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[Movie 2011] Blue Salt / Hindsight 푸른소금

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest adikkeluangman

Song Kang Ho, Shin Se Kyung
Blue Salt 푸른소금


Genre : Action

Director : Lee Hyun Seung

Casts : Song Kang Ho, Shin Se Kyung, Cheon Jung Myung


The movie is about a retired mafia boss who comes face to face with a 20-year old sexy female assassin sent to kill him. Things start to take a twist as they start to develop feelings for each other in the process of killing/evading each other.

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  • 4 months later...

July 27, 2011

'Blue Salt', reveals its official poster

Source & Photo: Sports Chosun via Nate by Chox allkpop.com


“Blue Salt“, which stars actors Song Kang Ho and Shin Se Kyung, has recently revealed its movie poster.

The poster shows a teary-eyed and apologetic Shin Se Kyung, who points a gun at a placid Song Kang Ho, leaving a very strong impression on viewers.

The accompanying text beside their faces reads, “Ahjusshi..sorry” and “It’s alright… if it’s you, shedding light on the two’s relationship in the film.

“Blue Salt” is about a man (Song Kang Ho) who wants to leave his past and lead a more peaceful life when he gets approached by a mysterious woman (Shin Se Kyung) who withholds her identity. As the two characters develop deep feelings for each other, they fall into greater danger.

The movie will be released in September.

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Trailer Alerts

Cool Teaser For Upcoming Korean Film BLUE SALT

by Hugo Ozman, July 29, 2011


BLUE SALT is an upcoming Korean thriller directed by Lee Hyeon-seung. It stars Song Kang-ho, a top actor in South Korea who has been in many of the best Korean films, such as SHIRI, FOUL KING, JSA - JOINT SECURITY AREA, SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGEANCE, MEMORIES OF MURDER, THE HOST, SECRET SUNSHINE, THIRST and THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE WEIRD. His acting resume is so impressive that I eagerly anticipate every new movie that has him in the cast. BLUE SALT is no exception, and the teaser, which I like very much, is embedded below.

Synopsis (via Beyond Hollywood): Retired mob boss Du-heon enrolls in a cooking class with the hopes of making a fresh start as a restaurant owner. In the class he meets a quirky girl, Se-bin, and finds himself drawn to her mysterious charms. Despite his determination to wipe the slate clean, Du-heon is summoned back into the criminal fold by his old colleagues to stop his successor expanding the mob business into prostitution and drug-dealing.

But there's more to the girl from the cooking class than meets the eye: Se-bin is a contract killer hired by the new boss. She keeps a close eye on Du-heon and watches for an opportunity to take him out. However, she comes into conflict with herself as she grows attached to him.

When her friend and partner, Eun-jeong, is kidnapped by the new boss, she suggests that she kill Du-heon in exchange for her friend's safe return. On a vast salt farm, Se-bin and Du-heon come face to face in a final showdown.

Source: twitchfilm

VOD Link:


Blue Salt - Poster shoot video [HQ]
















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`푸른소금` 막강 캐스팅의 비결은 송강호의 힘

스포츠코리아 기사전송 2011-08-02 11:26


(서울=스포츠코리아) 영화 `푸른소금`의 화려한 라인업의 비결은 바로 ‘송강호’의 파워였다.

배우 천정명, 이종혁, 김민준 등 충무로의 내로라하는 주연급 배우들이 출연 비중에 상관없이 흔쾌히 이번 작품의 출연을 결정하게 된 이유로 대한민국 대표 배우 송강호와 함께 호흡을 맞출 수 있는 기회였기 때문이라고 밝혀 눈길을 끈다.

이들은 모두 충무로와 브라운관을 넘나들며 뛰어난 활약을 펼치고 있는 주연급 배우들이지만 주연배우인 송강호에 대한 무한한 신뢰를 바탕으로 출연 분량의 많고 적음을 제쳐두고 흔쾌히 출연을 결심하게 된 것.

전직 보스인 송강호의 오른팔 ‘애꾸’로 출연해 송강호와 호흡을 맞춘 천정명은 “현재 최고의 배우고, 많이 존경하는 선배로서 송강호 선배님하고 꼭 한 번 작품을 같이 해보고 싶었다.”라며 송강호에 대한 무한한 존경심을 작품을 결정하게 된 이유로 꼽았다.

조직의 2인자이자 송강호의 둘도 없는 친구 ‘경민’ 역할을 맡은 이종혁은 “송강호 선배랑 호흡을 맞춰본다는 점에서 더 열심히 했던 작품인 것 같다”며 함께 연기 호흡을 맞추게 된 소감을 밝혔다.

송강호를 위협하는 베테랑 킬러 K역할을 맡은 김민준 또한 “사실 이 영화를 흔쾌히 하고 싶었던 이유도 ‘송강호’라고 하는 대배우에 대한 호기심이었다. 관객의 입장이 아닌 현장에서 송강호 선배님이 연기하는 모습을 볼 수 있는 기회여서 너무 행운이었다. 본받을 점이 너무 많아 수업료를 드려야 할 것 같다”고 감회를 전했다.

이 밖에도 `놈놈놈`에서 송강호와 함께 호흡을 맞춘 오달수와 `괴물`, `살인의 추억` 등 다수의 작품에서 인연을 맺은 김뢰하도 이번 작품에 출연하여 관객들에게 강렬한 인상을 남길 예정이다.

이렇게 완성된 각각의 캐릭터에 꼭 맞는 화려한 캐스팅은 드라마틱한 스토리와 갈등구조를 예고하며 관객들의 기대감을 고조시키고 있다.

한편, 영화 `푸른소금`은 2011년 9월 추석 시즌 개봉할 예정이다. (김현민 기자/news@isortskorea.com 사진_스튜디오 블루)

<ⓒ스포츠/엔터테인먼트 뉴스를 한 눈에 스포츠코리아(isportskorea.com)-무단전제 및 재배포 금지, 제보 및 보도자료 news@isportskorea.com>

Source: nate

Google Translation

`Blue` t stop the salt of the cast secret power of songgangho

(Seoul = sport Korea) film's colorful lineup of 'green salt' secret right 'songgangho's power was

Actors cheonjeongmyeong, Jong, Kim Min-june, and the aristocracy juyeongeup ga actors appeared, regardless of weight to readily determine the appearance of this work became an actor representing two euros songgangho Republic of Korea the opportunity to meet with the breathing because yeotgi revealed eye-catching.

These are all good plays on both sides of the tube-ga and expand juyeongeup actors in starring actor deulyijiman songgangho appeared on the amount of space based on trust and a lot less happy to put aside old decided to have appeared.

Songgangho former boss's right-hand man 'aekku' appeared as a focused and breathing cheonjeongmyeong songgangho the "current best, learn as much esteemed predecessors, and be sure to songgangho seniors wanted to try, as one works:" If we work with all the respect for songgangho became determined to cited two euros.

And a second member of the organization's best friend songgangho 'gyeongmin' Jong in charge of the role of the "You and songgangho sees fit to breathe in that novel, which seems to be harder," said the man with the matchup and said the loaf.

That threaten the veteran killer songgangho K Kim Min-june also undertaken the role, "the fact why the movie wanted to willingly 'songgangho' he was curious about the daebaewoo. Rather than the audience's perspective in the field of smoke songgangho seniors the opportunity to see something that yeoseo was so lucky. I need to point a lesson seems to be too much for tuition, "he said to gamhoe.

`` In addition, the Bad, the Weird, focused breathing with songgangho ohdalsu and `Monster ',' Memories of Murder 'and many others in the work of establishing a bond gimroeha also appeared in this work and will leave a strong impression to the audience.

This completed a brilliant cast to fit each character's story and the dramatic structure, conflict, and the audience's notice, and has heightened expectations.

Meanwhile, the film 'Blue' is the salt towards the end of September 2011 Thanksgiving season, is expected. (Gimhyeonmin reporter / news@isortskorea.com Photo _ Studios Blue)

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'푸른소금' 송강호-신세경-천정명-윤여정, 최강 ★ 캐스팅 라인업

티브이데일리 원문 기사전송 2011-08-08 13:49


[티브이데일리=김지현 기자] 올해 9월 추석 시즌에 개봉되는 영화 '푸른소금'(감독 이현승, 제작 미디어앤시네마스튜디오블루)이 최강의 캐스팅 라인업으로 기대를 모으고 있다.

'푸른소금'에는 송강호와 신세경을 비롯해 천정명, 이종혁, 김민준, 윤여정, 김뢰하, 오달수 등 내로라하는 스타급 배우들이 총 출동한다.

송강호는 조직의 보스 자리에서 은퇴한 후 과거를 숨기고 평범하게 살고 싶어하는 윤두헌으로 출연한다. 전설로 통했던 조직 세계를 떠나 요리사가 되려한다. 요리학원에서 만난 정체불명의 여자 세빈(신세경) 앞에서는 전직 조폭답지 않게 따뜻하고 인간적이다.

신세경은 자신의 정체를 속이고 윤두헌에게 접근하는 여자 조세빈 역을 맡았다. 전직 사격 선수 출신으로 두헌을 감시하기 위해 의도적으로 접근한다. 점차 두헌의 따뜻한 모습에 마음을 열게 되지만 두헌을 죽이라는 새로운 임무를 받고 갈등하게 된다.

천정명은 보스를 지키기 위해 고군분투하는 두헌의 오른팔 애꾸로 출연한다. 두헌이 조직을 은퇴한 후에도 끝까지 의리를 다하며 그의 옆을 지키는 조직원이다. 두헌에게 접근한 세빈을 의심하게 된다.

이종혁은 조직의 2인자이자 두현의 둘도 없는 친구인 백경민으로 등장한다. 전직 변호사 출신의 엘리트로 모든 것을 버리고 조직을 떠난 두헌과 달리 성공에 대한 열망으로 조직의 최고 자리까지 오르고 싶어한다. 말미에 서서히 두헌과 갈등을 빚게 된다.

또 다른 등장인물인 김민준은 날렵하게 임무를 수행하는 베테랑 킬러 K로 나온다. 결코 감정을 드러내지 않고 완벽하게 임무를 수행하는 청부살인업체의 최고 에이스다. 세빈에게 엄무를 지시하는 역이다.

이 밖에도 윤여정은 피도 눈물도 없는 냉혹한 청부살인업자 강여사로, 김뢰하는 두헌을 질투하며 못마땅하게 여기는 조직 동기 기철로, 오달수는 전직 사격 코치이자 전문 총기 밀매상 육선생으로 등장한다.

이 같은 캐스팅 라인업으로 기대를 고조시키고 있는 '푸른소금'은 과거를 숨기고 평범하게 살고 싶은 은퇴한 조직 보스(송강호)와 그의 감시를 의뢰 받고 접근한 여자(신세경)가 서로의 신분을 감춘 채 조금씩 가까워지면서 위험에 빠지게 되는 이야기다. 9월 개봉 예정.

[티브이데일리=김지현 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr/사진제공=CJ E&M]

Source: nate

Google Translation

'Green salt' songgangho - sinsegyeong - cheonjeongmyeong - yunyeojeong, cast the strongest lineup ★

[TV = gimjihyeon Daily News] Chuseok season opened in September this year the movie "Blue salt (yihyeonseung director, production, media and cinema studios Blue) This cast-in-class line-up is anticipated.

'Green salt, "and beholden Any specific as well as the songgangho cheonjeongmyeong, Jong, June, yunyeojeong, gimroeha, ohdalsu aristocracy, and star actors all go out.

Songgangho After retiring from the organization, the boss of the place to hide the past, is plainly appeared yunduheoneuro want to live. Tonghaetdeon legend himself as a chef should leave the world organization. An unidentified woman I met in cooking school Sevin (sinsegyeong) in front of the former gangster is so unlike the human warmth.

Sir owe their identity to access cheats yunduheonege josebin stars as a woman. As fire from former players to keep an eye on duheoneul deliberately approaches. Duheonui increasingly open mind to look hot, but I suppose duheoneul conflict will receive a new mission.

Cheonjeongmyeong are struggling to keep the boss is duheonui right arm appeared aekkuro. Duheonyi organization loyal to the end after a retired operatives dahamyeo is keeping his side. Sevin is approached duheonege to doubt.

Jong and a second member of the organization is a great friend 백경 duhyeonui to slide appeared. Born into the elite of the former attorney left the organization to lose it all, unlike duheongwa desire for success of the organization wants to climb to the top spot. Bitge at the end of the conflict will gradually duheongwa.

Kim Min-june for another appearance of a sharp mission mulin Killer K emerges as a veteran. Hides feelings never fully mission-killer company's top aces. Sevin is directed to the eommureul station.

In addition, severe cold blooded yunyeojeongeun Hitman gangyeosaro, gimroeha duheoneul jealous of the organization, motivation, and R. objectionable here, the shooting coach and former professional firearms ohdalsu yukseonsaengeuro milmaesang appeared.

Heightened expectations in line with the same cast and the 'green salt' to hide the past, the organization wants to live a retired boss (songgangho) being commissioned, and his guards approached the woman (sinsegyeong) while concealing the identity of each other a little closer As the story is in jeopardy. Scheduled to be released in September.

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Song Gang Ho complements Shin Se Kyung

August 11, 2011 1:05 am hannacha


Actor Song Gang Ho stars in the movie Blue Salt with actress Shin Se Kyung who is 23 years younger than him.

On the 10th at the production conference of Blue Salt, Song mentions of his partner, “Although she is young, she’s got potentials. She has done a great job in this movie and I’m looking forward for her next movie already.”

In reply, Shin shows respect for the senior actor, Song, saying, “I was worried that I would fall short of making a great film since Song is a great actor as you all know, and I’m just a beginner compared to him. But because Song told me so firmly that we can make a great film, I didn’t say a word. I couldn’t have done it without him.”

Director Lee Hyun Seung directed Blue Salt which tells a story of the head of gangs Doo Hun (played by Song Gang Ho) and the secret agent Sebin (played by Shin Se Kyeong) getting close to each other without revealing their identities and falling in danger as the story develops.

Song said, “The love relationship between Doo Hun and Sebin are not specifically featured in the movie. I think director Lee likes to leave some room for viewers to feel the emotions themselves.” Previously, Song has starred in Thirst and Howling with beautiful actresses and this trend seems to continue for Blue Salt. Song said, “My peer actors are jealous of me since I happen to film with young and beautiful actresses.”

Blue Salt premieres in September.

Source: The Segye Times from Naver

Shin Se Kyung: “Song Kang Ho is a Sexy Guy”

by: thunderstix on Aug 10, 2011


Shin Se Kyung appeared at the press conference of her upcoming movie, “Blue Salt,” on August 10th and talked about her experience working with veteran actor Song Kang Ho for the first time.

She started off by saying, “I had a lot of concerns heading in but we finished it successfully, so I feel like my efforts were rewarded.”

“In particular, I was really anxious because I have so many weaknesses compared to Song Kang Ho. But after the filming began, we had so much fun together. I think I’ll remember this as a great memory,” the star actress said.

She added, “While filming together, I glanced at Song Kang Ho and told him, ‘You are quite sexy.’ I think that’s one of the most memorable moments.”

The movie “Blue Salt” is about the relationship between a female killer and a retired mafia boss that fall in love with each other. Featuring Song Kang Ho, Shin Se Kyung, Chun Jung Myung, Kim Min Joon, and Yoon Yeo Jung, the movie is set for release on September 1st.

Source: soompi.com

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August 11, 2011

'Blue Salt' Contains Energy of Song Kang Ho and Shin Se Kyung

Source: KBS Global

Actor Song Kang Ho said during the production presentation of the movie "Blue Salt," "I and Shin Se Kyung seem to form a weird combination, but I am glad that we can present energy from this weird combination, and I hope that the audience can feel the same way as I feel."


Song Kang Ho plays the protagonist named Doo Hyun in "Blue Salt," and he expressed his feelings about working with actress Shin Se Kyung during the production presentation held at the CGV Apgujeong on August 10. The two actors have a twenty-year age gap, but they feel affection towards each other in the movie. The movie tells the story of Doo Hyun and Se Bin (Shin Se Kyung). Doo Hyun had left a gang and the gang sends a killer, Se Bin, to kill Doo Hyun, but the two come to have affection during this process. Song Kang Ho said, "There is a saying. If a crow tries to walk like a stork, he will break his legs. I tried to follow the youth, beauty, and passion of Shin Se Kyung, and my legs were almost broken. But I was happy while working with her, and I could learn and feel many things from this beautiful actress." Shin Se Kyung said, "I was really honored simply by the fact that I can work with a great veteran actor, Song Kang Ho. I had worried about my inexperienced acting in front of him, but he has always tried to help me and lead me for our excellent acting together. I have always been touched by his effort and I really appreciate his help. In addition, I had to learn many new things like riding a motorcycle and shooting a rifle for filming this movie and I felt difficulties while learning those things, but I felt more worthwhile and happy. This movie means something to me, and it was a valuable time for me. I hope that many people can have various feelings after watching this movie."


Director Lee Hyun Seung, who is called "Stylist in Chungmuro" for producing movies such as "Blue In You" (1992) and "Il Mare" (2000) with stylish images and emotional stories, produced “Blue Salt” after a ten-year break. Director Lee highly praised actor Song Kang Ho at the production presentation. He said, "There has been Song Kang Ho with director Park Chan Wook's style and Song Kang Ho with director Bong Joon Ho's style, and I have agonized over how I can present Song Kang Ho with director Lee Hyun Seung's style and I thought that I had to present Song Kang Ho's totally different appearance in my movie and I regarded it as my duty. Song Kang Ho came forward to challenge himself for this new task and it was the best strength of Song Kang Ho."


Asked about the most suitable Hollywood actor if the movie were reproduced in Hollywood like "Il Mare," he answered, "Even if the movie were produced again in Hollywood, the actor must be Song Kang Ho. Not many Hollywood actors can deliver the message of the movie like Song Kang Ho, as he is the only perfect actor for the role among the world's six billion population. Scenes that were edited were all very good and different, so I really wanted to use those scenes for the movie. For me, it was like picking up food at the buffet where many delicious foods were prepared." He added, "I made four movies in which a couple appeared as the main actors, and those four movies all presented different melodramas. A man and woman can form different relations and the vague relationship of the couples can be very attractive to the audience and can create various imaginations."

Besides Song Kang Ho and Shin Se Kyung, many popular actors including Yoon Yeo Jeong, Cheon Jeong Myung, Lee Jong Hyuk, Kim Min Joon, Oh Dal Soo, and Kim Roi Ha appear in the movie, and it will be released at the beginning of next month.

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August 11, 2011

Song, Shin star in uncanny drama

By Lee Hyo-won hyowlee@koreatimes.co.kr


From left, "Hindsight" director Lee Hyeon-seung poses with actors Shin Se-kyung, center,

and Song Kang-ho in Seoul, Wednesday. / Yonhap

In the upcoming film “Hindsight,” actor Song Kang-ho hopes to tell an uncanny story through his collaboration with actress Shin Se-kyung.

“(Shin and I) are an odd pairing, but I am glad the film seems to have captured an uncanny energy from this odd coupling and I hope audiences will be able to feel it, too,” Song told reporters during a promotional event for the film in Seoul, Wednesday.

The 44-year-old seasoned actor and the 21-year-old sitcom starlet appear as no ordinary couple in the film.

Song plays former gangster Du-heon, who retires from the underworld in order to pursue his dreams as a chef. Shin, best known as the devoted older sister in the hit TV series “High Kick Through the Roof,” casts off her sweet image in her role as a national shooting athlete-turned-assassin. She is commissioned to kill Du-heon but things get complicated when the two develop an intimate relationship.

“It’s a relationship that’s hard to nail down — it’s neither romantic nor marked by the sort of affection you’d feel for a little sister. There’s enough room for the audience to make their own decision,” said the Song.

For director Lee Hyeon-seung, who has helmed melodramas such as “Il Mare,” “Hindsight” marks his fourth drama about male-female relationships. “I have done four films that feature male-female duos. But none of them have been about conventional romantic relationships. Men and women form all sorts of connections.It might seem vague but this allows room for imagination and provokes curiosity,” Lee said.

The director, promoting his first feature work in 10 years, said fans can look forward to seeing Song as never before. “If there had been a Song Kang-ho as directed by Park Chan-wook and a Song Kang-ho as depicted by Bong Joon-ho, then there had to be a Song Kang-ho in Lee Hyeon-seung’s style,” he said of the actor, who has appeared in such weighty films as Bong’s “The Host,” which remains the highest-grossing homespun film to date. He also starred in Park’s Cannes-winning vampire film, “Thirst.” Song’s best trait is that he is unafraid of new challenges, Lee said.

When asked which actor might be suitable to play Song’s part should “Hindsight” be remade in Hollywood like “Il Mare” (Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock star in the parts originally played by Lee Jung-jae and Jun Ji-hyun, aka Gianna Jun, respectively), he said there is no one. “Even in Hollywood, Song has to play it. There is no actor in the world that can deliver subtle nuances like he can.”

He added that even sequences cut during the editing process captured such diverse faces of the actor that he wished he could have used them all.

Song, on the other hand, said he had much to learn from his younger co-star. “I had a difficult time catching up with Shin’s beauty, youth and passion,” he said. “It was an extremely enjoyable filmmaking process that allowed me to learn a lot from observing both the inner and outer beauty of this actress.”

He added that he looked forward to watching the young woman’s growth as an actress.

“She may be young but she has a lot of potential. She performed very well in this film, but I look forward to the colorful acting she will have to offer in the days to come.”

Shin said it was an honor to act opposite Song. “He is not an actor who wants to bask in the spotlight by himself — he wanted us to propel (the narrative) together and I was greatly moved by that,” she said.

Meanwhile Shin had to learn how to ride a motorcycle and shoot guns for the part, and said it was a meaningful experience.

In addition to Song and Shin, the film features a stellar cast of supporting actors, including Youn Yuh-jung and Oh Dal-soo. The film, distributed by CJ E&M Pictures, is slated to open in early September.

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Guest Bradamante

Shin Se Kyung to sing the ending theme song for ‘Blue Salt’ OST

by VITALSIGN on August 14, 2011


Actress Shin Se Kyung has revealed that she will be singing an OST track for her upcoming movie, ‘Blue Salt‘.

Shin Se Kyung has been highly immersed in her role for the movie over the past year, so she’s naturally developed a lot of the affection for the drama.

She personally mentioned that she’d love to participate in the OST for it as well, and directors agreed that she’d be best fit for the song’s ending track, “Blue Summer Day“.

The song was composed by indie group 3rd Coast and written by director Lee Hyun Seung. Many staff members were of the opinion that Shin Se Kyung’s clear voice truly brought out the meaning in the song.

“Blue Summer Day” will be released as a digital single in the future. The movie hits theaters during the Chuseok holidays next month.


Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Naver

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Guest Bradamante

This fall, acting VS comedy VS grinding



The curtains have raised for the movies this Chuseok. It seems like there's going to be a tense competition amongst highly looked-forward-to movies this fall.

Starting with "Hindsight" being released on the first of September, "Painted", "Marrying the Mafia IV - Family Ordeal", and "The Day He Arrives" will greet audiences all at once n the 8th. Movies, "Countdown", "Fighting Spirit", "The Crucible", "The Client" and more are coming soon.

◆The 'Gods' have returned

The first things that catches the attention is the return of skilled actors and actresses. "Hindsight" is a movie by Song Kang-ho, actor of actors in Korea. He returns as a man who wants to hide his past and live a quiet life along with "High Kick Through The Roof" actress Sin Se-kyeong. The way the two have their guns pointed at each other reminds us of "Leon".

'Queen of Cannes' Jeon Do-yeon returns with Jeong Jae-yeong in "Countdown". Coming at the end of September, Jeon Do-yeon is a beautiful fraud who speaks nothing but lies. Another actor of actors Jeong Jae-young acts with her 9 years after 2002 movie "No Blood No Tears".

◆There should be a touching story behind the laugh

Laughter can't be left out this Chuseok. The creator of the "Family" series Jeong Tae-won will revive the honor of the series that gathered 15,000,000 viewers with the new "Marrying the Mafia IV – Family Ordeal". It consists of the story that happens when Kim Soo-mi, Shin Hyeon-joon, Tak Jae-hoon, Jeong Joon-ha, Hyeon Yeong, Lim Hyeong-joon and more go on their first overseas vacation.

Cha Tae-hyeon from "Speedy Scandal" and "Hello Ghost" is a jockey in the movie "Champ". It has the slight taste of Cha Tae-hyeon's human comedy but this time it's a touching drama. A jockey who gave up his dreams after an accident gets together with a horse that was also in an accident. Based on a true story, it is determined to touch the hearts of family audiences.

◆Waited for this day to come!

Several strong players have been looking for the right chance, grinding their teeth. Director Kwak Gyeong-taek knocks on the audiences' doors in a long time with "Paintes". It is based on an original by Kang Pool about the love between a man who can't feel and a woman who has hemophilia. kwon Sang-woo and Jeong Ryeo-won take the lead.

Director Kim Sang-jin recovers from the failure of "Attack the Gas Station 2" and aims for a twist with "Fighting Spirit". Kim Seon-ah takes on the role of the wife who patiently supported Kim Joo-hyeok, her husband the pitcher. Kim Sang-jin's comedy renewed itself as Kim Joo-hyeok met with Kim Seon-ah.

Original source: movie.daum.net

Source: hancinema

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August 21, 2011

Song Kang Ho and Shin Se Kyung pose as a lethal couple for ‘Harper’s Bazaar’

by Chox allkpop.com l Nate 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6


Actors Song Kang Ho and Shin Se Kyung from the upcoming action flick ‘Blue Salt’ were featured in a pictorial for the September issue for Harper’s Bazaar magazine. The two hoped to indirectly promote their film through fashion.

The images, shot by renowned photographer Park Ji Hyuk, was able to capture the strong styles of the two stars. Song Kang Ho looked sharp and charismatic in a blue-tone suit while Shin Se Kyung wore an alluring dress that was further accentuated by strong makeup. The combination of the two styles created a unique and complimentary look. In one shot, Shin Se Kyung and Song Kang Ho’s provocative styles and intense demeanors emphasize their unforgettable charm.

‘Blue Salt’ is to be released in theaters in September.

Source & Photo: Newsen via Nate



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