so much With2 for the subs

you rocks

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Guest sakura_dubai


OMG, I have just finished ep 1

I must say Chae Rim was great.



I love her new image as a bodayguard,



wow women these days look so strong, I mean we don't need guys to protect us anymore.



this drama is so good





is that so?? ummm.. then i will download the first ep and see.. i feel it's good after reading ur words... ummmm~ i hope i will like it as well :rolleyes:


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Guest ashleesimpson

is that so?? ummm.. then i will download the first ep and see.. i feel it's good after reading ur words... ummmm~ i hope i will like it as well

you know, I'm a Chae Rim's fans

so I do like this drama even more

hope you will like it.

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Guest imogene_af

































































Lee Jin Wook ~ omg~ he is here.. OMG~ i was like WHO HE IS ... omg~ Lee Jin Wook

i haven't watched any ep yet.. but if u guys think it's good i will watch it..
































































































































































































































































so what do u think everyone ... till the ep u guys reached.. does it worth watching :)??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Highly recommended, just tons of fun but it's not fluffy. :) I really fell in love with it within one episode.
































































































































































































































































o-cha girl, you are too cute. :lol: I don't know if my words are better than yours! Haha!

































































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Guest ashleesimpson

Highly recommended, just tons of fun but it's not fluffy. :) I really fell in love with it within one episode.

o-cha girl, you are too cute. :lol: I don't know if my words are better than yours! Haha!

yes, you're right

I fell in love with this drama by the only first scene of Chae rim

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Guest Yehbaby




















i couldn't wait and downloaded episode one...heh. episode one was pretty okay....but i agree with the poster who said that the first 15 minutes was a bit slow. to grab audience's attention, the first 15mins should be engaging enough to keep people watching. hope the next few episodes will pick up more....












overall, CR's performance was good. this is the first time i've seen her act as a tomboy (not including her roles in the chinese period dramas) and she could pull it off quite well. ^_^ i'm not sure which of the two guys i want to see her end up with though....it's too soon to tell. lol





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Guest ashleesimpson
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Jin wook's character sister
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LJW's character mom
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she's also Dal ja's mom

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest shred



Just wondering if the music director is the same as in Dal Ja? The music feels similar, lol, I love it.
^ Yeah.. I was wondering about that too. I had the same feeling whilst listening to the songs played thru out the episodes. The songs had the same cheerful and spunky feel to it.. made me feel very happy..:D










i am curious about that too!










thank you so much WITHS2 for the first subs.










YJ and GP are sizzling hot together :sweatingbullets:










anyway, i couldn't help but chuckle at this one:




















aww poor brother wearing a banc hoodie :lol:



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Guest ldh-ldw lover



Just wondering if the music director is the same as in Dal Ja? The music feels similar, lol, I love it.


















yeah! i totally agree! so similar! hahah:D


















it puts me back into the daljas spring mood! hahah:D


















watched the first ep! hahah:D so little of lee jin wook!


















so sad.


















is ep 2 subs out??? going crazy waiting!



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Guest ashleesimpson









yeah! i totally agree! so similar! hahah:D



it puts me back into the daljas spring mood! hahah:D




watched the first ep! hahah:D so little of lee jin wook!




so sad.




is ep 2 subs out??? going crazy waiting!









nope. ep's sub is not out yet








the president's family








and where is his son?????









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I saw the first episode, thanks to WITH S2 for the subs. I must say it IS slow. It's good that they're building foundation for characterization and whatnot, but even so, a slow first episode isn't good for the drama. But anyways, first off, first impression on Lee Jin Wook character says that I'm gonna LOOOVVEE this guy. He seems cheeky, just the sort I love. On the other hand, Lee Jong Hyok's character is a bit dull for me, sure, he's the classic Romeo, individualistic, quiet, whatever, but so far, he's just dull IMO. Chae Rim, my favorite is the fact that as a girl in the training, she is not unrealistically good or outstanding compared to other mates. I mean, like she needs to improve and has her own problems. CR's a great actress, she'll pull off anything, but I miss her naive, kooky, Dalja, haha..



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Guest ashleesimpson

saw the first episode, thanks to WITH S2 for the subs. I must say it IS slow. It's good that they're building foundation for characterization and whatnot, but even so, a slow first episode isn't good for the drama. But anyways, first off, first impression on Lee Jin Wook character says that I'm gonna LOOOVVEE this guy. He seems cheeky, just the sort I love. On the other hand, Lee Jong Hyok's character is a bit dull for me, sure, he's the classic Romeo, individualistic, quiet, whatever, but so far, he's just dull IMO. Chae Rim, my favorite is the fact that as a girl in the training, she is not unrealistically good or outstanding compared to other mates. I mean, like she needs to improve and has her own problems. CR's a great actress, she'll pull off anything, but I miss her naive, kooky, Dalja, haha..

yes, I agree CR's a great actress.

I don't know why but I like all the three characters of this drama

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Guest imogene_af
































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree about the first few minutes being a bit slow, but I think they (the makers) didn't think it was. Episode 1 and 2 the first few minutes were pretty much action-packed, involving a whole lotta stunts. But I guess a little more substance in the first few minutes wouldn't hurt. Mostly though, what I like about the scenes is none of it is unnecessary. every single scene builds us into the characters.
































































































































































































































































Gwang Pil IS dull, not to mention a chauvinist, too straightforward, won't even smile, and just too "as a matter of fact". I believe that's his characterization. He reminds me of DARCY in Bridget Jones... just with guns. Hehe. And I love it.
































































































































































































































































For SH, I have a problem that a 27 year-old guy kind of acts like that. There must be a story behind him,though. And I believe it may be Gwang Pil's doing.
































































































































































































































































I like this drama because there's depth to it even though it's a romance comedy. That and Chae Rim's portrayal of Young Jin.
































































































































































































































































Edited because I'm an edit freak.

































































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Guest ashleesimpson

present for his father


I don't know which kid he is?

but it's strange, he's 27 years-old

I don't understand the story of him and GP,too

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Guest cheka



Just wondering if anyone knows of a torrent link for ep 1 or any others except MU or CB? I have ep 2 but not 1. Thanks!


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Guest slmisfit
































































































































































































































































































































Javabeans put up her opinions/a sort of recap.

































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Guest cutiepie































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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source: http://office.kbs.co.kr/cyberpr/8130

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest acemaverick




































Just done doing epi 2.




























my gosh LJW does look hot in the motorbike!




























as i predicted earlier, yes he indeed turned out to be a spoilt bratty thing.




























but more like a naughty boy.




























the scar on their backs (LJH and LJW) i wonder where is it from? and who is this other girl they are mentioning about in the preview? can't wait to find out. mmh, guessin it is a girl that they both like or smthg. was at first guessing it could be LJW younger sister or smthg but don't think so since the father/president is not affected.




























the absolute amazement on CR face in the last few mins of epi 2 is just priceless! haha jaws drop wide open when she sees Su Ho heading right to them.




























but some how, i still prefer LJW's hairstyle in Air City or Before and After. the wavy looks, i just can;t quite get use to.




























anyone has the vid of LJW interview that was posted quite some time back in page 2 of this thread?




























can't wait to watch it on monday!





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Guest ashleesimpson

Just wondering if anyone knows of a torrent link for ep 1 or any others except MU or CB? I have ep 2 but not 1. Thanks!

I think you can download it from veoh


wow thank you so much for the newssssssssss

I didn't see CR on Gameshow much

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