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Kim Jung Eun 김정은


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Kim Jung Eun "I Want to Love Passionately"


During the interview, Kim Jung Eun repeated the word “passionately” while talking about love. Even though she’s experienced much heartache from love, she still insists she wants to fall in love. She has never been as open and honest about love as she is since she’s filmed the movie “Sarangni”. She claims she still gets butterflies in her stomach when she’s in love in her thirties, just as she did in her twenties. She also admits in her past experiences “happiness” from love was too short, and the heartache was too long.

Kim Jung Eun is currently not in a relationship. However, she doesn’t state the common declaration “for now I plan to focus on my career.” “It’s a sad reality if you can’t love just because you’re too busy working”, she says. Even while filming the movie “Sarangni”, she tried to meet someone who might become a possible significant other, but “it’s not easy” she admits with a wry smile.

Kim Jung Eun admitted to once having loved a younger man, and after filming the movie, she is still hesitant about dating someone younger than herself. She claims “I feel attracted to a person I can respect, but on the other hand, you never know who love will lead you to.”

This article has been translated from Sports Today.

Source: tour2Korea.com @ http://english.tour2korea.com/02Culture/En...bm1_1&kosm=m2_7

Picture courtesy of Sports Today.












记者 李东镇 djlee@chosun.com


영화 '사랑니' 주연 맡은 김정은

귀여운 푼수? 이젠 잊어주세요

"13년 연하 남자와 사랑에 빠지는 인영 연기 하고싶었던 역… 너무 행복"

[조선일보 이동진 기자]

우리는 이미 김정은을 충분히 알고 있는 걸까. 상황에 따라 태영(파리의 연인)-진경(가문의 영광)-현주(내 남자의 로맨스)-희수(루루공주)로 바뀌어 불려온 ‘어떤 김정은’은 물론 잘 알려져 있다. 그러나 그게 배우 김정은의 전부일까.

지난달 29일 개봉한 ‘사랑니’는 이제껏 알지 못했던 김정은을 보여준다. (김정은 자신조차 몰랐던 모습일 수도 있다.) 13년 연하의 남자와 사랑에 빠지는 인영 역을 맡은 그의 연기에는 한 명의 배우가 과거 이미지의 덫에서 벗어나기 위해 벌인 사투의 혈흔이 있다. 온 몸을 던진 자의 땀냄새도 배어 있다. 그러나 이 영화에서 가장 짙게 느껴지는 것은 하고 싶은 일을 제대로

발견한 사람의 현재진행형 행복이다. 무엇보다 지금 그는, 행복하다.

“연기가 이렇게 좋았던 적이 없었어요. 정지우 감독님과 함께 준비작업을 할 때부터 ‘세상에!’란 감탄사가 연방 터져나올 정도였어요. 서른살 인영은 지구가 자기를 중심으로 도는 게 아니라는 걸 아는 여자죠. 세상의 편견에 대해 ‘미안해요, 여러분. 그런데 난 이게 진정으로 행복하다는 걸 알아버렸어요’라고 말하고 싶어하는 여자랄까요.”

정말 그 말을 하고 싶은 사람이 김정은임을 짐작하기란 어렵지 않다. 지난주 종영한 TV 드라마 ‘루루 공주’ 출연과 관련, 그가 홈페이지에 “더이상 연기할 수 없는 지경”임을 토로해 한바탕 파문이 일었던 게 아직 한 달이 지나지 않았으니까.

“알아요. 제가 외면당하고 있죠. 없었던 안티 팬도 생겨났고요. 제 무책임에 대해서는 몇번이고 사과드리고 싶어요. 그래도 이젠 ‘조금만 더 참자’를 더 이상 되뇔 수 없더라고요. 언젠간 제 진심을 알아주시겠지요.” 그는 ‘사랑니’에서 진정한 연기의 기쁨을 알고난 직후라 더 견디기 힘들었다고 덧붙였다.

새삼스럽지만, 김정은이 만들어낸 ‘귀여운 푼수’ 캐릭터의 위력은 대단했다. 그러나 이미지도 자꾸 쓰면 퇴색한다. “어렵게 시작하고 치열하게 경쟁하면서 내가 사람들을 즐겁게 해줄 수 있는 연기를 알게 됐어요. 코믹 연기는 여전히 소중한 이력이죠. 그런데 엇비슷한 연기를 여러 해 반복하면서 자기 복제 위험성을 깨달았어요. 복제할수록 원본보다 떨어지는 것은 당연하잖아요. 지금이라도 이렇게 새 시도를 할 수 있게 되어 정말 다행이에요.”

영화가 대중적으로 큰 인기를 끌지는 못할 것이란 사실을 그도 짐작하고 있는 듯했다. 그런데도 그는 내내 마냥 들떠 있었다. “저는 지금 행복하기도 하고 조금 시니컬하기도 해요. 순간순간 ‘인생이 다 그런 거 아냐?’란 생각이 들어요. 그런데 참 이상하죠. 그 기분이 그리 나쁘지 않아요. 인기를 먹고 사는 사람이라 ‘사람들이 알아보지 못하면 어쩌나’ 싶어 하지 말았어야 했을 선택도 했지만, 이젠 마음이 편안해요. 제가 정말 서른살이 되긴 되었나 봐요.”

어떤 배우에게 어떤 작품은 그의 연기 이력을 둘로 나누는 ‘비포 앤드 애프터’를 만든다. 김정은에게 ‘사랑니’가 그럴 수 있으리라는 예감에 흔쾌히 한 표! 지금 우리는 연기를 평생의 업으로 삼아야 할 어느 재능 있는 배우가, 보호막이면서 굴레였던 하나의 알을 깨고 일어나, 이제 막 기분 좋은 기지개를 켜고 있는 모습을 목격하고 있잖은가.

(이동진기자 [ djlee.chosun.com])


Kim Jung Eun: A cute woman? Please forget this!



Do we have a complete understanding of Kim Jung Eun? In all the series and movie that she starred in, she is often being called Kang Tae Young (Lover In Paris), Jang Jin Kyung (Marrying The Mafia), Kim Hyun Joo(How To Keep My Love), Go Hee Soo (Princess Lulu) etc... but are these the real Kim Jung Eun that we know?

Last month, Wisdom Tooth had its premier on the 29th, it showed a totally different Kim Jung Eun. It could also be a diffrent side that even Kim Jung Eun didn't know about. She acts as Jo In Young who loves a student 13 years her junior. From her acting, we can see the effort of a actress who wants to shed her previous images. And in the midst of it, of course there is a lot of hard work involved. But in this movie, what has left me most is deep impression of a person who had found something that she had always wanted to do and so had this happy contented feeling in her. The most important thing is she is feeling happy RIGHT NOW.

"My acting has never really been great, after starting to work with (WT Director), this word:"OMG" is always in my mind. The 30 year old Jo In Young knows very well that the earth will not turn/stop just becasue of her. Facing the prejudice from people, Jo In Young wanted to say,"I am so sorry everyone. But now i know this is my real happiness."

It not difficult to guess that the one who really wanted to say this sentence is KIM JUNG EUN. Princess Lulu has just finished last week. She posted online that she has come to a stage that she cannot act anymore which cause an uproar about it. This thing has not even passed a month yet.

"I know, people did not accept me. Even those fans who have not opposed me before, now cannot accept what I did. Regarding this irresponsible action, I had wanted to apologise many times but then I cannot bear this thought - JUST BEAR WITH IT. I believe other people will come to understand my real feelings." She also said that just when she finally came to understand acting through Wisdom Tooth, this unhappy thing happen, made her very upset.

Again, I feel that the cute image that Kim Jung Eun portray is very strong. But if she keep on portraying this image, it will fade one day. "Through keen competition, I realized what is the real acting that made one happy. Acting in comedy is still a precious experiences for me, but after acting in that acting genre (comedy) again and again made me realise the danger of "CLONING". The more you clone, the result gets worse. Now that I can try new things, to me is a very new experience and something to be happy about.

Kim Jung Eun seems to know that this movie will not be well-liked by many. But she is always very happy and excited. "Now I feel happy yet a little pessimistic. Sometimes I'll tell myself, "Isn't that what life is all about? It's strange that this feeling is nothing bad. If I were to depend on my popularity to earn a living, I'll be very worried when people may not recognise me anymore, what should I do?, therefore, I made some choices which should have not been chosen. But now without these worries, I feel more relax. I really feel that I'm 30 year old already."

A certain work to some actors/actresses, could be challenging to their acting skills. Therefore, Wisdom Tooth may be a challenging role for Kim Jung Eun. So here I would like to cast my vote for her. Now aren't we looking at a talented actress who is trying to break free from herself and her protective environment and going to embark onto another new stage?

by djlee@chosun.com

translated by konkaii


'사랑니' ('Close To You') Press Screening Report


September 26, 2005

When Jung Ji-Woo's previous film '해피엔드' ('Happy End') debuted 6 years ago, it shocked the nation. Not so much because of its content, which was hard hitting yes, but not particularly out of the ordinary. It was Jeon Do-Yeon who shocked people, when her transformation made the innocent sweetheart image she built on TV for the previous half decade vanish in one moment, during the film's first 10 minutes. Frank and honest sex scenes nobody expected her to shoot, but scenes which became the starting point for one of the most accomplished careers any Korean actress experienced in recent memory. She was the new Jang Mi-Hee: maybe not as pretty as the other 'troika' actresses (in her case, Lee Mi-Yeon and Go So-Young), but destroying the competition with her amazing acting skills. And director Jung must be praised, for bringing out that fire inside her which didn't have a canvas to emerge from, spending her time between trendy TV Dramas and melodramas on the big screen.

But that wasn't the only attraction in Happy End. Choi Min-Shik's slowly exploding persona, keeping everything inside until he couldn't anymore, in contrast with his role in '쉬리' ('Shiri'); Joo Jin-Mo, who had already some acting experience, but was shockingly good (and although he has improved a lot during the last 5 years, he's never been able to carry on the intensity from that performance yet); a strong script, mixing genre conventions, social commentary and a nod to popular culture (Choi's character watching the 'syndrome' TV Drama of 99, '우리 정말 사랑했슬까?' ('Did We Really Love?') with Bae Yong-Joon and Kim Hye-Soo). 'Happy End' became an instant favorite, and is still remembered as one of the best films of the 90s by critics and public alike. With Jung taking a long period of 'rest' from directing films, anything he laid his hands on was bound to generate interest. The moment he announced Kim Jung-Eun - a good actress and one of the hardest working, nicest people in Chungmuro, who showed potential as an actress but has been wasted in films which rarely challenge her acting skills, just like Jeon Do-Yeon in 99 - as the lead for his new film, about a 30 something teacher falling in love with one of her 17 year old students, people started seeing the kind of potential that built when 'Happy End' was announced. Would he make a new actress out of Kim Jung-Eun, too?

With all that expectation in mind, Jung's latest '사랑니' ('Close To You') had its press screening at the Seoul Theater last week. Present at the screening the director and stars Kim Jung-Eun, Lee Tae-Sung, Jung Yoo-Mi and Kim Young-Jae. Reviews have been quite positive, but there's a feeling the film might be too complicated for the average moviegoer, which explains the cold reaction in terms of box office potential. The film debuts on September 29.

Interviews and Comments

Press: You must feel this is the kind of film even kids could watch without worrying too much.

Director Jung Ji-Woo: Even if people can be interested about other people's love stories, in reality they don't show that. I think if kids watch the film with their parents, it will be OK, because the most important thing was trying to be sincere with sentiments. It was also the second and third most important thing: because you think about that sincerity deep down in your heart, you don't pay much attention to what people on the outside think.

Press: If this film came out a little earlier, it could have become the kind that raises more than a few eyebrows because of its theme, but it didn't seem to provoke much of a disapproving response. I'm curious how you approached the viewers' point of view and their understanding of the film while making it.

Jung: I think that no matter how you look at it, the fact this film won't become a topic of conversation because of its problematic theme is a good thing. I never tried to reveal info about the film to show the characters' ages or occupations from the beginning. Because I tried to film with the idea of carefully showing a 30 something woman's state of mind when falling in love, I feel comfortable. And, on the contrary, I hope the issue doesn't even come up.

Press: When you mention Kim Jung-Eun, it's inevitable her image comes up. Is there anything you changed because of this film, and did you feel any burden about that?

Kim Jung-Eun: I never thought of completely transforming the image you think people have of myself. When I first receive screenplays, I always think of making a little upgrade; nothing major, but I often feel that thirst to change a few things about my acting. But then again, the real problem was that I didn't know how to change back then, even though I tried. But then came the script for 'Close To You', and I decided to just follow the director's instructions. Since I was tired of always doing the same things, and wanted to differentiate a little my image from the beginning, that couldn't possibly be a burden to me.

Press: You have painted a really unique love story in this film. Shooting the film, did you experience any changes about what you consider love to be?

Kim: Honestly, I thought a lot about this love story between a 30 something woman and her 17 year old student. I think being in their 30s is a very important moment for women, and I think she wouldn't have done that if she were in her early 20s. That feeling at the end of the film, it's the same kind I want to have living in this world in my 30s. I also think that 30 something period in the film is a nice age to live in. You could become a little more cynical about things like love, compared to what you felt in your early 20s. I'm the same, actually, I don't feel the same way compared to before I started acting in my 20s. It's not just about loving a 17 year old man, but the sincerity of the moment, the possibility of falling in love if you find a person who makes your heart beat.

Lee Tae-Sung: I think this idea of the 30 vs 17 and teacher vs student is a kind of formality. At first I thought why I wanted to see the teacher from the beginning, but then I just decided It was because I wanted to do it, nothing more. Even if you think about all the implications and meanings of what I do in the film, things become even more complicated. That's why I just decided to be sincere. If you just take off all the formalities, like teacher and student, or their 13 years of difference, I think you'll envy the kind of relationship the two have.

Quick Judgment

Yonhap News' Kim Byung-Gyu

Film Quality: EXCELLENT

Box Office Potential: AVERAGE

Joycine's Seo Jung-Hwan

Film Quality: AVERAGE

Box Office Potential: AVERAGE

Premiere's Shim Soo-Jin

Film Quality: EXCELLENT

Box Office Potential: AVERAGE

Elle's Lee Sook-Myung

Film Quality: GOOD

Box Office Potential: AVERAGE

Movieweek's Lee Joo-Young

Film Quality: EXCELLENT

Box Office Potential: GOOD


Director Jeong Ji-Woo’s Latest Subject:

Forbidden Love at 30 (2005/09/29)


by Seung-Jae Lee

The director of "Happy End", Jeong Ji-woo, has released “Sarangni” - "Close to You", his second work in six years.

After “Happy End,” a vulgar yet desperate love story, Jeong has now cooked up a romance with a unique flavor.

First up, the ingredients (the plot). They are incredibly intricate and brimming with creativity.

The age of the heroine is one thing. Thirty. Not young but not old, either. It’s an age that can be satisfied with reality (a cohabitating male), that may linger on a young girl’s first love, or that could mean trouble with a juvenile student. Coincidentally, Kim Jung-eun, who plays the role of Cho In-yeong, hit 30 just this year.

The names Jung uses add to the plot. The name of the heroine’s first boyfriend, Lee Seok, is the name of her student, her Forbidden Love. The student’s crush, Cho In-yeong, is also the heroine’s name. The heroine believes the student “looks like my first boyfriend,” but the first love she meets again at a reunion is a completely different man. Cho tries to fall in love with twin brothers who resemble the boy she loved, but despairs at the impossibility. The two Lees wreak havoc for the heroine, the two Chos play tug-of-war with the student Lee, and The Twins confuse the student Cho.

Are memory and reality the same, like the exterior of a person and his mind? The irony of such similarity and disparity in life are all present in Jung’s work. In the end, the heroine, Cho, gets to meet her first love, her live-in partner, and her student all in one place. It seems like a muddle, but somewhere, a certain order among her love interests prevails. At this precise moment, her wisdom tooth starts to throb. What a queer love allegory!

The second aspect is the recipe (directing). With the special ingredients, the director unravels a seemingly mundane love story. He reaches for a 30-year-old woman’s “love philosophy” through the distinctiveness of “a hakwon teacher who falls in love with a juvenile student.” A story that is “unique but generic” according to Jeong.

The taste (results) is the third factor. I failed to “taste” anything, despite the fresh ingredients and recipe. Eye-opening lines like, “I want to sleep with him (the student)” and “I’ve never seen one uncircumcised. It’s pretty” are flung at us uninhibitedly by the heroine (Kim Jeong-eun, no less), but don’t really penetrate the audiences’ hearts as anything worth our full emotions. They talk of desire and desire freely, but a problem arises when we don’t feel any. Perhaps it’s the shadow that comes from the director’s intention to slowly devolve a squirming game of love until it becomes a tepid game of chess.

Kim Jeong-eun is neither bad nor good. We worry that she has turned into an “ice princess,” utterly incapable of subtle facial expressions.

Sarangni opens September 29, and is rated for audiences ages 15 and up.

"He who had not made a mistake, has not done something new" a.eisntein


The Woman Kim Jung Eun, having grown a Wisdom Tooth.

New film from Korea, Wisdom Tooth, will be shown end of September. This film talks about the daring love story of a 30 year old teacher and a 17 year old student, and through a woman’s vision and feelings, unfolds the closeness of the story’s structure, recalls the greatness and evilness of love. In this film, korean actress Kim Jung Eun plays the teacher In Young.

Q: What is the reason for choosing “Wisdom Tooth”?

A: Fall of last year, after I finish the series “Lovers in Paris”, I received a lot of awards, have been so busy, there were many scripts given to me, but these characters, I can just look at them in one glance. After reading, “WT” scripts, I feel that the main character is so mysterious, also contradicting, you can’t just have a glance to understand, that’s why I brought the script home. Reading it after 3 days and early in the morning at 4 am, I called the producer asking if I can meet the director.

Q: When you received the movie “Nabi”, you asked if the script was for you or not, looking at “Wisdom Tooth”, did you also ask the same question?

A: After finishing the orders and tasks arranged by the director, I also said the same thing. Director says, you played and acted exaggerating comedy series that are very real, he believes and trust in me. To be honest, comparing other movies I have worked before, “WT” have made me showed real acting skills, leaving a different impression.

Q: Did the director request to have the movie have a “real or lifelike” effect?

A: Yes, really hope to have a “real/lifelike” portrayal from the actress. That time I was thinking, maybe from the start should have been close with the director. That’s why we would always have a few drinks, In front of him, alone I would do my own acting. Although it’s a bit embarrassing but that was fun. One day, there was an express delivery of a blackboard, I know the director wants me to practice how to write on it. I asked the blackboard to be placed in the room’s balcony, causing the chalk powder to be flown away. (laughs) Then, also went to bookstores to buy math exam books and taking additional practice lessons/classes.

Q: Pressure on “WT” is big?

A: Of course yes, there’s a big pressure on “WT”. The feeling and expression on In Young when she first seen Lee Suk (LTS character I think), and when I just started to be in the entertainment circle are the same. But I think it’s difficult to repeat again, we’re going to waste many film strips. (laughs)

Q: In this film, it seems there are not so many lines or dialogues, does it have to do with the distance from the camera lens?

A: In this film, cameras are very far, makes one to feel unattentive. Director says if camera was placed nearer, previous customs/expressions will come out, true enough that’s what had happened. If the camera is very near, you would think that the camera lens are that close to you, you’re suppose to do any actions or any acting. (Laugh hardly in her seat) The time when filming “WT”, no need to do a lot of rich facial expressions, and yet there is no feeling that one has just made only a few actions. I only know that in front of the camera, I was calm. The audience will know and understand what is the emotion being showed there.

Q: With the series, “Princess Lulu”, you expressed that you cannot continue to act anymore, has this had any influence with “WT”?

A: This time’s work had changed what I think before I can bear and now what I cannot bear. Although within me, there were also changes but if there is no “WT”, I would have not known how hurt I am already. I can overcome the physical fatigue and weariness but the impression that the character has on me, I cannot just quickly adjust the change, Just think, yesterday it’s this love story about a woman who leaves the house, on the second day again come out in the comedy series. This is really very difficult. To play or act in a series, one also has to have it’s own foundation. (laughs)

Q: This time you played a 30 year old In Young, what is the feeling?

A: I told the director, ‘Now that I’m 30 years old already, recently I always put make up from neck up onwards.’ Director said, ‘Interesting, I want it also’ (laughs) Filming this, there were times when for the whole day I would be holding a chalk, there were times also that because my tooth would ache and I would be striving hard to brush my teeth, My frame is a bit tall but in front of the camera it becomes smaller. Director wants the taller me and the weak part of me, so there were many times I have to wear high heeled shoes and tight fit, curvaceous dress. Then, director shoots the parts where I’m with Zeng Wu live in companion’s house, I don’t put make up, nor comb hair. He says, that is the look he wants to convey the pressure of those working class women when they get home. Also, for some kiss scenes, have to drink some glass of red wine to finish it up. This needs some courage.

Q: In Young is a bit like a disputable or controversial character, have you disliked or avoided her?

A: No, at the start I think of getting near to her. After thinking all virtue, ethics and morality, I decided to feel and experience with her.

Q: Like In Young in the film, have you also had appendicitis?

A: Oh, I still haven’t operated mine. Weird thing is when I was filming the movie, I did grow my Wisdom tooth and it was so painful, but now it’s better already.

Q: The film’s climax, it’s when a few people gather together and saw each other, what are your feelings that time?

A: The feeling is the same as now. Lately, the past two years its like 30 years old already, feeling is same like autumn or fall, when little, if there are unhappy things reads Maupassant’s(not sure if correct) <Story of One lady’s long years>, although it’s a very sad story, but after reading it one does not become sad anymore. Rosa said (not sure who this is again), Life is really not easy, and it’s not really difficult. That feeling is like before In Young meet the 17 year old Lee Suk(LTS char I guess), love is that careless, when it appears will make one feel the eagerness and excitement.

Q: Completing “WT” you’ve tried a different experience or field, next time you will be very prudent and careful?

A: If “WT” have really changed me, that is I will not be like before in panicky/disoriented/bewildered when choosing scripts. I will go out and travel, play the piano, learn things that I have been wanting to learn before, slowly wait for the right script for me. (laughs).

translated by tenkaichiban

"He who had not made a mistake, has not done something new" a.eisntein





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Queen of commercial, golden girl, Ginseng country’s most loved Cinderella, those are some titles given to this beautiful actress after the phenomenal success of Lovers in Paris.

A few years ago, Kim Jung Eun was only a second class actress who mostly had small roles. But now, she has become a famous actress and is included in a line of first class stars, where CF and script offers flow smoothly.

In just a month, she can receive hundred millions of Won from her CF payment. On June 2005, for instance, she signed two contracts in total of 750 million Won. “Many invited Kim Jung Eun to be CF model because of her new series, Princess Lulu, will be aired this coming August 3. A lot of people hoped that Princess Lulu will be as popular as Lovers in Paris,” explained Kim’s agency.

Princess Lulu is a new series produced by SBS TV station who once again trusted the directing to Son Jung Hyun, director of Lovers in Paris. This romantic-comedy series reunites Kim with Jung Jun Ho, her co-star in Marrying The Mafia, the box-office movie responsible for making this actress, born on March 4 1975, famous.


Lovers in Paris not only threw her name to the peak of popularity, it also gave her Best Actress award for television drama in Baeksang Awards last May.

“Even after a year has passed, we actors still remember the two directors, the writers and the crews. I have a lot of special memories of this series,” she said when she received the award. She didn’t forget to thank the director, her mentor, her manager and the fans, also “To Lord in heaven, thank you,” she said with happiness radiating from her beautiful eyes.

This victory was actually unexpected. “I heard from my manager, there’s a possibility of me getting an award, but I really didn’t know that it would be an award for Best Actress. So, when I heard my name mentioned, I was really surprised,” the bestfriend of actresses Kim Sun Ah and Kim Won Hee responded.

Her hard work was finally paid off with an award which is every actress’ dream. “While shooting Lovers in Paris, I had very little time to sleep, that’s very tiring. There were lots of news saying that the condition of my body was unhealthy. But now, I can rest well, sleep well, no need to sleep so late anymore, and I eat my meals on time. I’m very healthy at the moment,” she stated with an expanding smile.


Cheerful and brave Tae Young, but sometimes too naïve, this character was played successfully in Lovers in Paris. That’s also the case when she plays other characters, whether it’s a joyful or suffering character, viewers can feel spontaneity in her acting.

“People were wrong to judge,” she said. “I’m not good in acting spontaneously. I was just precisely following the scenario,” she said modestly.

Director Park Je Hyeon who directed her in How To Keep My Love gave his view about this matter. “The audience thinks that Kim Jung Eun is an actress who naturally can act spontaneously. But, she actually practices very hard for it to look natural. All the dialogues were in the script but through her hard work, it all seems like she does it without preparation. It needs a lot of practice to be able to do that,” said the director. “Kim Jung Eun never ceases to try learning new things.”

She has played a lot of movie genre already, from successful comedies such as Funny Movie and Marrying The Mafia, to action-drama Butterfly. With lots of character differences she has played, many judged that she’s in transformation phase. But she denies this judgment.

“I have never intentionally thought about transforming. Even until now, I tend to follow what my heart says rather that using rational thoughts. I don’t know if that’s transformation or starting all over again, I don’t care. Frankly, the word transformation is still blurry for me,” answered the winner of last year’s Best CF Model. “The road I have to go through is still very long.”

Source: Star Nova, July 28 – August 3 2005

Written by: Rusiatie

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em13.gifA new KJE Thread!!!em13.gif

KJE is beautiful, elegant, gorgeous, kind-hearted, lovely, and so on..

She is my fave actress because she can make me laugh and cry as well. Love her eyes and smile and her chemistry with psy. :P

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woah lissy! we can really read each other's mind. i was also posting those pics you posted. that is why i edited my post. :lol: this is exciting! back to square one. :lol:


That's freaky :P

Yeah, we are now back to square one. And look who started the thread, hehehe, if it isn't KJE's famous number 1 fan ;)

Soo go hae, Ate Shulien! Keep up the good work! :rolleyes:B)B)






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it is freaky indeed!

and look i was posting same set of photos that you just posted. grrrh! what is this!? THIS IS THE 2nd TIME. i wonder if we will have the 3rd one? are KJE fans all psychic? they can read each other's mind?:lol:


love her smile in this photo...very MOTHERLY and CALM


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There will be no third time, Ate. Because from now on, I'll tell you what I'm about to post ;)

Hehehe, I didn't know KJE has Filipino blood inside her :P:P:lol::lol::lol:


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