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Ella Chen Jia Hua 陳嘉樺

Guest prella30190

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Guest prella30190


Name: 陳嘉樺 (陈嘉桦) / Chen Chia Hua (Chen Jia Hua)

English name: Ella Chen

Also Known As: Ah Hua, Chen Ai La, Jia Hua, Mao Mao, Han Bao, Bao Bei, Ah Fa Fa

Profession: Singer and actress

Birthdate: 1981-Jun-18

Birthplace: Pingtung, Taiwan

Height: 163cm

Weight: 51kg

Star sign: Gemini

Blood type: A

Family: Grandparents, parents, two older sisters, and a younger brother


Ella was born in June 1981, making her the oldest member of the Chinese pop group S.H.E In 2007, she was voted by online fans as Taiwan's most unpretentious artist. The name Ella was chosen by her record company following a personality test of the singer.

In 2002, Ella started to participate in the acting industry, starting with the drama Magical Love. She showed that she can not only sing, but she can even act as well. In 2003, Ella was chosen as the female lead character in The Rose. Her band mates, Selina Ren and Hebe Tian were also involved in the drama as supporting characters. After a successful year of releasing albums and concerts all over the country, S.H.E rose up again with the drama Reaching for the Stars. All three of the band members were the three main female characters.

TV Shows

* Just Want to Depend on You (GTV, 2009)

* Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu as Lu Rui Xi (CTS/GTV, 2006)

* Reaching for the Stars as Ren Jie (CTS, 2005)

* The Rose as Zheng Bai He (TTV, 2003)

* Magical Love as Juliet (2001)

TV Show Theme Songs

* Fahrenheit & S.H.E - Xin Wo (新窩) Love Nest, Romantic Princess (2007)

* S.H.E - Zui Jing Hai Hao Ma How Are You Lately?, Bull Fighting (2007)

* S.H.E - Ai Lai Guo Love Was Here, Bull Fighting (2007)

* S.H.E - Zen Me Ban What To Do?, Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu (2006)

* S.H.E - Yi Yan Wan Nian (一眼萬年) A glance for ten thousand years, Tian Wai Fei Xian (2006)

* S.H.E - Xing Guang (星光) Star Light, Reaching for the Stars (2005)

* S.H.E - Hua Dou Kai Hao Le The Flowers Have Bloomed, The Rose (2003)


41st Golden Bell Award: Nominated for Best Actress (2006) for Reaching for the Stars


* Hobbies: Basketball and computer games

* Label(s): HIM International Music

* Music group: S.H.E

* Instrument(s): Piano, Saxophone

* When she was filming Reaching For The Stars, Ella burned her ears and hair on a candle. In order to recover, she did not film for two days, and she also cut off almost two centimetres of burnt hair on both sides of her head.

* Recently, along with her band-mate Hebe Tian, Ella composed a song for her seniors Power Station entitled "Love Crazy/愛到瘋癲". Ella was the composer while Hebe wrote the lyrics. The song was given to Power Station as repayment for them giving S.H.E the song "Freezer".

source: dramawiki












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Guest prella30190

she never really appealed to me, however she looks fabbbb in the last pic


i understand.. ella may appear unappealing at times..

that is because she dresses up like any ordinary person (unless needed or required)..

most of the time you would see her wearing a shirt, shorts and shoes right?

she wears clothes that would make her feel comfortable,

and not to impress people.. :)

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i like her image, it:s different!

i love her more after seeing hana kimi tw version

she:s so comical ♥

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Guest prella30190

Yeah, she isn't very attractive.

Very plain/average looking.

I don't know much about her or S.H.E.

that's actually what i love about her..

she never thought of herself as a famous artist..

she always remained to be ordinary,simple and down to earth..


here's an article about her upcoming drama with jerry yan..

the director says words of praise to ella..


Ming Pao - Issue 049

Credits & Sources:

Selina15 of www.nbbbs.com for the Scanned Article - http://www.nbbbs.com/forum/viewthread.php?...;extra=page%3D1

Transferred Source in Baidu Ella Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=588233855

JE_lla_rry of Baidu Xu-Hua Forum for typing out the Chinese Text

Transferred Source in Baidu Xu-Hua Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=588350896

Translations by: Syyang of ELLA AF Forum

Note: Please credit ALL sources if you should transfer this translation to other forums. Thank you.



【暴龙】言承旭的酷,臣服于Ella的搞笑与亲和力! 两人合作偶像剧《就想赖着你》,戏中、戏外两人一家亲,以往言承旭接演偶像剧时,都会被冠上难搞、臭脸的称号,此次他一改往例,脸上的笑容之多,更胜过以往任何一部戏,连制作人都称赞有加,可见Ella魅力无法挡。



事实也证明,制作人的想法是对的。据了解《就想赖着你》开拍至今,虽然Ella与Jerry、剧组都是第一次合作,但很快就以其活泼的亲和力融入其中,尤其是被大家认为最闷、情绪最多的Jerry,在Ella的笑脸+笑话+鬼脸的【攻势】下,超ging又拘谨的【面具】完全瓦解,笑容变多,完全应验 Ella在开镜记者会上的【融化言承旭】预告。






卸掉刚合作时的观察戒心与疏离感后,Ella不仅和导演柯翰辰有说有笑,也能适时说些笑话,做出各种表情,让Jerry放松心情。剧组人员表示,因为 Jerry扮演律师,角色设定是冷静、聪明、毒舌、冷漠,所以拍律师事务所的戏时,整个人是很严肃的。但是只要Ella在场,就会在一旁说笑,做出各种表情,让Jerry放松心情,嘴角也会往上扬,脸色也柔和许多,有时候还不自觉笑场NG,也把工作人员都逗笑了。

既然连很GING的 Jerry都被弄笑了,导演也不用说,不仅早早对Ella的亲和力【投降】,不拍戏时可是一起【放轻松】呢!举例来说,有天Ella是中午到班,到现场, Ella照例先问候导演【午安】,导演则是耍冷地回答说:“你是午安,我可是早安哪”站在一旁的Jerry也出人意料地插了一句:“我也是早安啊” Ella则是双手一摊“谁叫你们发我这时候来!”工作人员笑说:乍听之下,不知情的人,还以为导演与Jerry一起讽刺Ella迟到,但其实是导演与 Jerry联手搞笑,羡慕Ella可以多睡一会,中午再拍戏。





与Ella第一次合作的导演柯翰辰,也对 Ella的表现颇为满意。就导演的观察,Ella主演的上一部戏是2006年的八大偶像剧《花样少男少女》,算算已经有一年没演戏,所以刚进剧组时,在表演上的确有些生疏。不过,Ella把拍戏工作视为【玩】,很快找出其中的兴味,然后发挥她的艺人特质,利用聪明、敬业又乐群的工作习惯,立刻重拾演戏的 fu,很快调整工作心情,缩短与工作人员的磨合期,与大家打成一片。


“女主角【杨果】是个性善良纯真、乐观知足,在各种极衰、极惨的情况下,都有办法激励自己,更具有相信【真爱无敌】童话思维的女孩。Ella如邻家女孩的活泼、自然特质,以及平凡而不娇媚的外表,给人一种遇到困境都能乐观面对的外在表现,非常符合剧情 对这个角色的设定。”柯宜勤表示。




虽然大家都想等着看Ella与Jerry在《就想赖着你》的演出,不过,观众要等到寒假前后才看得到。原因为之,就是因为Jerry与Ella都是大忙人, Jerry即将推出新专辑,长达两个月的两岸三地加海外宣传行程是无法避免,Ella与Selina、Hebe也将在六月底于澳门举行演唱会,更少不了排练时间,剧组必须抢他们的空档进行赶拍。制作人柯宜勤表示:“已经在开拍前知道这些情况,会弹性安排、调配时间,不会阻碍拍戏进度。当然,电视台的档期也是影响这部戏播出时间的因素,只能请观众耐心等待。”


Ella’s Hilarious Antics Won Over “Difficult” Jerry

Jerry’s cool has been conquered by Ella’s funny and approachable personality! In their latest collaboration for new idol serial [Just Want to Depend on You], both artistes are like part of a family on-and-off screen. In the past when filming idol serials, Jerry would be labeled as “difficult” and “showing black face” etc; but this time, he is actually full of smiles. Even the producer is full of praise for the ambience and indeed, Ella’s charms are irresistible.

The new idol serial [Just] is a collaboration between GTV and Domani. Ever since the male and female leads - Jerry and Ella are announced, this pairing has been the centre of everybody’s attention. Producer Ke Yi Qin expressed, even if we do not mention about the interesting clashes weaved in the plot and subplots of the drama, with just Ella and Jerry’s contrasting “warm vs cool”, “funny vs introvert” personalities, the artistes’ unique attributes are already a big draw for viewers.

Waves of Jokes Coupled with Funny Expressions

Indeed, it has been proven that the producer’s thoughts were right. Based on what we have learnt, since [Just] started filming, despite being the first project Ella, Jerry and the production crew are working together; everyone was very quickly drawn into the lively and friendly ambience. This is especially so for Jerry, whom many used to think of as “introvert and emotional”. Under the waves of “attack” from Ella’s smiles + jokes + funny expressions, even the most reserved and strict “mask” of Jerry crumbled, and his smiles are seen more frequently, and just like what Ella has promised to do - to “melt” Jerry, during the press conference of [Just].

When asked to share on his experience working with Ella to date, Jerry has expressed via his artiste manager, Fenny that Ella is very lively, adorable and interesting. She also likes to joke, thus, acting with her is very comfortable, relaxing and with no pressure. As he feels at ease acting with her, even his smiles have increased and he feels very happy at the collaboration.

According to what some crew members shared on their experiences initially. The first to report for filming was Jerry and his role in [Just] is as a lawyer - Xiang Yu Ping (XYP). As it was the first collaboration between them and with the new environment, initially, everyone’s impression of Jerry was polite and modest. He is very professional, but as he does not really chat nor joke around with the rest, it felt a little boring.

Subsequently, Ella started filming with the team. Her role in [Just], Yang Guo, is the 17th nanny employed by XYP to take care of his 2 mischievous nephew and niece. Initially, as Ella was also unfamiliar with the production team, there was a little distance between everyone. Hence, other than during filming, she was not as “playful and funny” as what others often say, and less chatty. She seldom talked beyond her lines, which surprised many people.

Letting Guards Down, Stifle Laughs Resulting in NG

Nonetheless, Ella is still Ella after all. After a few days of filming, and having gotten to know members of the crew a little better, she could no longer carry on the “dainty lady charisma”. Her bubbly, extrovert and approachable personality was not only “set free”, but also went on “full blast”. As long as it is not during filming, one could catch her chatting and joking with crew members, and rallying everyone to bring them into the mood and becoming everyone’s source of happiness.

After letting down her guard through initial observation, Ella also started chatting and joking with the director, Ke Han Chen. She is able to crack jokes timely coupled with many expressions, putting Jerry at ease. Crew members shared that as Jerry is acting as a composed, intelligent and cold lawyer; whenever they filmed parts on the lawyer firm, he would become very stern. However whenever Ella is around, she would throw in jokes on the sideline with her many funny expressions, as a result, Jerry will become more relaxed and even smile. His expression would also soften a little and sometimes he could not refrain from laughing and getting NG which crew members would also be tickled by him.

Even the reserved Jerry was tickled; needless to say, so was the director. He had long “surrendered” to Ella’s friendliness and will also join everyone in the “rest and relax fun” when not filming! For instance, one day Ella arrived on the set in the afternoon. As usual, Ella would first report to and greet the director, “Good afternoon”. In response, he decided to act cool and replied playfully, “You are ‘Good afternoon’, but I am ‘Good morning’.” Meanwhile, Jerry who was standing by the side, surprised everyone when he suddenly chirped in with a “I am also ‘Good morning’ ah”. In response, Ella could only throw her arms open and said, “Who ask you all to schedule me for filming only in the afternoon!” The crew members laughed. To a total stranger who do not understand them, he / she would probably thought the director and Jerry were being sarcastic to Ella for being late. But in fact, the director and Jerry are cracking jokes together at Ella, expressing their envy that she could sleep a little longer till the afternoon before her turn to film.

Nearly Lose Chance of Acting Due to Being Late

Actually, despite already being handpicked and confirmed by the production team and TV station for the female lead role in [Just], Ella was close to losing the chance to act in the drama. Ke Yi Qin revealed, “During the first meeting with Ella, myself, the scriptwriter, director and almost all the important members of the production team were present; never did we expect Ella to be late for over an hour. Initially we were a little upset, but Ella was able to handle the situation well. She requested for her artiste manager to buy beverage for everyone and hurried over to the meeting venue first, to help explain the reason for her being held up, and to reassure and pacify everyone. When Ella subsequently rushed down, she immediately bowed and apologized sincerely to each and every one personally when she stepped in. She is someone who is very worldly-wise and respectful, and with her warm smile, she makes everyone feels comfortable and could not bear to blame her further. Hence, everyone forgive her quickly and we proceed with the meeting happily.”

Since collaborating with Ella for over a month, Ke Yi Qin was moved by her unique personality. She shared, “Not every artiste can act well. Ella is very intelligent and her reflexes are quick. Not only does she possess the unique traits required of an artiste, she also has the talents in acting. Her acting is natural and not pretentious. You can say she is born to be in the entertainment industry. But despite her earlier serials receiving good viewership ratings, and left viewers with positive impression, she does not have a role which could stand out totally. The storyline of [Just] can be said to be customized for her, as the role is well-suited to her personality. I personally feel that this will be her most representative role, in relation to her past idol serials.

Director Full of Praise for Right Casting

Director Ke Han Chen is collaborating with Ella for the first time and he expressed great satisfaction with her performance to date. Based on the director’s observation, Ella last acted in GTV’s idol serial [Hana Kimi] in 2006, and she has not acted for more than a year. Therefore when she first joined the production team, she appeared a little unfamiliar with the whole setting. However, Ella views filming as “play” and was able to very quickly identify her interest. Coupled with her innate artiste nature; using her intelligence, professionalism and positive team-spirit attitude, she is able to promptly pick up the “feel” for acting and adjust herself to shorten the “running-in” time with crew members and become part of the team.

With regard to Ella’s performance, Ke Yi Qin feels that they have really casted the right person for the role. She shared that one of the reasons for choosing Ella to act as YG in [Just] is because of the vast contrast of personalities between Jerry and her. The second reason is because Ella and YG’s personalities are a perfect match. The moment Ella steps before the camera, she hardly requires any twigging in her acting skills to convincingly portray this role.

“The female role, YG, is a kind-hearted, innocent, optimistic and contented girl. Despite being hit by drastic situations and bad luck, she would always be able to find ways to encourage herself, and to believe in “real love conquers all things”. Ella’s girl-next-door bubbly, natural personality, an ordinary disposition without any coquettish feel, gives one the impression that she can embrace and overcome any situations cheerfully, which fits well with the storyline and the role.” Ke Yi Qin shared.

Able to Portray Role Convincingly

The production team handpicked Ella not only because she could “melt” Jerry, and possesses the unique characteristics akin to the role; the third reason is also because only Ella is suitable to act in certain parts of the subplots. Ke Yi Qin quoted an example. The male lead, XYP, first ran into the blur waitress, YG, in a restaurant where she made a blunder. Under some misleading confusions, he mistook YG as a lesbian, with no interest like other women who would bother and scheme about marrying him. Therefore he let down his guard to hire her as a nanny, and let her into his house.

Ke Yi Qin expressed, “With just this important plot alone, if you look within the entertainment industry, regardless Drama Heavenly Queens Ariel Lin or Rainie Yang, they would not be suitable. We need someone who has a more androgynous feel, hence, Ella who acted as a girl with a boy’s disguise in [Hana Kimi] is the best person for the role. Therefore, this role is specially customized for her and only she can convincingly bring out the plot.”

Although everyone is anxious to watch Ella and Jerry’s performance in [Just], it seemed that viewers have to wait till after the winter holidays. The reason is because both Jerry and Ella are very busy artistes. Jerry is going to release his new album and it is inevitable for him to be doing local and overseas promotions for 2 months or so. Meanwhile, Ella, together with SH will be holding their concert in Macau at the end of June and prior to this, there would be many rehearsals. The production team must make full use of their available timeslots to quickly finish filming. Producer Ke Yi Qin said, “We are fully aware of such situations prior to filming and will exercise flexibility in arranging their schedules, so as not to affect the progress of filming. Of course, another factor which would affect the telecast of the serial would be the programmes-line-up by the TV station. Therefore we urge viewers to wait patiently.”

~~~ End of Translation ~~~

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Guest simplirain

lol i think she's adorable. she's the most craziest out of the whole group. but sometimes the other two would pitch in and it makes things so much funnier. xD

You never go bored with them around lol

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Guest prella30190

lol i think she's adorable. she's the most craziest out of the whole group. but sometimes the other two would pitch in and it makes things so much funnier. xD

You never go bored with them around lol

yes, that's true! ella never fails to make me smile.. :)

her sense of humor will provide a friendly environment to those persons around her so that they will be at ease while working..

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Guest daulism

Lol, you just hotlinked.

Ella's alright in my book. I honestly don't think she's that pretty but she's a pretty good singer.

A bit boyish... I guess her Hana Kimi look is still stuck on me.

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Guest hungrycollegeboy

Not really a big fan of Ella by herself, but when she's with S.H.E. she shines, lol.

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Guest Marilori

She's the only reason why I like S.H.E. It's shame people rely more on looks instead of personality and talent. I love her voice and she's a funny actress.

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Guest tirahbunny

i understand.. ella may appear unappealing at times..

that is because she dresses up like any ordinary person (unless needed or required)..

most of the time you would see her wearing a shirt, shorts and shoes right?

she wears clothes that would make her feel comfortable,

and not to impress people.. :)

i don't mind the fact that she dresses ordinary, that's actually very cool. it's just that i'm not into short hair on girls so i don't find her attractive and she doesn't have the striking facial features either, but Ella can be cute and her personality/talent is what the fans truly admire :)

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Guest curtains

I like her. I watched her at Hana Kimi and she's so adorable.. :D

Her neon green belt + black shirt + camouflage pants work good on her..

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that's actually what i love about her..

she never thought of herself as a famous artist..

she always remained to be ordinary,simple and down to earth..

That's not what I was referring to.

I don't know if she's a very down to earth girl. And I don't know if she's a humble artist either.

What I'm saying is that physically, she is very plain/average looking.

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Guest prella30190

Seems like the character of ella as Rui Xi is the one that everyone remembers..

Well, here’s the pics of all her dramas so far:

Magical Love(2001)






The Rose(2003)




Reaching for the Stars(2005)





Hana Kimi(2006)






Just Want to Depend on You (in production)








credits: as marked

kissez*: i get what you mean..

but what i'm trying to say is that i liked her not based on her appearance but based on her personality..

plus ella is beautiful for me.. well, we have own preferences of what beauty is anyway..


let me add this MV where ella was featured,

it is entitled Ai Dao Feng Dian..

Ella and Hebe actually made this song and was sung by Powerstation..

unfortunately, i don't know how to post videos yet so i can only provide for the link:


credits: soutsada7

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Guest prella30190

loved her in hana kimi! & what's this...with jerry yan?!

its their new drama entitled Just Want to Depend on You which is currently under production..

the filming started last May i think.. some of pictures i posted above are BTS pics of "Just"..

Gist summary:

credit to kkla@www.nbbbs.com

The drama is going to be called Jei Xiang Lai Zhe Ni (meaning like wish to depend on you/stick with you). It will be executively produced by GTV, produced by Domani (a production company by Ke Yi Qin who also produced Spicy Teacher, Dou Yu/The Outsiders, etc...), and collaborated with another production company in Mainland China, Jin Xi Media. Therefore, the drama will be filmed in both Taiwan and Hangzhou of Mainland.

Jerry Yan will play a lawyer who is good at divorce and inheritance lawsuits, and his character will be cool, smart, sharp tongued, and cold & Ella Chen will be the nanny of 2 children. In order to play this role, Jerry is looking for teacher to improve his expression in articulation, (body) gestures, gaze, etc...

Producer, Ke Yi Qin, indicates that Ella Chen has been the candidate for the female lead since the beginning. Regarding Jerry Yan Cheng Xu, he decided to accept this project in a week, as he likes this script very much. Other cast also include 2 kids, and Ella's character is their nanny/babysitter.

and here's the official poster of the drama..


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