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Girls: Do You Hate Hot Guys and Girls?

Guest mickeyd

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Guest mickeyd

I get random 'hate' comments quite a bit.

People will literally randomly insult me as I walk down the street, enjoy a drink with friends, or when I enter a room.

I don't dress up any more, since the insults tend to multiply when I do. I would love to go out wearing a nice blazer or even a dressy shirt, but I really can't. I draw too much attention to myself.

I know that exceptionally pretty girls deal with this as well.

Why do people try to cut down people if they think they are better looking? Why can't they accept themselves and accept others?

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Guest Necessary Evil1430292221

You're really confident or extremely arrogant, show us a picture and we'll tell you how much we hate you :).

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Guest nana544

mickeyd said: I get random 'hate' comments quite a bit.

People will literally randomly insult me as I walk down the street, enjoy a drink with friends, or when I enter a room.

I don't dress up any more, since the insults tend to multiply when I do. I would love to go out wearing a nice blazer or even a dressy shirt, but I really can't. I draw too much attention to myself.

I know that exceptionally pretty girls deal with this as well.

Why do people try to cut down people if they think they are better looking? Why can't they accept themselves and accept others?

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I found you.


I'm onto you. "mickeyd". Your real name is Ronald.
Fear of clowns, known as coulrophobia is ranked 22nd on the list of the general public fears. Maybe if you stop looking like a damn clown, then people will stop hating you.

And wipe that ugly richard simmons smirk off your damn face.

Edit: I like the swear filter for once.

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Guest Kerriganton

nana544 said: mickeyd said: I get random 'hate' comments quite a bit.

People will literally randomly insult me as I walk down the street, enjoy a drink with friends, or when I enter a room.

I don't dress up any more, since the insults tend to multiply when I do. I would love to go out wearing a nice blazer or even a dressy shirt, but I really can't. I draw too much attention to myself.

I know that exceptionally pretty girls deal with this as well.

Why do people try to cut down people if they think they are better looking? Why can't they accept themselves and accept others?

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If I hate anyone, it wouldn't be because of their looks lol 
But no, I like looking at pretty girls and cute guys. For some reason, guys who don't know how to dress like to put down guys who dress well, whereas it's the other way around with girls. Girls like guys who dress well though, and people in general respect you more because you look better educated and know how to look after yourself, so just ignore the ones who put you down. 

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Hmm, are you sure it is because of your looks and not because of your attitude?
I have seen dozens of people before and know a few that are absolutely stunning. Those who are down to earth and not full of their appearance are never insulted for their looks. However, it is ones that have the attitude and are completely full of themselves that experience stuff like people gossiping about them and whatnot. I doubt strangers would go as far as insulting someone based on their looks when they did not do anything to them.

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on a more serious note, i notice that girls do talk smack about other girls. there is a bit of truth in their smack talk, but most of it seems to be uncalled for. whenever a girl goes out in public it feels like she joins a competition to be the girl who brings in the most attention, to show off the nicest items. when girls play dirty, like dress like prostitutes, they hate on them.
guys are too busy doing their own thing or looking at girls to check out and judge other guys. but im straight so guys who swing the other way might be different.

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Guest Karen Adle

It's natural, we all get hate comments. Don't let it get to you. I know it feels horrible, but they're most likely jealous of you...and need to put you down for whatever reason to just boost their ego. If you like dress up, then continue to do it. I know ignoring hateful comments is really hard to do. But think of it as a positive thing, and just remember that they are just interested/jealous they're not you. :) it could be worse, many of us get ignored.

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Guest ikweli

ajlee613 said: on a more serious note, i notice that girls do talk smack about other girls. there is a bit of truth in their smack talk, but most of it seems to be uncalled for. whenever a girl goes out in public it feels like she joins a competition to be the girl who brings in the most attention, to show off the nicest items. when girls play dirty, like dress like prostitutes, they hate on them.
guys are too busy doing their own thing or looking at girls to check out and judge other guys. but im straight so guys who swing the other way might be different.

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I'm going to write this with the premise that "hot" means dressed nicely, as opposed to good looks, since you mentioned being dressed in a blazer and what not. I experienced some of this when I was in high school....I'd wear a Lacoste polo and khakis and have a few people sneer at me for being a "rich boy" and a "show off." Obviously was not my intention and it's not like the demographic of my high school was bad or anything (a large majority of middle-class Asian families). When I started college, I didn't give a crap what people thought of me....I wore a dress shirt, black tie, and jeans to class a few times. I wore a Polo blazer with a white dress shirt and khakis. My point is, don't pay mind to those who don't matter, and wear what you want to. Now if this thread is in regards to your physical looks, I can't help you there, man. Embrace your physical blessing if that's what it is. I know a lot of people make assumptions based off of labels or the style of dress you may dress (ex. Preppy - any Polo, Lacoste, office-like attire), but like said - dress the way you want. I think in general, guys don't pay extreme mind to this. Girls though, yeah - completely different story.

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Guest musiklover

cause their either jealous or insecure and immature
good looking people are generally treated better
I think the hating is themselves ...just learn the experience
and tell richard simmon my richard simmons

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Guest ZoidbergMD

your sexiness is irrelevant if you're not as sexy as this sexy man dancing in his sexy mesh shirt.

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Guest P a p e r_C l i p

Quite the opposite I love looking at attractive guys and girls on the street, especially if they have a good sense of style as well. Often times i'll straight up compliment him/her. 
Although i'll admit if the person looks like they're super arrogant i'll be much less inclined to compliment them and more so be tempted to knock them down a peg. It's one thing to be attractive/good looking, another to be attractive/good looking and act like you're better than everyone else because of it. 

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