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No Minwoo 노민우

Guest ofrick

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Guest whoelse_i

“Trap” by No Min Woo (Dong Joo’s Theme)

Surprisingly, love that spreads as I erase it

Like fate, eyes watch only one place

You touched my heart that used to be ice in front of the world

Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe

Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears

Don't leave me, I can't let you go

Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand

I call your name in sadness everyday

Don't love anyone else, I'm here

I go back to the day I met you several thousand times

Draw the day when I embrace you

Like fate, I meet you again on this day

The words I could not say and was clogged like dust

Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe

Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears

Don't leave me, I can't let you go

Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand

I call your name in sadness everyday

Don't love anyone else, I'm here

I go back to the day I met you several thousand times

credit to : http://www.koreandramas.org/ost/lyrics/my-girlfriend-is-a-gumiho-ost-trap/

thank you for the translation

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I am on episode 11 now, and really struggling.....   everytime he comes on the screen I completly forget that I should be reading subs and just watch his face and eyes............. so intense!!!  He is playing this role brilliantly, and the complexity of the is he bad/good/or just trying to atone for his past thing keeps flicking for me... and I cant decide which he is...  Its not just me that hes doing this to is it???:wacko:

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these are the pics from No Min Woo's newsen interview from 17 Sept 2010

the interview is in Korean so I wrote in spoiler

[뉴스엔 글 이언혁 기자/사진 배정한 기자]

노민우는 SBS ‘내 여자친구는 구미호’(이하 여친구)에서 ‘박동주’보다 ‘동주선생’으로 더 많이 불린다. 극중 구미호(신민아 분)가 박동주를 “동주선생”이라고 부르기 때문이다. ‘동주선생’은 어느새 노민우의 닉네임이 됐다.

감기 기운이 있어보이던 노민우는 “사흘간 밤샘촬영을 한 뒤 오후 6시부터 곯아 떨어졌다”고 털어놨다. “여름 감기로 한 차례 고생을 했어요. 배우들 모두 링거를 맞으며 열심히 촬영하고 있죠. 첫 촬영을 시작한 지 엊그제 같은데 어느덧 마지막 회 방송이 얼마 남지 않았네요. 시간이 유난히 빨리 가는 것 같아 아쉬워요.”

‘여친구’는 다양한 화젯거리를 만들어냈다. 시청자들은 맑은 날씨에 내리는 비를 보고 “미호가 우나보다” 하고, 사이다를 보고 “뽀글이다”고 할 정도다. 심지어 음식을 먹을 때마다 “아~ 맛있다”고 하는 시청자들도 있다. 하지만 ‘제빵왕 김탁구’에 밀려 시청률은 10%대에 머물고 있다. “시청률 욕심이 없다면 거짓이죠. 하지만 ‘여친구’는 재방송 시청률이 세잖아요. 그래서인지 촬영장 분위기는 정말 화기애애해요.”

극 초반, 시청자들은 박동주라는 인물에 대해 다양한 해석을 내놨다. 게이설까지 등장했을 정도. “게이라기보다 이성과의 연을 끊어버리는 인물이 아닐까 싶었어요. 채식주의자인데다 사람들과의 접촉도 없고 단 것만 좋아하잖아요. ‘얘는 무슨 낙으로 살까’ 싶었죠. 이제 동주의 멜로가 슬슬 시작되고 있죠. 아마 다음 주부터는 더 강하게 등장할 거예요.”

동주에게 미호는 곧 길달이다. 길달은 과거 미호처럼 인간이 되려 했지만 결국 배신당해 “차라리 죽여 달라”고 한 인물이다. 동주는 길달을 사랑했지만 어쩔 수 없이 칼을 꽂아야 했다. 그의 가슴 속에는 죄책감이 자리 잡고 있다.

미호에 대한 동주의 태도는 길달임을 알기 전과 알고 난 후로 나뉜다. 미호가 길달이라는 것을 안 이상 동주는 미호를 방치할 수 없게 된 것. “처음엔 멀리서 게임을 보는 주인 같은 존재였어요. 하지만 조금씩 미호를 걱정하게 됐죠. 게다가 알고 보니 미호가 길달의 심장을 갖고 있잖아요. 미호가 다치지 않고 인간이 될 수 있게 도와주는 게 동주의 목표예요.”

노민우는 눈이 깊고 외로운 존재인 동주 역을 소화하기 위해 내면에서 고독하고 공허한 감정을 최대한 끌어냈다. 한 달 반가량 사람을 만나지 않고 운동만 할 정도였다고. 그래서일까. 전작 ‘파스타’에서 맡았던 캐릭터의 느낌은 찾아볼 수 없었다.

“표정부터 성격, 말투, 몸 등 모두 다 바뀌었어요. 7kg 정도 감량했을 정도니까요. ‘파스타’ 때는 철없이 부유하게 자란 인물이었잖아요. 공백기 동안 봉사 활동 등을 하면서 다시 저 자신을 낮췄어요. 무엇보다 자신을 잃지 않기 위해 노력하며 마음을 비우고 있었어요. 이후 동주 캐릭터를 만나 끊임없이 연구했죠. 얼굴 각도를 날카롭게 만들기도 했구요. 걸음걸이도 좀 더 곧게 바꿨어요. 그랬더니 다들 ‘예전 캐릭터가 없다’고 하시더라구요. 앞으로 또 어떤 캐릭터를 맡게 될지 벌써부터 궁금하네요.”

촬영장에서 노민우가 신민아를 부르는 호칭은 극중에서와 마찬가지로 ‘미호님’이다. 말투를 통해 철저히 박동주가 된 노민우는 “극중 동주가 안 좋거나 슬픈 날은 눈을 떴을 때부터 그 감정에 휩싸인다”며 “‘집중하고 있구나’, ‘긴장하고 있구나’ 생각한다”고 전했다. “꿈에 미호님이 많이 나와요. 신기할 정도죠. 12회에 등장한 눈물신도 NG 없이 한 번에 끝냈어요. 대본을 처음 받았을 때 소름이 돋아 눈물을 흘렸거든요. 남은 13회~16회가 중요하잖아요. 깨고 싶지 않아요.”

노민우는 미호와 차대웅(이승기 분) 사이 사랑을 표현하는 동주의 모습을 ‘여친구’ 후반부 관전 포인트로 꼽았다. “삼각관계에 집중하다 보면 스릴 있고 재밌을 거예요. 마지막에는 어떻게 될지 아무도 몰라요. 궁금증을 갖고 봐 주시면 실망하지 않을 결말이 나올 거예요.”

일각에서는 “동주가 결국 죽음을 맞을 것이다”는 예측까지 등장하고 있다. 과연 노민우의 생각은 어떨까? “동주 역을 맡고 나서는 감정 기복이 적어졌어요. 일상생활에서도 무던한 반응을 나타내게 되죠. 미호님만 잘 된다면 동주는 어떻게 돼도 좋아요.”

한편 ‘여친구’는 30일 16회를 끝으로 종영된다.

이언혁 leeuh@newsen.com / 배정한 hany@newsen.com


I've catch smth about vegetarian and Dong Joo's behavior but google translate isn't that accurate from Korean to English

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does any one knew interviews with eng sub or programs for No Minwoo ,, I want to listen to him while he is talking ,,I want to know what kind of personality he has..

so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee help

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why there is no any reply tears.giftears.gif

sorry Id lost this thread.... hope these are good,  none of them have english subs though :(




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Guest tehliwah

i really2 want to watch no minwoo playing drum with his new hairstyle. i wanna see how he rock it, twirling the drumstick. why strong heart cut it???? why?????? aarrgh!

HI...There is a short clip on NMW playing drums in 'pasta' in case ur interested :rolleyes:

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sorry Id lost this thread.... hope these are good,  none of them have english subs though :(




thanks alot :w00t: atleast i could see his face :wub:

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I think he made a great decision to leave TRAX. it's not that TRAX is not that good (I'm not so sure about TRAX & I used to know that name 'cause of him)

after watching "my girlfriend is gumiho", I found out his stage name "rose". Isn't it a bit gay?? I was wondering why SM would give him that name :(

The name rose & his character/style doesn't match :P (Am I too biased? keke )

I love his character in my girlfriend is gumiho. Most people would say that he's so evil but I don't think so. He's supporting the drama very well. he looks good with that hair style & the song he sings in that drama; trap, is kinda cool & his voice in that song is sexy.

okay, anyway, I like his character & his style. blush.gif

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Hi all, dont know if anyone can answer this............. but is he veggie?

 I am not sure if the chat recently is about the part he is playing (who is veggie) or if NMW himself is veggie? Can anyone who knew of him from Trax days tell me? 

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I think he made a great decision to leave TRAX. it's not that TRAX is not that good (I'm not so sure about TRAX & I used to know that name 'cause of him)

after watching "my girlfriend is gumiho", I found out his stage name "rose". Isn't it a bit gay?? I was wondering why SM would give him that name :(

The name rose & his character/style doesn't match :P (Am I too biased? keke )

I love his character in my girlfriend is gumiho. Most people would say that he's so evil but I don't think so. He's supporting the drama very well. he looks good with that hair style & the song he sings in that drama; trap, is kinda cool & his voice in that song is sexy.

okay, anyway, I like his character & his style. blush.gif

i actually think the name "Rose" suits him because he's a bit of a pretty boy. esp is u see his pictures from the trax days.

he is a really talented musician and i hope to continue to hear him sing or play music. i'm also a bit glad that he is not with sme anymore. trax nowadays is more pop-rock, not what they used to be.

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Here's a translated version of the Interview. Some parts were not translated.  Credits to lovexskyline@livejournal

o Min Woo plays “Park Dong Joo” in the SBS drama “My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox” but is often referred to as “Teacher Dong Joo”, mainly by the drama’s main character Gu Mi Ho (Shin Min Ah).

In the interview, No Min Woo seemed to have a cold. “After three days of shooting all night starting at 6pm,” he told the interviewer, “time goes exceptionally fast. It feels like we began shooting yesterday and all of the sudden the broadcast is ending for that night. You lose track.” This is an occasion for all actors.

‘Girlfriend’ has created a wide variety of talk. When viewers see rain in sunny weather, they immediately think “Ah, Mi Ho” and wonder about how expensive the soda Mi Ho loves ends up being. Whenever the characters even eat, viewers go “ahhh, delicious.” However, “King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu” viewers still hold around 10% of the audience. “It’s a lie if you don’t desire ratings,” says No Min woo. “but the ‘Gumiho’ ratings are good. So it’s a nice atmosphere.”

Dramatic from the beginning, the audience has many different opinions on Park Dong Joo. “Seem mysterious rather than be driven by a motive, maybe that’s what I wanted to do. Also, vegetarians don’t always only have contact with people who only eat meat. I like people going ‘what is he doing with her?’ I liked that aspect. Maybe next week, we will emerge stronger.”

Dong Joo will have to face with Mi Ho what he faced with Gil Dal soon. Just like Mi Ho, Gil Dal wanted to be a human and was betrayed by a “different killer”, a man. Dong Joo couldn’t help but love Gil Dal and now has guilt in his heart.

Dong Joo’s attitude is different with Mi Ho because this time he can’t let the past repeat itself. “At first, I was like the owner watching the game from afar. But gradually began to worry about Mi Ho. In addition, it turned out that Mi Ho was a part of Gil Dal. I don’t want Mi Ho to meet the same pain.”

No Min Woo had to dig deeply to find the lonely and pulled feelings of Dong Joo. Even one month of not seeing anybody close was enough to find that. “Pasta” didn’t have feelings like this.

“Looking back at the nature, body, tone and everything changed after Pasta. I was even 7kg lighter. ‘Pasta’ was about a man who had grown up rich. During the break, I took a bit of a downgrade from life. Above all, I just wanted to clear and keep my mind clear. Dong Joo is a character I have never met. So I learned to make faces, keep sharp angles, etc. I also stood a bit more upright. Just like ‘older characters’ would. I already wonder what character I will be taking on next.”

Shin Min Ah and No Min Woo and the rest of the cast will often refer to each other as their characters name on the set. Through tone, No Min Woo was able to become Park Dong Joo. “I would have to really open my eyes on a sad day and learn to portray emotion in a tense or very concentrated sense. It’s really surprising because I’ll have dreams about being in the drama. The first time I read the script, I got goosebumps. The last 13~16 episodes are important. I don’t want to leave the cast.”

No Min Woo, Mi Ho, and Cha Dae Woong (Lee Seung Gi) are expressing love in many different ways in “My Girlfriend is a Gumiho”. “Focusing on a love triangle is a thrill. In the end, nobody knows what will happen. Have questions and keep watching, you won’t be disappointed.”

“Dong Joo will eventually meet death” has been a lot of the predictions. “Since playing the role of Dong Joo, I had less mood swings. I even react more calmly in every day life. If Mi Ho is happy, then it doesn’t matter how Dong Joo is.”

“My Girlfriend is a Gumiho” is a 16 episode series.


Here is the full interview translated in Chinese if anyone could translate it in English.



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Guest chashkieh

“Trap” by No Min Woo (Dong Joo’s Theme)

Surprisingly, love that spreads as I erase it

Like fate, eyes watch only one place

You touched my heart that used to be ice in front of the world

Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe

Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears

Don't leave me, I can't let you go

Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand

I call your name in sadness everyday

Don't love anyone else, I'm here

I go back to the day I met you several thousand times

Draw the day when I embrace you

Like fate, I meet you again on this day

The words I could not say and was clogged like dust

Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe

Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears

Don't leave me, I can't let you go

Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand

I call your name in sadness everyday

Don't love anyone else, I'm here

I go back to the day I met you several thousand times

credit to : http://www.koreandramas.org/ost/lyrics/my-girlfriend-is-a-gumiho-ost-trap/

thank you for the translation

Thank you for this! I've been looking for the lyrics for quite sometime. :)

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Here's a translated version of the Interview. Some parts were not translated.  Credits to lovexskyline@livejournal

o Min Woo plays “Park Dong Joo” in the SBS drama “My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox” but is often referred to as “Teacher Dong Joo”, mainly by the drama’s main character Gu Mi Ho (Shin Min Ah).

In the interview, No Min Woo seemed to have a cold. “After three days of shooting all night starting at 6pm,” he told the interviewer, “time goes exceptionally fast. It feels like we began shooting yesterday and all of the sudden the broadcast is ending for that night. You lose track.” This is an occasion for all actors.

‘Girlfriend’ has created a wide variety of talk. When viewers see rain in sunny weather, they immediately think “Ah, Mi Ho” and wonder about how expensive the soda Mi Ho loves ends up being. Whenever the characters even eat, viewers go “ahhh, delicious.” However, “King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu” viewers still hold around 10% of the audience. “It’s a lie if you don’t desire ratings,” says No Min woo. “but the ‘Gumiho’ ratings are good. So it’s a nice atmosphere.”

Dramatic from the beginning, the audience has many different opinions on Park Dong Joo. “Seem mysterious rather than be driven by a motive, maybe that’s what I wanted to do. Also, vegetarians don’t always only have contact with people who only eat meat. I like people going ‘what is he doing with her?’ I liked that aspect. Maybe next week, we will emerge stronger.”

Dong Joo will have to face with Mi Ho what he faced with Gil Dal soon. Just like Mi Ho, Gil Dal wanted to be a human and was betrayed by a “different killer”, a man. Dong Joo couldn’t help but love Gil Dal and now has guilt in his heart.

Dong Joo’s attitude is different with Mi Ho because this time he can’t let the past repeat itself. “At first, I was like the owner watching the game from afar. But gradually began to worry about Mi Ho. In addition, it turned out that Mi Ho was a part of Gil Dal. I don’t want Mi Ho to meet the same pain.”

No Min Woo had to dig deeply to find the lonely and pulled feelings of Dong Joo. Even one month of not seeing anybody close was enough to find that. “Pasta” didn’t have feelings like this.

“Looking back at the nature, body, tone and everything changed after Pasta. I was even 7kg lighter. ‘Pasta’ was about a man who had grown up rich. During the break, I took a bit of a downgrade from life. Above all, I just wanted to clear and keep my mind clear. Dong Joo is a character I have never met. So I learned to make faces, keep sharp angles, etc. I also stood a bit more upright. Just like ‘older characters’ would. I already wonder what character I will be taking on next.”

Shin Min Ah and No Min Woo and the rest of the cast will often refer to each other as their characters name on the set. Through tone, No Min Woo was able to become Park Dong Joo. “I would have to really open my eyes on a sad day and learn to portray emotion in a tense or very concentrated sense. It’s really surprising because I’ll have dreams about being in the drama. The first time I read the script, I got goosebumps. The last 13~16 episodes are important. I don’t want to leave the cast.”

No Min Woo, Mi Ho, and Cha Dae Woong (Lee Seung Gi) are expressing love in many different ways in “My Girlfriend is a Gumiho”. “Focusing on a love triangle is a thrill. In the end, nobody knows what will happen. Have questions and keep watching, you won’t be disappointed.”

“Dong Joo will eventually meet death” has been a lot of the predictions. “Since playing the role of Dong Joo, I had less mood swings. I even react more calmly in every day life. If Mi Ho is happy, then it doesn’t matter how Dong Joo is.”

“My Girlfriend is a Gumiho” is a 16 episode series.


Here is the full interview translated in Chinese if anyone could translate it in English.



thanks for your hard work,,, I wish to see him in another romantic drama as a first lead actor

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Guest yumoreo5

Thanks so much for the interview. This is literally my first interview of him in the process of getting to know who No Min Woo is. I love 4Dness. Isn't Minwoo considered 4D? I would love to see it. I've heard about this person and that person being 4D but so far, only Kim Hyun Joong strikes me as a true 4D. Everything about KHJ comes off odd and hilarious, unintentionally. I read about their interaction so I would love see them together in the near future and I'm glad they're friends.

Ohhhh, Minwoo's drum skills are soooo impressive; they're killer moves, the way he sways his body and loses himself in the music, awesomeness!

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I love 4Dness. Isn't Minwoo considered 4D? I would love to see it. I've heard about this person and that person being 4D but so far, only Kim Hyun Joong strikes me as a true 4D. Everything about KHJ comes off odd and hilarious, unintentionally. I read about their interaction so I would love see them together in the near future and I'm glad they're friends.

I hear about that too but I don't know if it true or not but I saw 2 programs he appeared in he tend to be quit I don't know if he is a shy

person or he needed a time to fit in or he didn't get his chance to talk more :blink: ,,, I miss him so much these days I wish I could see

more of him and hear him talking about himself :wub:

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Guest Kathy K.

Hi :) I wondered if you happen to know when was Minwoo on Sebakwi? I've seen his cuts yesterday during the show, but I cannot find it anywhere. Is the full episode on yt?

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Kathy K. I hope I can help you but I don't know that show you talking about ....maybe the others could help blush.gif

link for his particepation on strong heart show he only talked at very end of the programe fury.gif ... but I think he is vary cute, kind ,funny

and polit person :wub: , here is the link ;) .....


so what do you think after seeing him in this programe :P .... I'm waiting for your replies guys :)

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