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I love spending time with my friends but they began to talk about the relationships that our tight knit group were having. For example, (let's call her Jen) my friends mentioned that Jen, one of our old high school friends, is now living with a guy that she met off the internet. I'm happy for my friends to be in happy relationships or dating cute guys. The thing is that I don't have a boyfriend or dating. I've tried the whole online dating thing though I didn't have a real interest for any of the guys I was talking to on OKCupid. I never went out with any of them. I'm divided on dating or being in relationships in general. On the one hand, I imagine how great it would be to have someone there to ease my loneliness. On the other hand, when I'm working towards my life goals, I feel so happy and don't care about anything else.
I feel like it's weird that I don't have a boyfriend when some of my friends are already talking about getting married and having babies. (Don't get me wrong. I do want marriage but not anytime soon.)
Frank, one of my friends asked when I was gonna be in a relationship. He said it in a joking way but I felt sad about it.
My parents' failed marriage isn't a big factor but I think there's a part of me that is still afraid of the partner possibly changing into a despicable person.
There are a lot of factors that caused me to be more cautious of people and to be more happy in being alone.
Even when I'm gushing about an attractive man, I feel like I'm just going through the euphoria of being infatuated with somebody. I don't think I want a real relationship. Then again, I'm not getting any younger.
I'm so confused. Please give me some advice.

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Guest motherducker

If you feel content with not being in a relationship, then don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 
I'm going to guess you're in your 20's, the age group where it seems like it is expected you be in a relationship, and if you're not, it's deemed out of the norm. Trust me, I know how that goes. If I had a dollar for the number of times I've been asked if I had a boyfriend, I'd probably have enough to build me a robot boyfriend. 
For me, finding someone is the least priority as I'm still figuring out who I am, what my life goals are and all that good stuff. And to be honest, I am perfectly content with being single and quite possibly for the rest of my life (this may change when I'm older though lol). But like you, I do feel like it'd be nice to have someone when I'm feeling lonely but I have ways of coping with myself as I like being alone for the most part. 
That's not to say I'm not open to meeting anyone. I've tried putting myself out there but I never really had interests in the guys I've met. If it happens, it'll happen. I just won't go out of my way to have that happen. 
It's good that you are putting effort into meeting guys like going on OKcupid, but if you didn't like them, that's okay. You'll meet guys that you don't click with and guys that you do. 
So there's that. You're not alone in this. Hopefully you'll find some comfort in that haha. If not, sorry for the huge blurb. But I guess my advice to you is to be confident in yourself and in what you know and want, don't let anyone change that. 
(P.S, feel to PM me anytime if you'd like to talk!)

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Guest pmjx031430293174

Don't worry too much. You'll get there. While they may have already found their significant other, don't feel pressured to get into a relationship. Because in the end, it's your happiness that counts, and if you lose that you may find yourself unhappy one day. 
From experience, right after my first break-up, I rushed into another relationship with an amazing guy. But I never really had the chance to really discover myself, and focus on what I really want out of a significant other or life. I wasn't ready to settle down. And I ended up ending things abruptly, three years later. As much as I regret breaking his heart, I am now able to discover myself without the dependency on others. And it feels great. 
So you're not alone. Don't rush and focus on what makes you happen. :) Things will eventually fall into place. Good luck!

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There is no reason you should force yourself into trying to fall into "love". Falling in fake love is dangerous and it will often times sour any future encounters or cause you to question future relationships or even yourself. True love is hard to find, but it is out there. Every girl in the world has a prince that will treat her like the princess she truly is. That one guy that truly understands you, the one that will travel any distance for her, climb any mountain, use whatever it takes, leap cliffs, dodge fire and love you unconditionally. But to find that person you have to take a risk, and take a chance. As long as you keep moving and keep meeting new people, you never know. Maybe one of these unpolished stones will end up your diamond  
Honestly speaking, I'm content with the single life. There are times when i feel blue and I wish I had an S/O to lean on as a pillar of support and comfort. But I realized, I cant afford to settle down yet, not with my current lifestyle anyways since my goals require huge time commitments. Finding the right balance is important for falling in love. 
Don't ever think you are alone, there are alot of people out there that feel the same way you do. Love is like growing a flower. You gotta water it daily and put in some affection, sunlight, nutrients and stuff. Adding too much water will cause the the flower to drown and too little will cause it to wilt and die alongside the other elements. You cant rush a work of art. Patience is key to growing a strong beautiful flower. 

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Guest Gookies

If you get into a relationship solely because you feel lonely, it'll probably fail. You've already said you're happy with how things are now. Don't go and ruin it. 

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