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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest CindyW88




























































[News] Duo Chae Rim-Kang Eun Kyung Collaborate Again in “Powerful Opponents”








































































































[sportsChosun/MyDaily] 3/31/08




















































Chae Rim returns to TV drama, I year and 3 months since her previous drama, and once again collaborates with the script writer Kang Eun Kyung in the new drama “Powerful Opponents”.




















































Prior to “Powerful Opponents”, CR and KEK had collaborated in “Oh! Must-win Bong Soon Young (2004)” and “Dal Ja’s Spring (2007)” of which the fresh and interesting storylines caught TV viewers’ attentions and therefore recorded high TV ratings.




















































Especially, the final episode of the drama “Oh! Must-win Bong Soon Young (led by CR and Ahn Jae Wook)” scored 30% high TV rating. Then the drama “Dal Ja’s Spring (led by CR, Lee Min Gi, Lee Hye Young, and Gong Hyung Jin) recorded highest rating at 18.4%. Thus, new ‘Duo’-Chae Rim and Kang Eun Kyung were formed then.




















































This time, attentions are pouring on their third collaboration on the new KBS2 drama “Powerful Opponents”. This drama of which the PD is Han Joon Suh (한준서) who directed the drama “Capital Scandal” portrays the job and love of bodyguards working in Chungwadae.




















































In this drama, CR transforms to the best female bodyguard of Korea. CR states, “Kang Eun Kyung’s script has always been honest with people’s minds and there is always something to motivate me. It is my honor to collaborate with her once again.”








































































































Like other writer-actress duos such as Noh Hee Kyung-Bae Jong Ok (노희경- 배종옥), Kim Soo Hyun-Kim Hee Ae (김수현 - 김희애), and In Jung Ok-Lee Na Young (인정옥 – 이나영), this is the third time that CR and KEK cooperate and they expect to exhibit their strength fully once again.




















































Chae Rim will costar with Lee Jong Hyuk and Lee Jin Wook in drama “Powerful Opponents”.

































































































































































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Guest ovette












kewl pics of her stunts.. cant wait to see her kick some richard simmons LOL





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oh i will watch out this series! looks like a fun series. and chae rim has a fairly different role. Was able to watch lee jin wok in On-air, smile again, alone in love. Good that he was given a lead role here. :)






thanks for all the update!



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Guest renni72




















oh i will watch out this series! looks like a fun series. and chae rim has a fairly different role. Was able to watch lee jin wok in On-air, smile again, alone in love. Good that he was given a lead role here. :)


























































thanks for all the update!







































Hi Chiechay




















I think you meant you watched Lee Jin Wook in Air City, not On Air!




















I am looking forward to watching Lee Jin Wook :wub::wub: he's such a super duper hottie :wub::wub: I just watched him in "Before & After Plastic Surgery"





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Guest fashionista




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cutiepie
























































































































































































































































































































































source: KBS





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Guest ovette












OMG!! i love the new pictures!!! got me all excited once again! eeekk!! :D looks like jinwook would be badly hurt at the start of the episode.





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Guest fivemagic

Another drama of Chae Rim, I like it. I think she looks good here and her hair is very different from DalJa Spring's. I prefer her hairstyle in this new drama than in DalJa Spring's. This seems like a good one and she portray a bodyguard, I gotta see. Thanks for starting this thread and hope to see more infos later.

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Guest CindyW88
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[News] Lee Jin Wook states, “Chae Rim is an actress I yearned for since I was a kid.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[MyDaily] 4/2/08
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Jin Wook, who will perform in KBS2 new drama “Powerful Opponents”, talks about his feeling of collaborating with Chae Rim in the drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the drama, LJW plays the President’s son Kang Soo Ho (강수호), who is egotistic, tough outside but was hurt inside, a typical rebellious character.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He played elite roles in his previous dramas such as “Period of Love (aka Alone in Love, 연애시대)”, “Smile Again (스마일 어게인)”, “Someday (썸데이)”, and “Air City ( 에어시티)”. In his latest drama “Before and after (비포&애프터 성형외과)”, he plays a challenging comical role. In this new drama, he once again transforms to play a different character.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In his previous dramas, he collaborated with actresses Son Yeh Jin, Kim Hee Sun, and Choi Ji Woo. He says, “I have been very lucky.” As to this new drama, he will collaborate with Chae Rim. He states, “Especially, Chae Rim is an actress I yearned for since I was a kid. This time, it is like a dream to play her partner in this drama. I am very happy.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The PD and the script writer of “Powerful Opponents” are Han Joon Suh (한준서, “Capital Scandal”) and Kang Eun Kyung (“Dal Ja’s Spring”, “Hotelier”). The drama will be aired on 4/14.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?ne...804021014291112

































































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Guest *sayuri*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































+Awwww.....thanks Cindy for the translation of the new article ..... glad to know that LJW have his dream come true ..... able to act with CR .....:D April is finally here ..... less than two weeks and we can see this drama ......:D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Hanjae
























Thanks for the translation, Cindy! Lee Jin Wook's a Chae Rim fan, how adorable XD Funny boy, he's not that much younger Chae Rim that he'd be looking up to her since he was a kid, haha. He's only 2 years or so younger, isn't he? He looks a lot younger though, maybe because he has a kiddy face and mischievious expression. The photos of him all battered on the bed looks so scary :sweat: Particularly the blood crusted around the eye. Ouch.





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Hi Chiechay

I think you meant you watched Lee Jin Wook in Air City, not On Air!


I am looking forward to watching Lee Jin Wook :wub::wub: he's such a super duper hottie :wub::wub: I just watched him in "Before & After Plastic Surgery"



hehehe, sorry for that! thanks renni72 for the correction, yap that's Air City with CJW! :) I must be a fan of LJW, I just realized it now I already watched 3 of his previous works :blush:

[News] Lee Jin Wook states, “Chae Rim is an actress I yearned for since I was a kid.”

In his previous dramas, he collaborated with actresses Son Yeh Jin, Kim Hee Sun, and Choi Ji Woo. He says, “I have been very lucky.” As to this new drama, he will collaborate with Chae Rim. He states, “Especially, Chae Rim is an actress I yearned for since I was a kid. This time, it is like a dream to play her partner in this drama. I am very happy.”



LJW sounds so funny here, looks like CR is super old that he yearned since a kid! :P maybe what he meant is maybe CR is a senior in terms of acting, though I think CR is older by 2 yrs only from LJW :)






oh love all the pictures! really looking forward to this series! thanks for posting the new pics guys!



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Guest babymarzy07





wow!! chae rim and lee jin wook looks really good in the pics!! i love the new look of CR!!



Lee Jin Wook still looks as hot as ever!



I cant wait for this drama!! ^^



I cant help it im more of a LJW fan than LJH. But i cant help to root for LJW.



I hope though we can see some sparks between LJW's character and CR's.



Im sure this is an exciting story.



Lol I dont know why but it sort of reminds me of the TB and DJ relationship.



But not really since the age difference isnt not so big.


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Guest linh27
















































































































































































thanks so much fashionista, cutiepie, & CindyW88 for the photos and article.
















































































































































nice to know LJW is a CR fan, it is cool that he is now her co-worker, also even though he is 2 or 3 years younger than her i think it is because she has been in showbiz for a longer time & has done so many projects (just look at their drama wiki pages, her project list is so long compared to his). can't wait for this!

















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Guest fivemagic

Thanks cindy for the translation of the article.......glad to know and hear that Lee Jin Wook is a big fan of Chae Rim.....also glad to know that LJW's dream has come true and is now able to work with her. They look good in those new pics......cant wait to see the drama.

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Guest lilgzl
















Somehow, the storyline reminded me of Really Really Like You....but instead of a female chef, it's the female bodyguard..








minus Lee Min Ki :tears:








Can't imagine if they cast Min Ki instead as the bodyguard here, he was also the President's guard in RRLY!








I've never seen LJW's drama so I'm looking forward to this!!!








....The PD and the script writer of “Powerful Opponents” are Han Joon Suh (한준서, “Capital Scandal”) and Kang Eun Kyung (“Dal Ja’s Spring”, “Hotelier”).....








and when those powerful people involved..this will surely be a powerful drama ... :rolleyes:





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Guest puppyiz
















Thanx :wub: heaps for the luuuuvvvvly caps ! :P & everyone that I've not mentioned.








Chae Rim looks fabulous with this hair & esp in those shades !








LJW... gorgeous , rugged - lucky guy to be collaborating with his idol !!








I am still not used to seeing LJH wearing this hairstyle .. maybe the hairstylist wants him to look like 'KevinCostner' ??








Aii maybe it's just me... but its kinda too short for my 'eyes' :wacko: .

source: KBS





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